a film by stilian ivanov lidia kovacheva between science and the myth lidia kovacheva 1914 - 2002 if we didn't believe in immortality we might claim that here rests one of the mentors of modern bulgaria - lidia kovacheva. an artist, a healer, an enlightener. what's transient has really gone but the essence of lidia has never left us.
with her healing system based on fruits and herbal tea she's helped tens of thousands of people from all over the world to cure not just their bodies but their souls as well. although she was an artist or maybe just because of her creative view of the world lidia kovacheva managed to create a unique healing method which has enlisted bulgaria in the global health protection. today nutritionists from different corners of the world apply what lidia has created.
but our story is going to be about those several bulgarians who, just like apostles, do not only apply but further evolve her healing system invoking back to life their teacher having gone from this world years ago. on august the 31st 2014 lidia kovacheva would have celebrated her centenary. with cordial words and bright hearts we commemorate her anniversary. ever since i've become a trainer i've been interested in nutrition.
i started fasting when i began reading blavatsky and then vera marinova, a distinguished sports journalist, told me that in bulgaria we had a certain lidia kovacheva who was dealing with healing through fasting and nutrition and taking control of our lives and our energy with the way we feed ourselves. that was a really fortunate day for me – the day i met this exceptionally radiant woman with those really blue eyes,
so blue that one remembers them forever. it was the ninth day of my fasting on water only. then lidia told me, "let it not be just on water. "include some fruit juice. "when you bite on a fruit let the juice inside and the fibers should get out." we talked a lot and she gave me many advises. lidia was totally devoted to this cause – traditions in nutrition,
alternative healing through fasting, selection and combining of food. i remember, when i travelled to america she asked me to get her dr. shelton's book and i had some books from the soviet union so if both in america and in the soviet union one and the same healing and nutrition is being recommended then the truth should be really there. come on, speak up!
speak up! some 15 years ago i started digging deeper and deeper in folklore and tradition. we prepare many shows. dance, dance! tradition is not just music, songs and dances. our whole life is tradition. we have tradition in law but in nutrition as well. if we really wish to be a healthy and able nation
we need to think about it. the microphone! traditionally our folk has had simple and healthy eating habits. but what do we do now: out of love we stuff our kids with food rejected by the west but we gladly give it to our children and poison them with food that makes them dumber with the preservatives it contains. give it a little. yes.
i cannot even say "let's remember lidia." lidia will always be before my eyes – this energetic woman who was telling me how she does 20 crunches every morning while most of us get tired even from bending down to tie their shoes. i cannot say "i remember" as if for someone who has been and has already gone. lidia is among us. she has her followers. enter the rich ones.
after fasting for a while one starts feeling a kind of lightness and one does not feel like eating at all. i wouldn't advise anybody to follow my example. use your arms and shoulders! gosho! since we are talking about nutrition and lidia kovacheva i'd like to share my experience. it was in 1984 or 1985.
i made a nine-day fast and then another one for 14 days. before each fast i used to eat only raw food for a whole month. rade, go in now. when i realized how much energy a fasting gave me i naturally started fasting during every contest. for one very hard contest i fasted for 23 days only on water. i did not feel any fatigue at all. i slept only for four hours a day
and held training sessions lasing for ten hours at least. hold the line! listen to the music! i fast each wednesday and friday for 24 hours evening to evening. i don't have breakfast in the morning, just coffee. and i avoid having late meals. now i fast for 2-3 days only when i get ill. who mixes up? when a person is sick
one doesn't have to eat in order to get well but has to follow the example of animals. when an animal is sick it hides away, avoiding any contact, declining any food. everybody shout "who, who?" come on, eva! "who, who?" we make a child eat stuffing them with food while their body is coping with the illness. if it wasn't for us a child knows what to do.
a child is driven by instincts. lidia once told me how she treated her son when he was ill - with fasting only. when my daughter used to get sick i always let her decide for herself when to eat or not to eat. "you!" everybody shout "you!" the headset should be comfortably snug. put your right hand over the metal plate and hold the electrode with your right hand.
dr. georgieva met lidia kovacheva in 1991 looking for cure for her serious health problems which were incurable by traditional medicine. dr. georgieva today combines what she learned from lidia with the latest technical advances in medicine. when lidia kovacheva looked at me with her blue eyes i just believed deeply in her system because i felt that our body had to be balanced and we had to believe in what we do.
only then there would be results. i went through a lot of fasting programs under lidia kovacheva's control in the course of two years lasting from 10 to 15 days followed by a rational vegetarian regime. later on from a patient i became a diligent follower of lidia kovacheva's ideas and the idea of a natural way of living and nutrition. together we worked, elucidated the health conditions
and in the year 2000 together we founded the center for natural medicine and health-starving treatment in bankya. she was my spiritual teacher who gave me strength to go on through the years in combining the power of traditional medicine with natural cures which i learned from lidia. whenever there is some problem i remember her words: "life, health and happiness belong to those able to fight for them." thanks to lidia kovacheva's system
dr. georgieva has solved her most pressing issue: the inability to have a child. following strictly lidia's instructions verginia has become a mother at the age of 40. the child has grown healthy with no problems whatsoever and his breastfeeding continued for two and a half years. my son is the living proof that lidia kovacheva's system is well adapted to the modern lifestyle. he eats lots of fruits, vegetables, fish, nuts,
drinks lots of liquids and juices and he is a healthy and vital young man. with his daily fitness plan dr. georgieva's son and his friends prove that lidia kovacheva's system is totally applicable to those going actively for sports. the system is suitable for children too by encouraging them to eat more fruits and vegetables, with less chemistry in their therapy and more herbal tea.
thus we are going to get results in our practice. i have proven it. unlike the not so distant past today more and more fitness instructors claim that perfect physical shape can be achieved by being vegetarian as well. just like ancient philosophers the nowadays vegetarians successfully combine natural diet with sports and learning. the actor from the national theatre yurii angelov is one of the many artists in bulgaria having saved their personal and professional life
thanks to lidia kovacheva's system. here is what he told us. she welcomed me to her home like i was her own child. at that time she was forbidden to heal other people. she was saving lives just like dimkov did but were forbidden by the authorities. she always welcomed me at her doorstep. i was crawling up the stairs exhausted by the starvation, looking awful, scared to look in the mirror
and she, with her heavenly presence and that halo of her white hair, with her incredible smile and tender voice used to say to me: "yurka, you look so well!" it gave me energy to stand a few more days of fasting. thus, gradually, in the course of two years i was put on feet again. lidia kovacheva saved yurii angelov so that he could speak to you now. i went to the country and in my contact with animals, nature, the local people, the songs of strandzha mountain i completed the healing process i started with lidia kovacheva.
people should be happy that nowadays many people turn to nature and the natural methods of healing. back then it was only lidia kovacheva and dimkov. now everybody is favored. dr. emilova was admitted to lidia kovacheva's home and we were cured together. later on she opened a sanatorium. there are other well acquainted healers, too. along came the chinese, the tibetan healers.
it is a whole chain of natural healing. but lidia kovacheva was the first one. she was the pioneer of the natural way of living. these are hard times when all the foods are fake containing lots of e-s. i even think that nowadays wars are waged with e-s in the shopping malls. this fake degenerated food we eat poisons not just our bodies. when the body is poisoned the soul does not function properly either.
dr. georgi gaidurkov is another medical doctor who after being cured at lidia kovacheva's has started applying in his practice her system of a healthy lifestyle and nutrition. i would say that lidia kovacheva was like my second university. with her i got to know a kind of medicine no one had mentioned to me before in the long course of my education. i had made efforts in that direction but that was some kind of taboo. the main thing about this system
is that it provides the body such comfort so that it could engage its genetic programs and regenerate itself naturally. when one develops an illness at microscopic level two things are found: something is in excess. lidia used to joke that we get sick of too much. a main principle of life is that excess leads to deficiency. if we have consumed too much animal food
which results in lots of waste metabolites, our body piles up waste substances that at some point become visible in the form of sclerotic plaques, gall-bladder- or kidney stones, etc. on the opposite side is the deficiency. nowadays we see that even the obese people in fact are deeply undernourished. health is like a garden and the doctor is the gardener who takes care of the garden without intervening too rudely.
"first, do no harm." this is the ancient norm of medicine. our task is as a team with the patient to put the body in such a state so that we do not obstruct. however strange it seems, healing is a state of not obstructing. secondly and simultaneously we have to fill in the deficiencies because, i'll repeat again, if we have excess, it always leads to deficiency in the body. here are some of the foods which can be named as being most harmful to man:
this is the food we often call junk food – the technologically processed food. but these products are all around us: all kinds of chips, pretzels and not only them. lots of products which have been traditional are now technologically processed. for example the sausages with their preservatives including sodium nitrite e250. the artificially added salt,
the artificially added in great quantities sodium chloride. nature has provided not just the sodium but also all the necessary ions and salts food contains. i often joke with my patients that god has found the exact formula and has not forgotten to add the sodium chloride. people nowadays don't suspect it but the added salt is the main reason for obesity for example. we all know that fried food is harmful.
thermally processed fat is one of the harmful ingredients we let inside us daily. but i have found out something most people do not know - even the so called good fats, being an extracted product, very often cause harm to our bodies especially when combined with an imbalanced diet. this bas-relief of the god of medicine asclepius is a gift from lidia kovacheva with an inscription: dear gosho, let the ancient god asclepius be with you.
may you always be happy on your new road of real medicine. respectfully yours, with lots of love, lidia kovacheva we need to listen to our inner self and instincts, they speak from the depths of our souls. when we give a chance to our body to clean all the wastes then the voice within us speaks up and we may trust ourselves. then we know at what time to have some food, whether to have breakfast or not and, what is most important, then we restore our sense towards human food,
those foods which nature has intended for us. most of all these are fruits, vegetables, grains and beans, as well as raw nuts. the producer kutsi vaptsarov is one of the many propagators of lidia kovacheva's system without having personally met the renowned self-taught healer. he has started eating healthily following dr. gaidurkov's advises. i've been in this for 14 or 15 years. it all started long ago when i went camping
and was curious what would happen if i ate only water-melon for 3 days. i felt incredible, heavenly. my organism had cleaned itself so thoroughly that i liked it so much and i ate only water-melon for two weeks. i felt an incredible surge of energy. i was emotionally overexcited. i even started writing. that was the first time i started writing. never before had i had any idea that i was going to write a book. here is lidia's favorite motto that kutsi shares entirely:
"food is a medicine." such an incredible logic! i would be glad if people understood it and believed in it. but here is what the modern man does: they live not so healthily or even harmfully to oneself which gets them in trouble and they assume that by going to the pharmacy they will have some magical pills to save them so that they carry on with their unhealthy lifestyle. here is another one of lidia's advises
kutsi often reminds to his friends and pupils: pain is your friend because illness is a symptom and not the end. when getting ill one has to think it over. our body is a great structure. illness is its way to alarm you to take measures. deunov has said: "make friends with your illness and if you act right it will go away naturally." well done! one has to be able to tell alive from dead food.
fruits are an explicit example of alive food. that's why lidia kovacheva's and dr. gaidurkov's logic is at least twice a year to carry out a two-week cleansing feeding with fruits only. what can a person eat during the day: oat flakes, flax seed, nuts which are really tasty. in my own experience what is most beneficial and inexpensive as well is feeding ourselves with live food, with natural food.
learning to cure ourselves with food - this is godlike. lidia kovacheva saved my life. when i met her i was in really bad health. i was desperate that nothing could help me. after heavy constipation continuing for many years and a migraine that followed it years after i devoured a great quantity of analgesics and my blood tests showed renal damage. the orthodox medicine was giving me no chance
but only hemodialysis with which life is really short. of course i wouldn't believe. i was young, being 45 or 46 years old, my children were still very young. then, looking for a way to save myself, i came across something written by lidia and managed to arrange a meeting. i will never forget the day we met. the door opened and there was a small, thin, brightly smiling woman
with wonderful white hair like a halo surrounding her head. although she was way older than me i couldn't turn to her by mrs. kovacheva. from the first moment to me she was lidia. entering the small corridor of her apartment i said: "lidia, i am a miserable medical doctor from varna and my only hope to save myself is here with you." i had to start living and feeding in a totally new way in order to heal myself from the migraine
and later my chronic constipation was gone too. from that moment on when i treated patients by this system i always found a correlation between the heavy migraine and a prior chronic constipation lasting for 5, 10 or more years. there was always a correlation. but i had to go to lidia - an artist from the arts academy - in order to connect these two health disorders. my renal damages gradually went away. i also had an enlarged and very greasy liver harmed by medicines.
this was also cured. my hemoglobin which had always been very low now was really high hitting the norm for men. i was extremely vital and energetic. everybody wanted to spend time with me while before that i was a bad companion. she changed my life, saved my life. for many more years i was given the chance to be with my children, with my dearest people and my husband,
to live to have grandchildren and watch them grow up. i owe it all to this wonderful person lidia kovacheva. in bulgaria we had a certain lidia kovacheva she's been dealing for a long time with healing through fasting and taking control of our lives and energy by nutrition. who gave me strength to go on through the years. what is most beneficial and inexpensive as well is feeding ourselves with live natural food.
learning to cure ourselves with food. lidia kovacheva saved my life. as time passed by i witnessed the incredible effect on my health and i became interested how such a simple system of eating fruits and drinking herbal tea can lead to those astonishing results i saw whenever i visited her. many people used to go to her, everyone with their own story. i gradually realized that this is an astounding system of healing
because with no drugs or any harmful to the body methods a perfect health could be achieved. i was curious how come that lidia, although she wasn't a doctor, could cope and recommend her system and apply it in a certain way with different people of different gender, age, including children, who had all kinds of illnesses and combinations of health issues. then i realized that she was the eternal medical student
reading lots of medical literature. besides, being an artist, she was extremely keen of observation and used to notice things which i, being just an ordinary doctor, could not see. she also gave a personal example having cured herself of severe tuberculosis affecting both her lungs, an extremely damaged liver and digestive organs harmed by medications taken for more than ten years, and she had managed to heal herself.
i so much admired everything lidia was doing that i could no longer treat patients with medicines or recommend operation. during one of my visits i asked her: "may i have your permission to cure patients by your system?†she answered: "of course, lyudmila. i am going to help you." so on the 5th of may 1993 i started treating my patients by lidia kovacheva's system. lidia kovacheva was thrilled
whenever medical doctors showed any interest in her system or wanted to apply her system to their patients. she was really proud when i founded this centre. in dr. emilova's health centre contradictions seem to reconcile. orthodox medicine and ancient tradition find common ground here. the ancient practice of the bulgarian healers, a part of which is the fruit healing of lidia kovacheva, finds its scientific explanation through 20 years of monitoring of more than 45 000 patients from all over the world.
lidia kovacheva created a healing method with undisputable effect. even after her it is being used and developed by her followers. the contribution of dr. emilova is the unique organization of the healing process. she has provided constant medical observation with a wide array of laboratory tests and checkups. in dr. emilova's center we've been monitoring for years the health of patients who apply lidia kovacheva's method for healing and prevention.
it enables us to correctly record and document the healing effects of this method so that it becomes known to a wide circle of medical specialists. this is our doppler sonography room. since 2001 here takes place the vascular diagnostics and monitoring of patients treated by the method of lidia kovacheva. vascular diseases have the highest mortality and disability rate. at the same time they are very well influenced by the healing method of lidia kovacheva.
when the changes are initial and still convertible the blood vessels get recovered entirely. in other cases it allows a better quality of life, a better control of the disease and a lower dosage of the medications used in order their side effects to be avoided. of course we have patients with severe and long term vessel changes. medications are quite insufficient with them and the new medical technologies cannot be applied fully
or are even counter-indicative. so the healing method of lidia kovacheva is the only alternative for these patients against their gradual becoming disabled. lidia kovacheva is indeed a unique talent but at that time very few people had the chance to cure themselves by her system. things are different now and in dr. emilova's clinic not only people from bulgaria have access to the fruit regime.
patients from all over the world but mostly from greece, turkey, romania, germany, russia... ...from england, france, usa, israel and other countries. a lot of them come to bulgaria for the first time and the main reason is their interest in this program. the prevailing part are the so called socially significant diseases – illnesses that are common in the modern world: high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, hormonal disorders,
neuroses, arthritis, cysts, miomas and other benign or malignant tumors in a stage favorably influenced by our program. blood tests show us what people carry within themselves, how have they eaten and lived before coming to us. sometimes a person wouldn't share everything but when we look at the results it all becomes clear. sometimes the results do not show any illness or anything that one could feel.
but these are hidden changes in the body functions that may lead to a disease in the future. the tests results show us the pathological changes or accumulated surpluses and thus we follow the efficiency of the program because at the end the tests are repeated and we can see what happens inside that living body. lidia kovacheva's system is often associated with weight loss. it is a mistake because this is not just another weight loss diet.
luckily we have a device being able to trace out the changes in the components of the body in the course of the program. the device shows us the levels of the fats, the liquids, the dry substance and the water in the body at the beginning and at the end of the program. we see that when we start fasting water is the first thing that leaves our body. this is really important. it leads to lower blood pressure,
reduced swelling, improvement of lots of parameters. much later on the fats start diminishing too. after my 12 years of experience in this center i have to say that many diseases, both gastro-intestinal and gall and liver disorders, are very well influenced by this diet. fatty liver, or steatosis, is influenced really well and we witness in the course of fasting especially when it is being repeated in time
and combined with the proper resumption of feeding that the liver gets gradually cleaned from fat deposits which results in a reduction in its size. fasting affects very well a common colon disorder known as irritable bowel syndrome especially when combined with colon hydrotherapy - a method that is offered here to our patients as well. lidia kovacheva's system acquired its scientific explanation after a 20-year monitoring of patients
with all the necessary medical tests carried out by some of the best medical specialists in bulgaria, some of them with academic ranks. all this research proved the exact way in which lidia kovacheva's system works. this is the greatest contribution of our centre to her system. there are different testimonials in the scientific literature that when less sugars are being consumed the level of resistant insulin is lowered too.
the insulin resistance is at the bottom of all risk factors nowadays. it leads to higher arterial pressure, raised lipidic levels, dislipidemia - improper arrangement of the lipidic components in the human organism - and also type 2 diabetes. our organisms become insensitive to insulin and that is how a vicious circle arises - insensitivity of the peripheral muscular cells to insulin,
further rising of the insulin levels, ever higher hypertonia and a more pronounced dislipidemia causing coronary and cerebrovascular disorders. what is being registered in our center is that the levels of the arterial pressure get normalized and the levels of the immunoreactive insulin get lowered with this diet. to summarize, all this means that this method, which is a bulgarian one
and is being applied currently in our center, has its scientific ground which becomes clear in the last few years. there is a western and an eastern view of the human being. the western model states that happiness is something outside of us. one has to compete with the others and acquire certain things in order to be happy and feel well which separates the person instead of connecting them to the whole. according to the eastern view happiness depends upon oneself,
upon the way one feels within oneself and the way one is connected to people and the surrounding nature. according to this view nutrition is part of the whole, part of the way one becomes a whole individual. the closer one food is to nature, the greater energy value it possesses. that is why everything taken directly from nature - fruits, vegetables, herbs – directly conveys to the body the energy from the sun,
needs much less processing and it is much easier for man to achieve a total inner balance. in order to feel really well one has to be careful with the energy that is let inside in the form of communication with the others, the quality of the energy from people and food, and never to use food as a surrogate or as a center of one's whole life. when a person goes through a crisis and changes spiritually
they change their feeding style as well. one who has been a meat eater could develop their spiritual self and experience such an internal evolution so that meat might already seem tasteless and the person naturally becomes vegan or vegetarian. this is not an external process that could be forced from outside. it is something that happens from within. one decides they want change, to change what is input in the form of food and energy,
to change the way one perceives oneself, to change the emotions one allows as food for the soul, to realize who they are and how they connect to the world so they feel as a complete entity. lidia kovacheva has created a wonderful healing method that is very gentle to the body and treats a lot of disorders. from the first few days one feels better and more vital, the complaints start subsiding and gradually disappear. one of the first affected parameters is blood pressure.
its high levels gradually get lowered down and tend to normalize. when people who have started this diet have been taking regularly some medications, they need to stop them. such a method of total healing of the arterial pressure exists nowhere else. what we do is a holter monitoring of the blood pressure - for 24 or 48 hours the patient wears an appliance that registers the measurements of the blood pressure
according to a given time schedule or whenever such a measurement is necessary. in our center we combine lidia kovacheva's program with the diagnostic methods of modern medicine. lidia kovacheva is a unique talent but at that time very few people had the chance to cure themselves by her system. although there are lots of healing systems through fasting i chose lidia kovacheva's system for my center because the modern civilized man is so stuffed with toxins
coming from the harmful junk food they eat every day, the liquids they take with lots of e-s, the dirty air modern man breathes for most of their life and the stress in which modern man lives creating additional toxins in their body, that if we apply healing through fasting on distilled water only, which is the oldest system applied in the 19th and 20th century, then the organism suddenly gets overwhelmed with so much toxins that they could cause severe damages
and a person may even die of one's own toxins if we apply healing with distilled water for a long time. although lidia kovacheva's system seems quite simple it cures severe chronic diseases, including autoimmune ones. an example is the case of keranka from burgas. a young woman with a heavy form of multiple sclerosis. she kept only to lidia kovacheva's program without spending a single day on distilled water and managed to destroy all plaques in her brain and spinal cord
and became a perfectly healthy woman. this can be proved with the mri scan she does every two years. we could also mention petros from cyprus who came to us taking 700-850 units of insulin per day. when this man went through lidia kovacheva's program he lost 50 kilograms excess weight and now he takes only 25-30 units of insulin for the whole day. as he said himself, from a dead man he became a really living man. lidia will always be before my eyes – this energetic woman.
because i felt that we had to believe in what we do. this method, which is a bulgarian one has its scientific ground. this system is often associated with weight loss. there are lots of diets achieving some weight reduction but few of them have this healing and purifying effect which gives us lidia kovacheva's program. when i founded the center to heal patients by lidia kovacheva's system
on the 5th of may 1993 i said that if bulgaria becomes a normal country lidia kovacheva should be canonized as a saint. the final words will be of lidia kovacheva herself. we hope you keep them in your minds and hearts. food is a medicine. pain is our friend. life, health and happiness belong to those able to fight for them. written and directed by stilian ivanov
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