mongolia, the land of blue skies, conveys a mystique that lies in the nation’svast wilderness and strong spirit that stillgrace her people today. it is a country of diverselandscape and climates, ranging from perpetualsnow-tipped mountaintops to life-sustaining grasslands and the famous, arid gobi desert. since ancient times,
the nomadic way of lifethat is in harmony with nature has been carried onthrough the generations. the beautiful mongolian customs,culture and traditional art originating fromthe varied ethnicities are treasured as national legacies. in recent decades, this nation, home to approximately2.5 million mongolian people along with numerous speciesof unique flora and fauna, has become threatenedby the effects of climate change,
as evidenced by desertification, droughts and extremeweather conditions. concerned aboutthe state of the planet, members of the supreme masterching hai international association in mongolia organized the “global warming –sos international conference on urgent problemsof climate change†event, which took place at the central palace ofculture in ulaanbaatar, the country’s capital on tuesday,january 27, 2009.
over 1000 guests attended, including hundreds of dignitariesand various organization leaders. among the vips who attended were mongolian parliament membermr. b. batbayar; former mongolian prime ministersodnom dumaa; former deputy prime minister and deputy governor of ulaanbaatarmr. ganbold davaadorj; dr. enkhtuvshin batbold, vice president ofthe academy of sciences;
mr. tsedendambaa samdan, religious and church affairs advisorto the president of mongolia; and mr. od och, foreign affairs advisorto the prime minister of mongolia. invited as guest of honor,supreme master ching hai graciously attendedvia live videoconference to answer questionsfrom the audience. in light of the scientific evidencestressing the grave state of our planetcaused by climate change
and the urgent needfor immediate action, supreme master ching haiaffirms the important message she has been deliveringfor over the past two decades: we must be vegetarian, meaning an animal-free diet, and we must practicesustainable living. one of the conference’s highlightswas a special message from mongolian presidentnambaryn enkhbayar. as the president was onan overseas trip at the time,
his letter was deliveredto the audience by his advisor,mr. tsedendambaa samdan. the event was coveredby 22 media groups, including major newspapers “unen,†“zuunii medee,â€and “mongoliin medee,†mongolian national radioand fm105.5, and national television channelstv 9, mongolian national broadcasting’smm agency, and eagle tv. radio station fm 105.5,
tv 9, along withsupreme master television, broadcast the conferencelive for its audiences. following the global warmingconference was a ceremony celebrating the release of the new mongolianand russian editions of supreme master ching hai’s“the birds in my life,†a #1 international bestselling book. afterward, a grand musical concertwas held as a dedication to mother earth,
with supreme master ching haias the special honored guest. we now invite you to join us for the “videoconferencewith supreme master ching hai: global warming –sos international conference on urgent problems of climate change,†held on january 27, 2009in ulaanbaatar, mongolia. the next questioner isuransaikhan yadamsuren, executive director ofanispharm trade company. welcome, madam.
supreme master, it’s a great honor to meet you.(hallo.) nowadays, in our countrythere are more people who support vegetarianismand green industries, more peoplewho adopt a vegetarian diet and more people whopossess the desire to plant treesand help the environment. in the olden days, our ancestors didn’tconsume much meat
and mostly used dairy productsfor food. but today, there arevery few people who accept that a person can survivewithout eating meat. the number of livestock isdramatically increasing in our country. along with that, we don’t have a strong foundationof fruit and vegetable industries, and do not have enoughvegetables for supply. this is a great setback for peoplewho would like to become vegetarian.
also the leaders of the world do not seem to havea consistent understanding of what global warmingis all about. in my opinion, world leadersshould take the initiative and be courageous regarding this. so, supreme master,may i suggest that you write letters about this particular topicto leaders of nations and invite them to work togetheron this urgent global matter? thank you.
supreme master,it’s a great honor to meet you. nowadays, in our country,there are more people who supportvegetarianism and green industries, more people whoadopt a vegetarian diet and more peoplepossess the desire but today, there arevery few people who accept that a person can survivewithout eating meat. the number of livestockis dramatically increasing this is a great setback for people
who would liketo become a vegetarian. also the leadersof the world do not seem to have a consistent understanding supreme master, may i suggestthat you write letters and invite them to work togetherin this urgent global matter? sure, madam. i am the presidentof the united nations! i can do that! i wish i could influencethe body of the world governments,
before you even say that. but, nevertheless, i have tried my bestin many ways, and i have requestedour association members to write to the governments wherever they canand whenever we can. and we still continue to do that. the livestock raising must stop. mongolia,as with the rest of the world,
is experiencingmore severe weather, more fatal patterns of climate change due to the effects of global warming. so, you can see in mongoliadroughts, harsher winters, more frequency ofdust storms and blizzards. with livestock raising, we deplete mongolians’ alreadylimited natural resources and even put mongolia countrymore in danger of desertification. instead of grazing animals,
we can begin plantingthe organic vegetables, which is more healthy to everyone. we have to choose a vegetarian dietover animal breeding. if more and more peoplechoose organic farming as well, we help each otherto the best possible of our ability and most gentle wayfor all beings and the earth. from then, we can share foodsince we have so much food. we have abundance of food, more than enough for everyonewithout even having to buy it.
and we save time and other resources to go toward other things, like ending diseaseand helping those in need. by not subsidizing the meat diet, we save trillions of us dollarsper year. we save a lot of sufferingfrom meat-related illness. we save a lot of food to share withall the hungry in the world, so our conscience willnever have to wake up in the middle of the nightand bite us anymore.
we can do that throughsuch a method as hydroponics. you can even plantand harvest indoors, so we can do it also by ourselves. there’s no need even farmers; if we have a little garden,we can plant it ourselves. or if we have a balcony,we can even plant it in water. we must start now so that you can haveyour own vegetables. it’s very easy.
if you just have a little pot even,on the balcony, the size you want. and you just sow some seeds in it. a few days later, you already have some vegetables. salad, for example,some are grown in 3 days, or one week, or two weeks. and you can alwaystake turns to grow it again. and in the garden,it grows quicker.
in the old time, if we look intothe mongolian history, the people of mongoliadid not eat so much meat, then we should be convinced that meatless dietsustained our ancestry, and still can sustain us. and nowadays, even evidently through medicaland scientific research that vegetarian dietis absolutely healthy.
it’s just peopledon’t know about this and don’t have time to do research, so we have to inform them. please do inform your people. we are doing that,but we need your help. we cannot do everything, even though we haveassociation members everywhere. but, it’s not like the whole planetis my association member, is it? so, we need your help.
we need everybody’s help. we need all the helpfrom the government. we’re also writing lettersand all that. but, we need you alsoto write letters to your government or any governmentthat you think fit, any government at all. everybody please write. i agree completely with you that the government leadersand media can be most powerful
and helpful in spreading the messageto the most people about saving the planetthrough being vegetarian. we must work together. that’s why we have beenpassing out flyers. that’s why we havethe supreme master television. and that’s why we advertiseon newspapers, and railway station, bus,airplane, airport, etc., etc., wherever we can, with our own meansof financial ability,
including myself. but, it cannot be our voice alone. you help us, please,adding your voice and all the voicesfor this urgent matter. may buddha bless you. thank you, master.thank you for your blessing. everybody knows thatvegetarian diet is good for health and to save the planet. they will be awakening their own
great, compassionate,loving, self-nature. and then their level of consciousnesswill rise up automatically. and they will understandmore than they ever did. and they will be closer to heaventhan what they are right now. it is exciting to tell you againthat this is broadcasting live through supreme master televisionand and mongolian channel tv 9and mongolian radio 105.5. oh, radio also, thank you, thank you.
yes, master, radio, too. thank you,tv 9 and radio, too. these are positive mediaand we are very grateful. buddha bless you and your job,your noble intention. thank you, master. that concludes our questionand answer session. would you care to addany other comments? everybody already understood, and i hope the audiences aresatisfied with my answers.
and if they have any more questions, or anything that’s not clearfrom my answer, please let me know. if not, then i would wish youa very, very, beautiful, satisfactory, lucky,prosperous, healthy, enlightened, ox new lunar year. and please: be veg, go green, save the planet. thank you for your loving concern.
supreme master ching haiwishes all of you a satisfactory, lucky,prosperous, healthy, and enlightened new year. she encourages us to be veg,save the planet; and to save the planet,we should eat vegetables. god bless you. thank you foryour invaluable insight. it’s great to hearyour priceless advice for this challenging situation.
god bless mongolia. buddha bless mongolia. supreme master ching haiconveys her apologies that time did not permit a replyto all the questions submitted at the sos mongolia videoconference, so she would like to address themhere on supreme master television. the following question is frommr. batmend rentsen, professor and leading expert atthe institute for strategic studies. dear supreme master ching hai,
i express my sincere gratitudefor this opportunity to be a part of this wonderful event. i very much admire, respect, and support your effortsin bringing peace, nobility, and moralityinto the lives of people in our world. my question is: with absolutely no regardor consideration towards the environmentand its natural resources, humankind has gone overboardwith materialism and consumption
as a means to happiness. all of these factors are contributing to worsening the effectsof global warming and adding to the frequencyand the number of natural disasters. does supreme master think thatwe still have a chance to neutralize global warmingand slow down desertification? yes, professor rentsen,we do. but humanity must understandthe dire state of our planet. this is the message
we have been workingto spread to the world. if humans understandthe need to change, the first change that must be made is to eliminate meat consumptionand production. this will allow the planet time for other ecological changesto be made. practically speaking, meat contributes to at least 80%of global warming and pollution. so, just eliminating the meatliterally saves the planet
and gives us all longer lifeand happiness. if we continue on our coursewithout change, the earth will continue tosee more severe weather due to climatic changes. people will suffer frommore frequent disasters. it will disrupt the balanceof our planet, causing glaciers to melt,rivers to flood, and desertification,drought and famine will result from destructionof agricultural land.
to slow such calamities,including desertification, we must switch to a cruelty-free diet and, hence, reducethe bad karma of killing. this is the most important step, and other practicessuch as organic vegan farming or ordering large quantitiesof organic foods together will also help. any conservation efforts like thisdo benefit the planet. as you mentionedabout over-consumption,
we really do not need so much food or even other things to live. as long as we allmake the right choice of a healthy,compassionate lifestyle, the health of all beingsand the planet is assured. the following question is frommr. batmunkh sodnom, senior advisor onthe committee of government affairs, mathematician, writer and poet. what is the role of humankindin helping to stop global warming?
is there a way to reach outto the whole of humanity and make them understandthe importance of their role in this? since the very beginningof its existence, our planet had volcanic eruptions that radiated the heatfrom the earth’s core, and also the heat from the sun iscausing the warming of our earth. could this all be the reasonfor global warming? scientists worldwide have agreed that the current global warmingis caused by humans’ activities
being out of balance with nature. heat from the earth’s coreand the sun are natural processes. if our earth is in balancewith the ozone layer intact, we would be protected. there are many reports available now,from the united nations and other respectedscientific bodies, that document the human causeof climate change. so, humanity can reverse it. the 2006 report from the un,“livestock’s long shadow,â€
outlines the role of meat consumptionin global warming. the meat industry also uses hugelyexcessive amounts of water. so, stopping meat eating is central to anyglobal warming solution. sometimes people just do not know, so we do what we canto inform them through advertising,flyer distribution, and sharing vegetarian food. if the government officials,such as yourself, are aware
and support this ideal,that is the best. we pray that all the governmentsand media in the world join hands in helping the public at largeto understand that the vegetarian diet is theonly solution right now. the following question is frommr. nyamdeleg burelkhuu, vice chairman of the institute ofpsychotronics. supreme master ching hai, i express my sincere gratitudefor your efforts to help humankind understandthe threat of global warming
and possibly haltthe disasters that may be coming. in my opinion,in order to save the planet, people who meditateneed to continue meditating, while people who don’tshould pray for the planet to be saved and prayfor peace to dawn upon earth. if people pray together every monthduring the full moon and during some significant daysaccording to the moon calendar, the positive powermight affect the world in a good way. would you please,supreme master,
speak to humanity about this? mr. burelkhuu,it is good that you mention the spiritual aspectof saving our planet. yes, prayer will help, but it cannot do much if we still continue withthe destructive ways of life in killing each otherand killing animals. we must return tothe higher, nobler ideals. so, along with the lovingintention of prayer,
please rememberthe importance of action. we need to make peacewith all beings, including the animals,through our deeds. love and peace begin on our table, with the food plates in our home. we need to extend our loveto other beings by letting the animals live in peace and adopting the plant-based dietfor ourselves. and we can extend our loveto family members
by stopping the causeof global warming on their behalf. so, please continue prayingbut also be as active as possible in promoting peace for all beings,starting with the animals. this is truly the wayto save the planet. thank you for your question, and i pray toothat this can be done. the following question is fromms. odmaa davaanyam, attorney at the nationalgovernment office. the traditional diet of mongols ismeat and dairy products.
our country hasa very short time period for cultivating the land. because of this, we are forced to useimported vegetables that often are not organicand substandard. what is the right food for us if we are to changeour traditional diet and turn to vegetarianism? master, what is your wish
regarding mongolian people’scontribution to combating global warming? madam davaanyam, thank you for your questionabout suitable foods. even with the limitationsof your climate, nowadays there are many waysto grow things on our own, even indoors, without soiland with little water. you could get togetherwith other people of similar interest and start a small growing cooperative.
and you can take an examplefrom your country’s neighbor, tibet, which has similargrowing conditions to mongolia. there, they have subsistedfor hundreds of years on barley, a hardy grainthat is full of nutrients. for delicious vegan recipes, you can go, where there are many, many free,easy-to-prepare dishes. since our environmentis already so delicate and fragile, especially mongolia’s,
we should be extra mindfulto protect the land by not burdening it with the demandscreated by livestock raising. this would cause even worsedesertification conditions, not to mentionthe animals’ suffering. my wish for the mongolian people is the sameas for all global citizens, and that is for an earth that is preserved in all its beautyand sustainability,
the way god had originally intended, an earth in which all inhabitantslive in love and dignity and respect for one another. the following question is frommr. amgalanbat batsuren, director general of the national information technologyinstitute of mongolia. honorablesupreme master ching hai, first of all, i would like to extendmy warmest greetings
and express my respectfor your tireless efforts for the better future of humankind. as you know, the mongols have a longand rich history of nomadic culture. for a country like mongolia thathas extreme climatic conditions, animal-based productshave been predominantly used in every aspect of livingthroughout the centuries. traditionally,nomadic livestock breeding has been the dominant sectorin our economy,
and since early childhood, the mongols develop loveand compassion for their animals while using different productsfrom them. in this context, what is the proper way to balance any given country’straditional lifestyle and culture with the future trends of this world? what is your opinion about it? hallo, director general batsuren.
surely the nomadic lifestyle is a rich and beautiful aspectof the mongolian culture. and we understand aboutthe love and appreciation between the mongols and the animals. that is very good. but, to be trulyin harmony with nature and to tread the most lightlyon our planet, the way we need toat this urgent time, we must completely respectthe life of all god’s creations,
as well as their unique contributionsto our world. this means we have tostop any kind of killing because even though the products are used ina context of compassion, it still involvessuffering to the animal. even consuming dairy productsis not something that happens between other animals in nature. and the raising of livestock produces dangerous and unwantedgreenhouse gases
which cause global warming and threaten our world’s existence. the vegetarian lifestyle is,therefore, the most fully developed levelof compassion. the following question is frommr. shagdar ambagait, professor and recipientof the highest state honor, “the people’s teacher.†our country is locatedin a large landlocked area surrounded by mountains,
with a high elevationabove sea level. with relatively weak ecosystemsof a dry gobi desert, a small percentage of forest cover,and a few rivers and lakes, do you think there is anyaction that can be taken in order to slow down or neutralize the effectsof global warming in our country? yes, professor ambagait. being vegan will havethe immediate effect of removing methanefrom the atmosphere,
which is one of the highestheat-retaining greenhouse gases, up to 72 times the heat-trapping effectof carbon dioxide. being vegan will surelyslow down desertification and preserve your natural resources,like lakes and rivers, and protect your forests. you can also employother green measures, such as planting trees or changing to green technology,
but those take longerto have an effect. the vegetarian diet is the fastest and also reducesthe bad karma of killing, thus, is the most important. and you can join with others tofind ways to obtain and prepare the most tastyand delicious foods. even in the sandy areas, there are many suitable food-plants that can be cultivatedwithout or with little water.
we may do research on those and cultivatefor our future sustenance. have lots of luck and joy withthese organic farming methods. we have some info about themon supreme master television, or there will be more soon. you can demand the assistanceof our mongolian members into finding them for youon our website. keep looking on suprememastertv.comfor new updates. thanks. european parliamentsupports reducing meat
to lower greenhouse gases. ... reduce your meat consumption or stop eating meat totally. during discussions on greenhouse gasreduction goals, the climate committeeof the european parliament officially recognized livestock’scontribution to global warming and recommended a reductionof subsidies to the livestock industryto curb methane. my name is jens holm.
i’m a member of theeuropean parliament. please: be veg, go green,save the planet! the following question is fromms. erdenemaa luvsandorj, department head at themongolian daily newspaper, unen. it is an honor to meet you,supreme master. what do you think the essenceof human existence should be based upon? in today’s world, humans are livinga very stressful life.
how do we combine meditationwith such a society, within such an environment? your words of advicewould be priceless. ms. luvsandorj, i thank the positive media like yourselfand for your care. the essence of human existence is based on reconnectingwith divine love and power, for it is our true sustenance without which we suffer too much,
as most of humans sadly do. through this love, we find the deeper valuesof care and compassion for all life. through this power, strength and wisdomwill protect and guide us toward happiness by correct actions, or else we are similarto a person in a dim cave, uncertain of our movesand, thus, hurting ourselves. this is also needed on earth,especially at this critical time.
as you mentioned, the balance of lifeis very important. the most important balanceat this urgent time on our planet is the return to virtue. we have the chance now to act, and so we should do so. we should meditate, be mindful and also act in keeping withclear principles of virtue, the first and foremostbeing, do no harm.
if we do no harm to others, especially meaningno killing of animals, we still have time topreserve the planet earth. so, the foremost action i suggestis the vegetarian diet. and the more peoplewe can reach with this message, the better the chancefor the earth’s future will be. so, we ask for the helpof all media members such as yourselfin spreading this message, for the sake of saving the world.
the following question is fromdr. narantugs tserendulam, director of khasu manal hospital. it is an honor for me tohave this opportunity of being able to participatein this conference and ask my question. i am a doctor trainedin traditional medicine. i have been workingfor 17 years as a doctor. the question i am going to ask is theoretically related tomy profession.
in our medical system, we believe that an individual soulcomes into material existence at the moment whenthe parents’ cells unite. that is why humansgenetically inherit the outer appearanceof their ancestors. however, our inner being, our soul is cursed evenbefore entering the body, and continues sufferingfrom this curse afterwards. even though we have pure mind,
sometimes we arevictimized by the curse. in mongolia, we say that good people tend to dieearlier than the bad ones. this has a ring of truth to it. people protect themselvesthrough different means. how do we protect our soulfrom being harmed? is there a way to protectone’s mind and body from being cursed? if a lot of good heartscome together,
will it change the world? how do we unitethis positive power? i have a strong faith in your vision, your charitable activitiesinspire me, and i support you with all my heart. i pray to you all the time. dr. tserendulam,thank you for your kind words. i understand your concern. and yes, the soul is whatwe need to worry about.
because even ifour physical body is destroyed, we must rescue our soul. and the way to do thatis by being virtuous in this life. this is the greatest protection. if we have compassion for othersin our daily life actions, we are already protected. this kind of compassion includesrefraining from eating animals. and through these samevirtuous, benevolent deeds the mind and bodywill be protected as well.
and yes, it is true that if a lot of good heartscome together, the world can be changed. the first change tounite this positive power is to adoptthe animal-free lifestyle. if enough peopleon the earth do this, the planet will be savedby benevolent energy. there is still hope and i believethat with everyone’s help,
we still can savethis beautiful planet. but the best protection that goes withvirtuous deeds is our self, our own original self. if we reconnectour mind with it, we will know better, function betterand live with clearer vision. anyone should do this. i can help to show how also.
that’s the best thingone can do to oneself, even if the planet is not safe, we will be safe, now and hereafter. now, we would like to welcome you to our “the birds in my lifeâ€special ceremony. “the birds in my lifeâ€is an international bestseller attaining the top positionon several charts, including
supreme master ching hai,who inspires countless people to become compassionatetoward our animal friends, shows the saintly natureand inner world of them through this book. with the grace of god, we are very gratefulthat we have the honor to have supreme master ching haijoining us. she is a spiritual leader and author of internationalbestselling books,
“the birds in my life,†“the dogs in my life,†and also “the noble wilds.†she will discussthe encouraging messages brought to usin this beautiful book which is harmonious co-existence of humans, animal friendsand mother nature. “the birds in my life†book will beavailable at internom, one of the largestbookstores in the city
in both mongolian& english versions. wow! that’s a surprise. thank you so much. thank you, master,for your blessing. we are thankfulsupreme master ching hai has set aside her busyschedule to join us today. now, ladies and gentlemen,let us welcome supreme master ching haione more time.
hallo. (hallo.) hallo. mongolians, how are you? hallo, master. your mongolianis really perfect now. your voice sounds very well. thank you, thank you. thank you so much for this honor and thank you so muchfor your hard work
to bring this meeting into fruition. thank you everyone that is involvedand all the audience, and thank youthe government, the president of mongolia, and thank you,the parliament members, and thank youthe media members who have been so kind,so supportive and so graciousto help us in this matter, and also lending an ear to our pleafor the rescuing of the planet.
buddha bless you all. we are very blessedfor this event to happen, and thank you so much for enlightening peoplewith this precious gift. now, we would liketo ask your attention to the special ceremony for welcoming the launch of“the birds in my life†book. this special ceremony symbolizes the mongolian traditionof honoring books.
in mongolia, books are consideredas treasure of human wisdom. please enjoy this specialwelcoming ceremony for our new book,“the birds in my life.†welcome. please enjoy. beautiful. they make it so beautiful. hallo,supreme master ching hai. i am extremely happy to see you.
i am very glad that you have gifted uswith this amazing book. hailing fromthe land of the blue skies, i’m a humble mongolian boywhose only wish and prayer is for the well-beingof the lovely animals that co-exist with us. be compassionate. please let those animals live. i am begging you all.
begging you. i love you. bye! wow! impressive! that was a genius kid. very smart. very smart boy. and with this special event, symbolizingthis beautiful inspiration we have received from“the birds in my life,â€
we will nowhave a cake ceremony. this is a cake of love, dedicated to the love forall beings in the universe. please notice thatthis is a vegetarian cake, the cake has no egg,cake of love. master, we would like youto cut this cake for this special ceremony of launching“the birds in my life†book. okay, we cut it, symbolically.
hope you enjoy. in mongolia, we would like to offerthe first piece of this cake to you, supreme master,our guest of honor. master, this isthe first piece for you and it has strawberry (thank you.)and kiwi inside. let’s read it actually,what it is said. be veg, go green
save the planet. so, the cake has the words “be veg, go green, and save the planet.†be veg, go green,save the planet. that is right. be veg. go green.
shall we repeat together? and save the planet. thank you! you’re welcome, master. our next performance isthe puppet performance. this is their special performanceconsisting of the roles of the birds in the book which is called“the birds in my life.†so, please enjoyour special puppet performance. azura
hallo, how do i look? beautiful? look, i don’t have feathers here. the secret is known only to mother,the book and me. if i ever losemy mother’s divine love, i need neither wingsnor feathers. (so cute.) actually, to look beautiful one needs topractice yoga yoga. (so beautiful!) like this, like this.
hallo, i’m amigo. i am a man. treat me like one! i am from heaven, too. what have i done wrong? won’t you look at me once? it is difficult to woo girls. let me just concentrate on hereand meditate. (beautiful! so cute!) kadula like this guy.
he has a bell-like snoutand sunny mood. he is so cute i think he’s tryingto please… somebody! tell me sunny,is that somebody, me? i also like you so… oh a lot… a lot.(they’re blowing kisses.) after you know she is... godly mother. gentino uug, uug, hallo?
how are you? i am 20 years old. i am strong. i love you. i love dogs. i love to preenand groom them, especially the long-haired ones. “come here, wou wou,good boy, good boyâ€â€¦ ha ha ha
it’s very funny,very funny. free joy she said that i sing a string of songslike pearls and waterfalls. acrobat tat, acrobat tic, upside down, inside out, ti ta ti ta i am singing, i am singing. ha ha ha ha ha ha
i am smiling, are you happy? i can also hop. mirabeau i’ll try to bring the gateright down. this could be the reasonwhy she is always late. okay, mirabeau. i also don’t like things like this green doorand eyeglasses.
but you should understand her. she is working tirelesslyfor the world. yes, yes, relax. 1, 2, 3…1, 2, 3. i know that you like me,but i am too big for you. oh, it depends on how you live, depends on how you live. lumino they said that i amthe most beautiful singer,
instrumentalist, and poet. they say i am “wonderful!†and asked meto show all my colors. look at meand then take my picture. are you done? now, we will sing a songfor the person we love the most. so cute! her hair is like golden feathers. her voice chimes like a bird’s
when she sings a lullaby an incomparable ocean of love. they call hersupreme master ching hai yes, she is a heavenly lady yes, she is a savior of the world. how cheerful performance. wow, wow! beautiful, impressive. do you like it, master? beautiful. god, so talented.
so beautiful.thank you ever so much. thank you, i am sureeverybody likes it. thank you forthe cheerful performance. next we receivedquestions and comments from the readers directed tosupreme master ching hai. the first question comesfrom selenge batdelger. honorable supreme master ching hai, i read your book“the birds in my life,†i found your bookto be quite beautiful and inspiring.
till now, humans believethat animals are less developed, however animals can seethe true nature of things and the inner essenceof the human beings. in your book you state that animals can convey storiesfrom a thousand years ago, thus my question is, why don’t humansshare this same ability? madam selenge, we have,we have this ability.
we have even more than that but we have forgotten because we are too busywith mundane concerns and survival. but we can re-train ourselves through connection with the divineand with the intelligence within us, the wisdom within us,just like the buddha did. we can re-train ourselves. and we could see more than that. see, the buddha can see many worldsabove our world
and he can remember things happened many, manythousands years ago. we all have these abilities,not just birds and dogs, not just the wild nature animals. but we humans have everything, and we have more than that, if we just take time to rememberand if we know how. i could show you...(thank you, master.) … if you have time.
thank you for asking. happy new year, miss selenge. our next question comes fromguerin bertrano. hallo, master.(welcome. hallo.) i did really enjoy your book,“the birds in my life.†and the color and the wordsthat you used inside give us a real breath of love, and i have specialpreference to lumino who has so much colorand i believe a nice voice
(yes.) and i advise everybodyto have this book at home and read it with your childor your grandparents as well. (thank you.) and it will bringa big, big peace in your heart and can change the mind of someone who has never caredabout animals before. so, i have a question, do you think if we showed to people,especially children, how the animals are being killed, would they change their mindsand will become vegetarian?
yes, yes, yes. yes, mr. bertrano. they might do that. many times the childrenhave been shown by our association membersabout the cruelty that is inflicted upon the animals, and the children cry and they vow to becomevegetarian right away. and they remain sofor a long time.
but i wish that we allbecome vegetarian, adults and children, without even having to be shownthis kind of cruelty treatment because it’s really heartbreaking,really heartbreaking. but, in some cases, we have to show peoplethe real truth so that they will decide itthemselves and make a commitmentto become vegetarian or vegan. thank you, and i am gladyou enjoyed my book.
thank you very much,master. next, we have mr. munkhuu. he would liketo share his opinion. welcome, mr. munkhuu. hallo, dear mongolians. good evening to you all! my name is munkhuu. i am standing herejust to share with you my opinion very brieflyafter reading the book titled,
“the birds in my lifeâ€in mongolian. master has many pets. among them, these numerous parrots wanted toreflect their inner thoughts in this book through master, as i have understoodfrom reading it. otherwise, it is notcomposed by some person. the true essence that i receivedfrom reading the book was that i forgot i was reading a bookabout birds
but rather one aboutthe relationship among humans. and all thosetemperaments, behaviors, characteristicsthat we humans feature, these birds and other animals alsohave these characteristics and express their messagesabout their inner world to master to have herconvey them to us through this book. that is my understanding. we mongolians have a saying, “a book is a window to the universe.â€
the book titled,“the birds in my life†is, for these birdsin our ecosystem, with master as a window to expresstheir inner feelings to humans, which is whati really want to emphasis. finally, i would liketo add one thing. if we can comprehendand hence love animals, be it birds,be it other animals, they all will interact with us and will give theirtremendous love to us.
let me say thatat this moment, if you can truly give love, you will get only love back. thank you,master ching hai. the translation is:as part of my ongoing activities of working with animals, i had the opportunityto read your book, “the birds in my life.†as i was reading the book,
i forgot thati was reading about birds, instead it was as if i was readinga story of humankind. it was at this moment thati realized that be it a bird, a human,or any other animal that god has endowed uswith the same gift: consciousness,and especially fundamental, social qualities such aslove, friendship, sadness and sorrow, sufferingand happiness, joy, the desire and the wishto help others.
your book showed me that animals have allthe same social qualities that many of us thinkare exclusive only to humankind. it is very clear to me that a fundamental essenceof your book teaches the reader that animals areno different than humans. people should read this book. these parrots andother birds in your book are trying to communicate to us
on behalf of all animals that they also havecome to this earth to live a life of purity. and that they love us and that they wish for usto equally love them back. this is what i have understood. i would like to emphasizean important lesson that i have captured. if you can truly give love,you will get only love back.
on behalf of all mongolians, i wish to thank youfor making it available in the mongolian language,and also in russian language for russian readers. you have so beautifullyconveyed to us through your book,“the birds in my life,†that the answer to love is love.thank you. incredible. incredible. thank you. thank you.
thank you so muchand congratulations for your winning award,which you deserve, as such a sensitive soulthat you are. i am touched that you are such an elevatedand highly sensitive man that you could feelthe vibration from the animals through the book. buddha bless you, buddha bless you.
thank you for coming. it’s wonderful. i think i can speak mongolianif i learn. yes, master.your mongolian sounds great. i’m surprised. our next commentcomes from amar. hallo, good evening,beloved master! a respectful bow for your amazing,clear, very useful book which helps us to look at the worldwith different eyes,
and it reminds usthat we should always think of our younger winged friendsand care for them. master, i am a teacherof russian language and your book helps me to teach the studentsmercy and to be wise. many thanks to you, master, for your edition andpublication in russian. it helps us. many thanks again.
our last comment comesfrom a russian reader, and she is a russianlanguage teacher. she is really grateful for your compassionateand loving, special gift conveyed tothe russian readers, too. and it is really helpfulfor teaching the kids that animals are equal to humans and also it’s a really compassionateand loving energy that they can feel. i thank you.
thank you.god bless you. thank you again foreverything you’re doing. thank youfor making it happen. and it’s a great blessingfor all of us, for all mongolians,and for all people in the world. after reading this booki love animals more and more. through this book, supreme master ching hai shows ushow humans should love animals. all the birds are very beautiful
and they all havedifferent characters, which is similar to how different people havedifferent personalities. hallo,i understood many things after i read this book“birds in my lifeâ€. before, i was thinking my friends should beonly human beings, but now i think not only people but also animals and birds should be.
after i realized it, i was very happyand i almost cried. all the birds in this bookare very cute. i like rainbow, sunny,tutu and mimi the most. also, i saw tutuand mimi in my dream. i think sunny and rainbow arethe most intelligent birds. they are so cute whenthey play with their master. i also wanted to have a bird. and thank you,supreme master ching hai,
for giving us this beautiful book. i wish for all childrento read this book. i love you and all animalsin this world. i would liketo sing a song for you. it’s called “my book.†if you ask mewho is my dearest friend, i would say my book. because it helps meto meet good people, doesn’t it? yes.
remember the birds. this book is my real friend. my book is beautiful, it has a lot of knowledge. it has many pictures. it’s very interesting. therefore, i love my book. recently in mongolia, many workshops and conferenceshave been organized.
among them, this is themost beneficial conference, because it’s the one most relatedto this hot topic. also, the participantsare very notable. various important peopleand representatives from various organizationswere present. i realized today that peopleare really concerned now about global warming and focusing on the animal-free diet and refusing to eat meatand meat products.
i am chairman ofthe non-profit animal rights fund. the goal of our organization is to seek a halt tothe following activities: meat production for food, the use of animal fur, and items made from animal parts. supreme master ching hai especially is doing very noble,good activities. now, she has becomevery popular and famous;
even children know her. now, all these participants will talk to their families,children and friends. president nambaryn enkhbayar noted the importanceof this conference and sent his message. our president’s messagewas on our mongolian policy and how we are going to participatein halting global warming. so, this conferenceis very important.
because our governmentis concerned about this issue. global warming is harmingnot only human beings but also our good friends,the animals. every animal has its own habitat, even a mouse has its own habitat, but now it’s changing. therefore,in order to protect nature, your contribution is to notuse animal skin or fur, to not eat animal meat.
let’s all live together in this world without harming other beings and protecting our friends,the animal co-inhabitants. this conference went very well. i’m very happyand thankful to master that she spoke with us and wished mongoliansall good things. supreme master ching hai’steaching emphasizes that people should be very honest.
she said that the mongolian peoplewere very great and we were a famous nation and the main secret waswe were eating much less than now. and we were vegetarianfor 7, 9 months of the year. so, i think we shouldrestore our tradition. i would like to wishhealth, happiness and all the best tomaster ching hai and all the people here. from now on,
we should follow whatmaster has suggested to us. i am very grateful that i had a chance to askmy own personal question that i was facing in my life to this great world renownedspiritual teacher, supreme master ching hai. in my opinion, we should work on policiesand engage in certain activities such as restoringthe traditional way of living,
not increasingthe number of livestock, and providing the conditions to become a vegetarian nation. to all viewers,i would like to say that while we are saving the world, at the same time,we are also saving our health. today i understood that becoming vegetarianis the solution to save the world. before this, the conceptwas not so clear;
today i receivedmore detailed information with scientific evidence. everyone, let’s become vegto save the world! this conferencediscussed a timely topic. and supreme master ching haiis giving us guidance on how we cancombat this issue. everyone should joinconservation activities according to theirprofession and work and mongolians especially need tolead this action to save our planet.
i readsupreme master ching hai’s books. i agree with her teachings. she is very humble, spiritual and has dedicated herselfonly to helping others. she does many great worksfor people. i’m very thankful to you,supreme master ching hai, that you met with us today. i wish you good luck in your work. i always admireand pray for the noble work
that you are doing for all beingsto be successful.
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