Selasa, 29 November 2016

cancer de colon tipos


throughout the ages, compassionate enlightened mastershave urged people to surrender to the greateruniversal power by seeking the divine within, from which all other goodnessand happiness follow. supreme master ching hai often spoke of the teachingsof past masters and answered the spiritual questions of fellow initiatesduring international gatherings

or through tele-and videoconferences. we now invite you to listento our program entitled “anecdotes of miraculous wonders” given on august 30, 2008. anecdotes of miraculous wonders august 30, 2008 europe supreme master ching hai’s lectures are not a completemeditation instruction.

please do not try alone. for free of charge guidance, please or contactany of our centers near you. and you come here,rice and kimchi. it's a change, right? yes. in korea, kimchi and rice;here, rice and kimchi. this time is the best, huh?

cool, and still have the light. very good,very good. wonderful. japanese translation? yes, she can do itif she wants. and stand there. stay there. i'm sorry. stay there. translate for japan only,you know? the majority are korean, right?

okay. koreans, raise hand? japan… korea, woah! yes, because, if the koreanscome in smaller numbers, then we also letother countries come; that’s why. whoever can come. sometimes people don't have visa,or are busy and cannot come, so other countries come. how many of you are from japan? japan, raise hands.

i'm sorry, sit around thereand translate for them, okay? quietly, because cannothave two translators over here - but i’ll talk to you later, okay? thank you very much. you’re welcome. the korean people,they’re too powerful. they eat too much ginseng,you know? yes, i like the korean people,they organize better. every time i come here,she’s here.

every time i'm here,she’s here already. it’s good. so i don't have to be looking,you know? yes. convenient! and she translates right away,no need to tell her, nothing. good girl, huh? yes! good daughter. daughter of korea.

i like to be your daughter. they’re all. if you are alone,they’re jealous. all daughters,all daughters, all… not too many! so, what is the thingthat you most dream about, the korean people? we dream of staying here! she said “staying here.”

stay for how long? forever! how many want to stay forever?raise hand. how many can stay forever? really? not just want to, but can. how about husband,wife, children? business? no! i don’t need them!

no problem! all of them, okay? what did she say? “no problem.” you “no problem,”they have problem! i don't ask about your problem; i ask for your husband’s,your wife’s, your children’s problem. have none. no husband? why?

so beautiful girl, no husband? long time ago… long time ago. long time ago? gone. who’s gone? he’s gone? divorced. oh, he’s gone, right? liberation, right?

how about you? also gone? my husband. oh, also initiate. but initiate is different;if they stay here, it’s different. not all the husbandslet the wives stay, you know, even if initiated. even sometimes mothers don'tlet children stay, even initiated. i heard a storyin formosa (taiwan).

there was a little child wanting to do supreme mastertv show, you know, for inside the land - not supreme master tv,no. sm clothes. the mother said,“oh, you don't study, what you want to dowith sm clothes? what for?” because sometimesthey do the show, for children, for themselves,for formosa (taiwan). i did not tell them to do it.

and she doesn't likethe child to do it. yes. but one day she meditated and she saw that everybodywho works for master, master gave them a key. in a vision. so she said to the child, “okay, you go go go!do the sm clothes show.” “go get the key.” you know whatthe key means, right?

what? key to heaven. key to go home, right? she said it’s opening the doorto heaven. ah, correct. and so now,all the workers come and ask her, “did you see mehave a key to heaven?” i just heard that story yesterday. what you want to say?

my son got initiated last month,and before he got initiated, he always wanted to stay insome place like this and work. perhaps he wantedto work for master. something good? she said that her songot initiated last month, but before he got initiated, he always wanted to stayin some place like this and wanted to dosome work for master. and that’s why she said…

ah, no problem. alright. can i share a nice storyabout how i came here? she has some nice stories. long or short? short. just before i came here,my son had a skin disease. so i was unable to come here, but my son said that as masterhad put some medicine on it,

he was okay for me to come here. because my 5-year-old sontold me to come here. her son is 5 years old,had a skin disease, so she was reluctant to come here, because she has tolook after her son, but the son said, “oh, master putthe medicine on my body so i am okay, you can go.”

the five-year-old boy,so she could come. so nice a son, lovely son. i give you this for your son. i don’t have anything else. i prepared some candy. oh, have some candy. candy for your son. don’t give him all at once,it’s not good for the teeth. candy and cakes,we eat only once in a while, okay?

that is according to… that is according to medical research. they say too much sugaris no good for you - unless you area very good practitioner - you digest everything. you turn everything into light. okay, alright, but in normal cases, we eat according to reason,or reasonable food, yes? -

so, it’s easier to digest and we don’t have totake care of the body too much. it’s like everybody else, you know? yes. my god. these dresses are very nice. just that i cannot eat too much. it’s all your fault. you cook very nice. a lot of ginseng.

okay. who else? tell me. i am so grateful to be able to come here,so i want to say something. why she wants to stay here? she said, "i am so gratefulfor being able to come here, so i want to say something." yes, say something. i’m workingat sm vegetarian buffet. we got an order from a school,

it was a very large order. so, i had to give up the chanceto come here, but then the school officialscancelled their construction schedule, and so i could come. i am so gratefuland happy to be able to come here. thank you. she is working forthe vegetarian restaurant in seoul. they had to deliversome food to a school, a large amount.

but then the schoolchanged the schedule, so she could come,and now she feels so grateful. they changed it for you? you have magical power. very powerful. powerful magician. anybody else? now, they don’t want to talk! not everybody.

okay, later. tell me stories. later. tell me stories. what’s going on? why? no. not now. later. after a good story, maybe. a good story gets reward. we arrived here the 28th.

where? who are you?japanese? i’m korean. korean. okay. and there were about 20 people. some of them had to cometo this meditation place earlier than some of other people. we were looking forthe place to stay in downtown, and… can you hear me? yes, i can.

sorry, and then…. why don’t you speak korean, so everybody understands you? please, speak in korean. she can translate for me,simple, yes? we arrived. our group had 20 people. we had made a reservation in a hotel, but when we arrived,it was not easy to find the hotel.

short, short. yes. not easy to find, then? it was hard to find it. so, we got lostfor quite a long time. although we had a map,but we still could not locate it. however, one personsuddenly appeared and took us to the hotel. they arrived rather earlierthan the schedule, (yes.) a few days, so they werelooking for the hotel;

it was difficult to find. then suddenly one person came outand guided them to the hotel, so they could find it easily. that’s it? it’s not a question, master has given me everything i need,so i’m very happy every day. thank you always. she said master has given meeverything, so i’m so happy.every day i’m so happy.

happy every day, okay. (yes.) that’s it? and she wants a cake for that? i gave her everything already, right? before initiation,i ran a small store, but after initiation, i was fed upwith the mundane world, so i decided not to runthis kind of business anymore, not to deal with people,and to just concentrate on meditation.

what kind of business did you run? i vowed not to run businessto earn money. however, several yearshave passed since then and i’d now like to runa vegetarian restaurant. but because i vowed, does it meani can’t open a vegetarian restaurant? before she got initiatedshe ran a little business, (yes.) and then she got fed up with dealing withall sorts of people, so she made up her mindnot to do any business anymore.

then, after, she got initiated... right now she wants torun a vegetarian restaurant, but she said, becauseshe made up her mind, not to do any business, (yes.) so maybe because of that,she can't open the restaurant. why not? she's asking,is it because of the vow? don't ask me those things. i cannot read your mind.

i don't want to - so many things in there; too crowded,i have no room. here! a day before i came here, i discovered that my namewas spelled wrong on my airplane ticket. by the time i found it out, the agency had alreadyclosed for the day.

i was supposed to board the airplaneat 9:30 the next morning, but i could only explain my situation to the airline companyat 8:40-8:50 in the morning. the agency said,“you have to pass by beijing and you have topay a penalty fee as well,” which was 1 million won[about us$1,000]. in addition, there could havebeen further problems because i cannot speak chineseand i didn't have a visa for china. but, at 9 o’clock,we managed to talk

with the travel agencyand then airline staff brought my ticketto the gate at 9:33, 3 minutes after boarding time. so, in the end,i was able to come here. she arranged the ticketto come here, but then there wasa mistake about the name, and then the travel agency called hersaying she could not go. she was supposed to get a planethe next morning. right.

they got the information,8:30 that morning, and then they said, “oh, you have to give a penalty,1 million won, and then you have togo through china,” and then she doesn't havethe visa for china, so it's almost impossible to go. then, she magically got the ticket, like, at 9:30 the airplanewas supposed to leave, and the staff from the airline,

brought the ticket to her, 9:33. they delayed the airplane and brought the ticket to her;she could come. whoa! they delayed it for you? another magician! powerful magical power. when i was dating my ex-husband, we promised each other

that someday we would meetand drink some nice coffee. but after living together,we divorced. we are divorced now,and our son told my ex-husband that i was coming here this time. and my ex-husband said,“oh, really?” and he asked, “with a guy?” my son said, “it’s not a man, but she is going thereto meet her master.” my husband said, “oh, really?”

then he sent me a lot ofmoney for travel expenses. when she was with her ex-husband, she had a promisewith the husband, to have some nice coffee. then later onshe divorced her husband. when she said to her husband,“oh, i come.” then her husband said,“with whom, with which guy?” and then she said,“oh, not a guy,” then the husband gave hera lot of money to come here.

because she's notgoing with a guy! please tell master that my ex-husband becamea best-selling author in korea. your ex-husband? her husband becamea best-selling author in korea. best-selling? (yes.) author! (yes.) what did he write? yes, it’s a novel.

a novelist and best-selling authorin korea. so he’s very famous? yes. everybody knows him. why did you divorcea famous guy? because at that time, i wanted to find divine naturemore than to lead a family life. ah, okay. at that time, she was more interestedin the divine world than family life.

and now? if i had met master at that time, i wouldn't have divorced. at that time, i wouldn't have divorcedif i had met master. oh! is he still available? i don't know whetherwe can unite again, but we get along like friends now. i don't know,but we are friends now. can go back together.

no? well. i don’t know. okay. well, if she didn't wantto divorce him, then just tell him. if he's still available. a second honeymoon. she still looks very pretty. okay. anybody else?

master, i'm so grateful to youfor helping me to come here. today is my nephew’swedding day. since master arrangedthe retreat date like this, it seemed like youwanted me to come here instead of going to the wedding. so up until i came here, i diligently meditatedand prayed to you sincerely, asking you to help meto come here. the day before i came here,

i called my brother and explained,“this might be my last chance, so i must go. please,kindly understand me.” with understandingof all my family members, i could come here,so i thank you for that. she said “i'm so gratefulto come here.” today is her nephew'swedding day, so she was unable to come. so she prayed a lot,to you.

so what happened? and then she came here; so, it's so nice to be here. oh, why pray to meabout the wedding? no, she didn’t knowwhether to come here or go to the wedding. no, the reason i did this wasbecause the retreat date coincided with the wedding day. so, i thought this must bemaster’s arrangement

that i should come here. so, i told them i should come here. today and the wedding dayis the same day, but master arranged itdefinitely to come here, so i came. you can come another day. regarding the retreatsin thailand and formosa, i was initiatedat the 2005 formosa retreat, and i attendedthe 2006 formosa retreat.

master always tells us, “put down everything elsewhen you come to retreat.” i did not understandthe meaning at that time. when i first attended the retreat, i was just busy followingthe meditation session schedule. so, i did not know much. then, after the retreat,the dvd came out. it was only then i realizedhow precious the retreat was. so, i thought i shouldattend every retreat no matter what.

that’s why i came here this time. before, we had a retreatin formosa (taiwan) or thailand, master said, “before you come to the retreat,drop everything,” but she couldn'tunderstand what it meant. then she just meditated, got busy with the schedule,and with the retreat, and then when she came backand she saw the dvd came out she realized,

it was like a precious jewelto attend the retreat. like an inner realization. next one. you pick. this is not a storyabout how i came here, but i have a small question. may i ask it? this is a question,a little question. these days,for the last few years,

i have noticed one thing. i see that a lot of animal companionssuch as dogs and cats, not only initiates’ animals, but alsoa lot of other animal companions seem to try to eat vegetarian foods, even when their caretakersare not vegetarians. it seems like it’s becausethey’re more sensitive than humans, and they’re all connected telepathically. i wonder whetheranimal companions are really aware of those things?

and are they aware of the currentsituation of the earth? these days more and more animalstry to be vegetarian, even though the caretakersdid not ask them to be. the animals? the animals. yes. dogs and cats.they tend to be vegetarian. so, is it because they aremore sensitive than people? or, she said, souls are inner-connected,that's why they got to know,

(yes.) the situation on earth now? oh, they know and they listen to me. my dogs also tell them. but how did she know aboutthe animals becoming vegetarian? i discovered this fromwhat i see in my friends. some of my friendsvisited their friend’s house, and the dogs and catsin that house are reluctant to eat if they are given ready-made foodsthat contain animal ingredients. however, when they are given snacks,

they tend to eat more fruits. when they are given meat,they don’t want to eat. they told methere are many cases like that. her friends has a pet. many of her friends' cats, or her friend's friends have pets,and they gave the dog food which is not vegetarian, they just try to eat a little bit, but when they are fed fruitsand vegetables,

they like it more thaneating other things. eat a lot. yes. they eat a lot. they’re very smart. regarding dogs and cats, if we visit websites like daum caf㩠or blogs, there are manyvideo clips of dogs and cats with notes like“look at my special vegetarian dog.” these days on youtube,or the internet,

there are manyphotographs or pictures, displaying,“my dog is a vegetarian!” all things are like that wonderful! so people get to know. wonderful. yes. you have to give thatto supreme master television. we’re already doing it. if you see something nice,

you collect themand give them to the television. to share itto the whole world, yes? very good story. okay, next one. i feed my dog just exactlywhat our family members eat. we do not feed the dog any ‘petfood’;however, my dog is so energetic. “i give my dog exactly what i eat, same food,” - (yes, yes.)with her family - “and the dogs are so energetic.”

if i throw a ball to my dog, then, my dog jumps aboutone and a half meters high. oh, she throws the balland her dog jumps like, one and a half meters high, sliding to her. when i come back home, the dog hugs me very strongly. then when she comes home,he jumps on, hugs her. i know, i know.

the dog understandseverything, she said. yes, i know.i know. do you think my dogwill be calmer if i give dog food? she said, “if i feedthe dog, dog food, might it calm him down?” dog food okay,but vegetarian dog food. but my dog does notwant to eat dog food. my dog eatscabbage and watermelon.

potato is my dog’s favorite. doesn't like to eat dog food, but likes watermelon, cabbage… oh, dogs like those, yes. things like that. carrot. (yes.) if don't give,he goes in the basket, takes it himself. in the kitchen,used to have a many-level basket.

we put carrot… something that don't go bad easily, we don't put in the fridge - just put in the basket; like potato, carrot, and apple, because they last longwithout refrigeration. and they come eat,one after another. sometimes come back,“where?” by the way i come backand want to cook,

“where has my carrot gone?” apple gone! sometimes the small onecannot get a higher level, tells the big one,and the big one gets it. yes, he took one,gave to the small one, and took one for himself. both eat together. hermit, especially. always eats together:take one, give to somebody.

two, three of them. i know what it is. they really love vegetables. there is an initiated couplewho are very old; they used to come to our centerfrequently from onyang, (i see.) but the wife got sick, so i visit them once a weekto take care of them. however, this time, i told her that i could not visit hersince i am coming to this retreat,

so she asked me to convey her messageto you that she loves you even though her bodyis old and sick. our center is seoul center. a very old couple normally cometo the meditation center once a week. (yes.) so she often visits themand, takes care of them, but this time she cannot gobecause she was coming here. so she told them,“oh, i'm going to retreat.”

and they said, “even thoughwe cannot come physically to you, master, but we alwaysthink about you. please tell master.”that’s the situation. thank you.tell them don't worry. in the heart, we’re together. it's nice to visitpersonally, physically, but if not, we arein the heart together. they said they are always happy. “please tell master.”

good, good. this is for them. so they’re together. oh pardon. this is for you. there is a sister who got initiatedat the same time as me. she also wanted to come to see youand prepared the visa, as well, but she got sickand could not come.

therefore she asked me to deliver her messageto you, that she loves you. she got initiated last year? (yes.) her friend got initiated last year, the sister and icame from i-kuan tao. used to be i-kuan tao, and prepared everything to come here,then the friend got sick, so couldn’t come, but she said, “oh, please,tell master, ‘i love you.’”

oh, i’m sorry about that. what kind of sicknessthat cannot come? your friend. what kind of disease? it’s lung cancer. lung cancer. why? vegetarian,still have lung cancer? how long ago?just initiated last month? yes, last year…

she is living,thinking of master. she is getting better. thinking about you,she’s getting better. before she got initiation, she already hadlung cancer. (i see.) so, she was in i-kuan taowhen she got sick, and then she met master and we got initiated by master. she was already sickwhen she got initiation.

before she got initiated,she already had cancer. oh, i see. she wanted to come here,but she couldn’t make it. so, she asked meto bring her photo and initiation cardto show her gratitude. did you bring her photo? yes, i brought her picture,but not the initiation card. she brought her photographto show to master. i know.

don’t worry. she’ll be okay. she’s going to be okay. anyone else? you know, sometimes because of the karmafor a long time. she’s just newly initiated, (yes.) but if meditates now,sincere, it will be okay. the physical bodysometimes has problems,

but we are free; after initiation,the soul is free. that’s important. but don’t get initiationbecause of sickness. okay, you pick, you pick. three years ago, i moved to the countrysideto live as a farmer. i got initiated 13 years ago, and now my husband and my sonrecently got initiated.

so now the three of usdo group meditation together. since it was the countryside,i used to meditate alone before. now, i’m so happythat we can meditate together. three years ago,she went to the countryside to live, and now it’s been 13 yearssince her initiation. and her husband and sonalso got initiated, so they can havegroup meditation together. so nice. (very nice.) thank you, master.

good story. last year, i had a big surgery. when i went intothe operation room, i was so terrified thati could not keep calm even though i wasreciting the holy names. so, i recited the gift as wellbut i could not calm down. so i recited master’s name. then, from my right side, a strong and brilliant lightcame to me

and i realizedthat the light was master. you held my right arm and said, “do not worry, my baby.i will protect you,” (yes.) and then i felt so comforted. i have only youwhom i can rely on when i depart here. i was so happy. i then slept very deeply,and woke up. when i cameout of the operation room,

the doctor asked me, after such a long story. “how come you can smile like that? other patients usually scream when they come outof anesthesia,” but i just said to the doctor,“thank you, doctor,” and then i leftthe operation room with a smile on my face. last year when she had tohave a big operation,

she was so terrifiedthat she recited the holy names; she recited the gift,it didn’t work. so she recited master’s name, and then on her right side,a strong light came, and then she realizedit was you, master. so… you held her handand said, “don’t fear, my baby.” and then she calmed down, so happy, and thenshe just slept a very nice sleep

during the operation, and on waking upshe was smiling. so, the doctor said, “how come you hadsuch a big operation and you are smiling when you came outof the operation room?” so she realizedthat when she died only thinking about masterthat would be important. and then i had the second operation

to remove the steel pin. at that time, i recitedyour name immediately instead of recitingthe holy names or the gift. i kept reciting your name,and then master said, “you can go through iton your own now. why do you keep calling me?” first of all, a couple of months ago, she had to have a second operationto remove the stitches.

(okay.) and then she immediatelyrecited your name, and then you came, “ah, don’t bother mewith such a small thing! grow up,you’re so big,” you know? then i said, “no, i still want to recite your name.i just want to hold onto you.” and then i lost consciousnessdue to anesthesia. and so she said,“no, i still want to recite your name. i just want to hold onto you.”

and then, she was anesthetized. yes, every little thing,“master! master!” like a baby. so big already. grow old already, right? how old are you already? 49. (49.) you are still calling me mama? already have children.

could have childrenby yourself already. take some, so your voiceis not too hoarse. okay, next pick, you pick. (yes.) her son is 16 years old,couldn’t come because the age limitis 18 years old now. (oh. i see.) but the son said, “don’t worry,you go to the retreat, i can prepare my lunch boxand go to school.” and then last time,at a retreat in england,

her husband got some candy, and their son said, “oh,these candies look like it’s…” the son saw the lightin the candy. the son always said,“when i graduate, i’ll go to europe;i don’t want to live with you.” go to europe, what for? “because i thinkthat master is there,” right? yes. that’s what he thinks,right? (yes.) okay, one for you,one for your son.

precious. my granddaughter isturning 23 months old soon. since she was 14 months old,she has taken a vegetarian lunch boxto the day care center. she enjoys eatingvegetarian meals. if we prepare soy burgeror so-called soy “meat” dishes, she does not wantto eat them at all because she thinksthey are real ham or meat. she thinks vegetables arethe only vegetarian food,

and she only eats them until now. she is so strong and healthy. she grows so fast too. she always tells peoplethat she is 5 years old, not 3 years old. i’d like to thank master for her growing strongand being healthy, and very smart. she is your granddaughter, right? granddaughter.

her granddaughteris 23 months old. since she was 14 months old, she’s had a lunch box,vegetarian lunch box, to take to, (school.) school, and she is so healthy, and she doesn’t even liketo eat vegetarian meat that looks like meat. the girl said,“i don’t want to eat this;” she just eats vegetables.

oh, becauseit looks like meat. (yes.) oh, my god. yes. and then she saidher granddaughter is so healthy. so, she said,“thank you very much.” some of the benefitsof a vegetarian diet: lowers blood pressure lowers cholesterol levels reduces type 2 diabetes prevents stroke conditions

reverses atherosclerosis reduces heart disease risk 50% reduces heart surgery risk 80% prevents many forms of cancer stronger immune system increases life expectancyup to 15 years higher iq saves 70% of a total costof us$40 trillion for reducing global warming

uses 4.5 times less landto grow food conserves up to 70% clean water saves 80% of the clearedamazonian rainforest from animal grazing a solution for world hunger: free up 3.4 billion hectares of land free up 760 million tonsof grain every year (half the world’s grain supply) consumes 1/3 fossil fuelsof those used for meat production

reduces pollutionfrom untreated animal waste maintains cleaner air saves 4.5 tons of emissionsper us household per year stops 80% of global warming plus more... save your life:be veg. go green. for more urgent information,please visit sources i have a vegetarian restaurant,

and the customersused to say that their sickness was healedafter they ate my food. so, my restaurant was advertisedby word of mouth. however, we have not hadmany customers since august. i wonder whether i have toclose the restaurant. then i had a dream in which i movedinto a very nice house. does it mean that i should close itand open another restaurant to work, or my karma is all goneso i need to take a rest?

and then, i rushed hereupon hearing news of the retreat. she has a vegetarian restaurant,and the customers said when they eat her food,their sickness is gone. and then since august,the customers stopped coming, and then she had a dreamof moving into a big, nice house. then she heard the retreat, so she stopped everythingand ran here; maybe it’s because she dreamedof moving to a better restaurant or opened a better restaurant,loving hut.

“is that the meaningof the dream?” she said. why ask me?i’m not in her dream. i wasn’t there. it’s about my 9-year-old daughterand supreme master tv. these days, initiatesare working diligently for supreme master tvor other related work. meanwhile, i often reflected on myself.we always have supreme master tv turnedon 24 hours a day on my computer. i was reflecting on myself,watching initiates working diligently.

the next morning,my daughter told me, “mom, master came outfrom supreme master tv and was looking at you like this. then, she played with me.” my daughter said so. i think master comforted me because i felt discouraged. she was guilty about how other initiates were doingsupreme master tv work,

but she doesn’t do a lot. they turn on supreme master tv 24 hours a day in her house, (yes.) then her 9-year-old daughter,saw one day, master coming outof supreme master tv, and then played with her, and then comforted her mother,because she was a little bit… what i meant wasthat master walked out of supreme master tvand entered our house,

not that master appearedon supreme master tv. from the screen, yes. she said the same thing, master walking out ofsupreme master tv, and... walking… walking. “working” means… work. walking out of the tv,the tv screen. yes, yes. (and then?)

then, you came into her house, and then played with her daughterand comforted the mother. does the mother see itor just the daughter saw it? her daughter told her the story. so, mother is blind! yes. if she wants to open loving hut, she can do it,anybody can do it; just contact withthe organization (yes.) people in formosa (taiwan),

and see what to do, that’s it. don’t have to ask me. she doesn’t know what to do, if she wants to continue to workin the restaurant or they give the businessto other people. i don’t know. these things, we don’t ask. the situation depends on what you want,and what the situation is, alright?

but for loving hut, they havebasic standards, you know? like, the food has to be vegan, and they serve the foodthat is popular. so, mostly peopledo the same food, yes? with some extra,local foods, you know? some extra, ‘by the way.’ but it has to be vegan, and decorate in a similar way,

so people come inand feel good, like a unity. the restaurant has to beabsolutely no animal products. so, you’re happy? but also include somelocal products, local food. it depends on what country. loving huts have a basic menu, but include also some extraglobal dishes. and if anybody wantsto open loving hut,

you have to ask themabout the guidelines. yes. so, and they also show youwhere to buy food, so, it’s absolutely sure vegan. because if you use the same name, you should protectthe reputation of that name. otherwise you canopen any vegetarian restaurant. but we want to usethe same name, same style, so that everywhere hassame loving hut, loving hut, so it has an effect,the monkey effect.

together with the formosan team, the korean team is preparingfor the first loving hut. we are preparing forthe first restaurant. where? we have prepared a totalof 10 to 15 kinds of dishes. by the way,where are you opening it? the first one is in seoul. seoul will be opening. good luck.

yes, thank you. these are for the staff. this is for the loving hut staff. for loving hut staff. yes, loving hut staff. for the uniformity, yes? make it strong, strength. so, it has an effect in the world. to open the restaurant,not just for restaurant,

but just for the effect, and then there will bemore and more loving huts, and then more and morepeople vegetarian. okay. if one who’s already spoken,don’t speak again. let somebody else. a few days before i came here, i moved from the countrysideto near seoul center, which was a long way away. it rained so much that day,

so, i thought master wasblessing us very much. i was transporting my belongings, but after sometime, a big 5-ton truckhit my moving truck from the back. the impact was big,but we came to an agreement and left the accident site. then, when i arrivedand unpacked the boxes, i found that the frames and glasses that i had newly madefor master’s pictures and paintings wereall broken into pieces.

however, the pictures and paintingsinside the frames were okay. in addition, there werequite a few things that were broken. anyhow, after movingall the boxes and things, the moving company staff told me,“it’s already fortunate that nobody got injuredin the accident. although some ofyour things were broken, the insurance companywill take care of it. but the thing thathurts my heart the most is that the glass ofyour mother’s pictures were broken.”

he apologized to me about it. just a few days ago, she movedfrom countryside to seoul, and that day was raining so heavily and she felt “it’s a blessingfrom master.” then, a big truck,5-ton truck hit her, the moving truck. hit her truck? yes, yes. on the back.

oh. back of her truck? yes, back of the truck. and then quite a few thingswere broken. and then yourphotographs and paintings, the glass was broken, and then the guy said,“okay, we’ll pay for the insurance, you don’t have the insurancefor those stuff.” (yes.) but the guy said,“oh, i feel so sorry, your mother’s photograph’s broken.”

“that’s very sorry,”the guy said. that’s it? (yes.) do i look like her mother? master, thank you. not long ago, i wentthrough a difficult time, because we had to move suddenly,and my father also became very weak, even though he used to bea strong man. moving to an unfamiliar placemade me suffer and i also felt very lonely.

during that time,while i was meditating, you embraced meas shown in a painting where mother maryembraces the baby jesus. i felt warmthemerging from your embrace. i used to likethat painting very much, and i could seewhy that kind of painting was painted in the western world; we can find those kinds of paintingseasily in western churches. you mean, in your dream?

mother maryembracing the child jesus. in your dream? during meditation. since then, my lonely emotionshave dissipated completely. also, i am very sorry aboutwhat happened yesterday. i was really happy.thank you very much. she was very lonely, and then during her meditation, you came and hugged herlike mother mary hugging jesus,

like in the picture. so, since then,she was so happy, that all the loneliness has gone. and she said, “yesterday i’m so sorry for standingin front of the door.” it’s okay. my husband couldn’t come herebut he wanted to see master and he loves master. her husband couldn’t come

because he’s in a wheelchair. he said, “oh,i miss master so much.” when we asked, we got a reply that the situationis not suitable for him. they requested,and the answer came that the situation is not suitablefor him. (sorry.) no, thank you. this, for you,for being a good wife. for him.

her name is “love”. love? (yes.) ah, very good name. it’s good that you are nice to him. a physical body,sometimes we have problems, like a car, you know? car; sometimesthe wheel is broken, or something’s broken, but the driver is always good.

the soul is okay and liberated. it’s just, before,he already had problems. so, it’s alright,it’s for this lifetime, only. i am sorry he could not come. he feels very grateful. he is so grateful to you. you are crying? i know him. they are friends.

it was very bad,and he really wanted to come. yes, yes. so you just borrowsome tears from the other. tell him i love himvery much, no matter what. to me, he is perfect. always. thank you for beingsuch a good friend to your husband. i don’t know why i… are you okay?

you need anything? you’re happy with him still? happy? yes, she said. a little hard work, right? no. (no.) (no?) always happy. you love him so much? we always live in thankfulness.

they’re always thankful to you. yes. it’s good, i know, but is she happy with himin her heart? yes. (yes.) good. that’s important. love is important. physical body,sometimes okay, sometimes not okay. alright. you come here.

every time your husbanddoesn’t feel good, he eats one candy. yes, put it in your bag. okay. i love you. such a good girl you are. must have beendifficult sometimes, to see him like that. not because of hard work, but because she feels sorry

that he could not move easily. he told me that it’s also god’s will that he could not come here, and master loves him. that’s exactly what - she felt this time,because he couldn’t come. she feels. (yes.) at least one of you can come. her husband saidif he cannot come,

that’s also god’s will. (yes.) “i always love master.” you are one. you and husband are one, so if you come,it’s like he comes. and maybe that’sthe price he has to pay, for being initiated this lifetime. the king of mayaalways makes us pay something, in this world,whatever we have in this world,

we have topay some price. (yes.) i pay also, in different ways. i pay every day. the physical body sometimesis not the worst thing. if we are not completein our physical body, it’s not even the worst thing. if we are not complete in our mental and our understandingabout the truth, it’s even worse.

at least you twoare together and happy. sometimes a girl has a husband, handsome, “perfect,” strong,but he’s no good. and not happy together. happiness important, in marriage. yes, you should be happy. lucky. you are one, anyway, yes? when you’re married,you’re one.

it’s because of master. before, not? he works very hardfor the center all day, every day. i think he loves mastermore than i love master. my husband loves youmore than me. he’s doing a lot workfor the center. okay. i don’t thinkhe loves me more than you. it’s just different. no, i mean her husband loves you

more than she loves you. no, no, it’s not true. how you can measure? using a cup? his cup bigger than your cup? it’s not true. just different. she feels like that? i just thought sowithout a question.

i am always thinking like that. you are wrong. i got initiated 3 months ago. it is a great honorfor me to meet you and be here. my sister-in-law has colon cancer. she’s going to getinitiated this september. she keeps a vegan diet. when i said to herthat i was coming here to see you, she said, “i can’t go,

but if you get some candy for me, i want to have themso i can get healed.” she’s been initiatedfor three months; her sister-in-law has colon cancer, and she is going to beinitiated in september. she said to her sister-in-law, “i come to the retreatand see master,” and then her sister-in-law said, “please bring me some food,

so that i can eat thatand get better.” yes, there’s a lot of… over there! when you go home,you take some home, okay? i cannot sit hereand give one-by-one; i don’t have enough for everybody. my husband keepsa vegan diet with me but he cannot get initiationdue to his age, because we were told that a person over 65 years oldcan’t get initiated.

so, he felt sorry for himself about not being able to come here this time. her husband is also vegetarianbut he couldn’t get initiated. he is over 65 years old. how long vegetarian? he began when i got initiated. it’s been about 5 months. five months. only five months vegetarian? (yes.)

and how old is he? how old is he? she. he. (i am 60.) you are 60. and your husband? my husband is 70. she is 60, husband is 70. oh! can get the convenient method.

he will continue to adhere tothe vegan diet with me, and he’s practicingthe convenient method diligently. master said that it’s enoughwith convenient method. yes. she said her husband isa complete vegetarian and doing convenient method now. he should have married her earlier and then he could come. he wanted me to tell you that he loves youalthough he couldn’t come here.

her husband said,“i love you,” even though he couldn’t come. oh. okay, very good. i am sorry,he is “too young.” next one. yes. here. she wins… (yes.) oh sorry. don’t worry love,just joking, maybe later. two years ago, i lost my husbandwho has been initiated.

after that... for his nirvana, i didn’t feel any sorrow,i am happy, as master cameand took care of everythingwhen he died. however, i have a daughterwho is initiated. since her father died, she hasn’t been meditating,so my heart aches. she lost her husbandtwo years ago. lost her husband?(yes, passed away.) oh! why? so young.(cancer.)

oh, so young. terrible. not because initiation, no? he had been an initiatefor 13 years. he had been initiatedfor 13 years, (yes.) and had cancer and passed away. but when he died, master cameand took care of everything. so, she knew that, and she’s very gratefulbecause he was sent to nirvana,

but ever since her husband died, her daughter doesn’t domeditation sincerely. (why?) it hurts her heart. it’s because she got shockedby her father’s sudden death. she blamed me for her husband? the father died so suddenly,so the daughter was shocked. oh, i understand. sometimes the karmais so big, must pay. yes. but then after payingcan go to a higher level;

if don’t pay, go lower level. so, her husband choseto pay, so he can go higher. everybody chooseswhat they want, initiate or not initiate, because in this lifetime,fixed karma. because we don’t seethe past lives, so we don’t know why. tell their daughter,i am sorry.

i know it hurts,to lose a father. i also lost my father. and worse, when he died,i could not see him, because of the situation. at least she saw him. in this world, sometimeswe feel very frustrated, but this is not our real home. we can be sad,but we continue to meditate, to elevate ourselves,

and we’ll see each otherup there. so, i am sad,but i have to accept, so that he can be more liberated and be in higher level;better for him, forever. if i keep my parents longer here, maybe i have them1, 2, 3, 4, 10 more years, but they also will have to go. but i’m sorry for youand your daughter. i know what it’s liketo lose a loved one.

physically,i mean physically only. even then, it’s very,very painful, i know. but better let father go,don’t be too attached to him, then he will be lingering,and he cannot go very high. let him be free. for your daughter,and you. my husband rana vegetarian food factory until he died. now i’d like to runa loving hut restaurant,

but the factoryis not doing very well. i want to do something about it. her husband ran a factory and then now she wantsto get rid of that factory and wants to open a loving hut, but it’s difficultto finish that business. okay, then whenever finished,she does it. it’s the same,vegetarian food? (yes.) it’s the same.

it’s too difficult. “it’s too hard for me to run.” it’s hard, hard also,loving hut. you don’t know yet. any business is hard. must work diligently. since your business isalready established, i think it’s better to go on,if it makes good profit. to start a new business,it’s also difficult.

you have to knowhow to run it and be used to it, and have to knowwhere to get things, to get food, how to get people. oh, and advertisements. oh, costs a lot of workand money, and energy. if it’s not loving hut,then “loving food,” also okay. or “loving roof.” “i wish you’d hire mefor your business.” oh. why?what do i have for business?

i don’t have any business. i just give advice, and sometimes,i help financially - depends. and i give ideas, guidelines, and sometimes they force meto taste the food. sometimes i cannot wearbeautiful clothes, because too much tasting. actually i don’t haveany names in any business.

everybody takes care of business,makes money, takes money. i don’t see any of it. not even my books. up to now i don’t haveany penny of it! selling everywhere - i don’t have moneyfrom it yet. yes. it’s like that. i don’t reallytake care of business. now what do youwant me to hire you for?

loving hut? loving hut or anyof master’s other businesses that need help,or together with master. any business, loving hutor another business, and she wants to work with you. you have to talk to the people, in miaoli or something, if you want to do it with them; but you just continueyour business, it’s good.

providing vegetarian foodfor other people, also very good. or run two businesses. or work with anotherloving hut partner, you know? part she, and work with anybody else, to make partner, in loving hut. right? yes. alright. i would like to share some good newswith master. recently it seems likethe media is changing a lot.

for example, in korea,we have a channel called national geographicon cable tv. on the cable tv, it seems likethey are broadcasting more programs onthe topic of global warming. the program that i watchedwas a program called “6 degrees could change the world,” “6 degrees could change the world.” the program was abouthow much sea levels would rise

and what kind of changeswe will face on earth with each degreeof temperature rise. just a second, please,stop there. i understand “6 degrees.” she understands it. i understand some korean! “six degrees could change the world.” she said, “i want to saysome good news. in korea, there is a cabletv channel called…

“national geographic,” and it says “6 degreescould change the world.” and then the 1 degree higher… they broadcasted a one-hour longdocumentary about how much the sea level would rise and what changesit would bring to the earth when the temperature rises. okay. so, when the temperaturegoes up 1 degree, and then how muchthe sea level goes up, (yes.)

like, about this,and a 60-minute documentary, they produced. the thing that made me happywas the fact that the program was related to“national geographic” magazine which helps ordinary peopleto accept the information easily, because of theirobjectivity and credibility. so, i was very gladthat such a reliable channel was broadcastingthis type of program. since master talked to usin the last christmas retreat,

i have been wonderinghow change can occur on earth, especially in the media. surprisingly only 8 months later, such changes are happening, and that makes me very happy. she is so happy becausethe media is changing now. like, “national geographic”has a both magazine and tv channel, and then it canreach people easily, because it’s popular (right.)

and many people know about it. and since the last december retreat, she was wondering howwe can change the world. ever since you had the retreat, the media is going toreport such things and then changes very quickly, and that makes hervery happy. (good.) so, thank you, master,for being here with us and for us, for letting usknow such information,

for informing usabout such changes ahead and for guiding us. master, you announcedto us earlier about this information, global warming and such things, so, we are very grateful. we’re happy. (okay.) i have other news. for instance, when an article about why german peopleshould be vegetarian

is published in germany, it’s translated into koreanand published in korea as well. so, we koreans are also being informed of the changes happeningaround the world. so, i think many mediaare moving towards the change now. when there’s some vegetarian news,like in germany, they now translated itinto korean, and we can read itin korean newspapers. you are trying to say thatwe are interconnected, right? (right.)

so, interconnected. spread out very quickly. very good. i’d also like to apologize to master. yesterday, i didn’tturn off the light in time. please, tell master that i felt likei had become a stupid disciple, so, i felt shameful. what did you do?

i didn’t turn the light off in time. she didn’t turn offthe lights yesterday, and i feel slow and stupid. don’t just concentrateon yourself too much. okay? there are many people. no need to keeptalking about yourself. say something that isof benefit for the people. everybody keeps talking about, “i did that yesterday,i’m sorry.

i did this yesterday,i’m sorry. i don’t turn off the light,i am sorry.” forever like’s so terrible. just feel sorry for themselves, not really sorry to me. yesterday already did wrong,and today did wrong again. wasting time of everybody, and remind me of the bad things. it’s already forgotten,and bring it back again.

i don’t even know who they are,what they did. now they want meto know about it, just to defend for themselves. no good for anybody here. we want something niceand lively. always talk about yesterday; too many people talk about that. suddenly changethe atmosphere, you know? what is the use of that?

just thinking ofthemselves too much. i am going now. i am going home. sorry, i am going back. maybe later. sorry, master. see you later.

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