Kamis, 10 November 2016

cancer de colon en la mujer


throughout the ages, compassionate enlightened mastershave urged people to surrender tothe greater universal power by seeking the divine within, from which all other goodnessand happiness follow. supreme master ching hai often spokeof the teachings of past masters and answered the spiritual questionsof fellow initiates during international gatherings or through tele- and videoconferences.

on december 9, 2010, supreme master ching haianswered the questions of our internationalassociation members who had come to cancãºn, mexico, from different regions of the world to share the benefits of the healthy, sustainable,and planet-saving vegan lifestyle during the united nationsclimate change summit. we now invite youto listen to

supreme master ching hai’sinsightful discussion with our association members in cancãºn, mexico, on december 9, 2010, titled “be selfless and unconditionalall the time.” god is here. as sure as the air i breathe, as sure as the morning will come, as sure as i speak to you

and you can hear me, as sure as i speak as sure as the morning rises, and you can hear. as sure as the morning will come and you can hear me. are you all right, guys? (yes.) thank you so muchfor being all right. oh, cake!

thank you. so you are still here? till tomorrow? (yes.) i think no questions tonight,but if you want to, you can ask me and i answer or not, that’s another question. anyway, first of all, i want to thank you guys.

i love you and thank youfor all your dedication. this morning,i went to a far village, visited some poor families, and i have prepared some money, not a lot, maybe six, seven thousandus dollars, and the candies and cakes is extra. but still not enough, so i have borrowed some moneyfrom some of you. please report,to return the money to you.

capiche? understand? yes, master. good. thank you. i don’t remember who gave mehow much, okay? because i didn’t have enough,i just said, “do you have some? here, here, take it. give it to the children,” no? and because they don’t see us often,

so i want to give generously, not just ten dollars,you know what i mean? what can you buy withten dollars nowadays? just some chips or one cookie. all right, loving. master, we are so happy to have you with us herein cancãºn, mexico. i am also very happy,believe me, yes? there are no wordsin the human language

that could express our gratitudeto you. actually, thank you, master, so much for once againtaking your precious time to come here, be with us, share your insights to help us better understandwhat is going on and what we can doto improve ourselves and the world. master, recently you’ve beensharing with us a lot of new information…

actually, it’s almost kind of turned us, a lot of us, on our heads.(yes?) it’s very, very interesting. really? i have more. yes, well, that’s what we wantedto ask you about. go ahead, come. tell me. actually, this new knowledgehas raised in our minds more questions aboutadditional topics. so with your gracious permission,

master, we would like toask you to share with us some of your vast wisdomon these topics, and we would be most honored if you would share with us, master. sure, sure. i do what i can. i’m just going to ask the audience: would you like master to share some of her wisdom with us?

yes! so, let’s begin withthe first question, and actually, master,i have a question. (please.) master, in previous conferences, you’ve mentionedthat when we meditate, we gain spiritual points, and it seems so little compared to how much we needto become a healthy human, which was 9.2 zillion points,

or even to be a human. (yes.) so how did we accrueall these spiritual points? and are there other waysaside from meditating or doing good works that have helped usto gain so many points? okay. or is it from maybe billionsof lifetimes? no. okay, listen. if you are here alreadyas a human being, yes,

and you’re healthy now, that means you already have it. i’m just listing how muchit costs for each item. yes. but you already have health,that means you already hadthat zillions of zillions, and if you are already good looking then you already had that. you see? we don’t begin to earn it now;it’s too late, baby.

look at you, your hair, gray. and look at mine, gray hair. what i mean is,we are precious, yes? and you already haveeverything you have. just please continue to refillyour spiritual bank account before it runs out. yes? so if we are in bad health that meansour spiritual bank account is low. i do have that sometimes.

i have to confess to you. if i am not working like in this kind of worldly worries, yes, then i earn a lot more. but, for example, these days since i came here, all together earn justabout like 5 zillions, and i lost a lot more… because, because, because.

but the thing is, i just list itso that you can compare, or you know how much you have,yes? and mostly it’s for the peoplewho don’t practice, to remind themthat they are precious and they should continueto refill their energy bank. otherwise, they think,“what’s the use? why meditate? and why the sun is good, for what?” you have to tell them like that,in real terms, okay?

instead of keep telling you, “vegetarian, compassion,save the planet.” yes, this is the timeto tell them why. you see what i mean? normally, i just try to tell them, “okay, please just be compassionate,” because it’s goodto be compassionate, save the animals, because you should be loving and kind.

that’s the way it should be. i shouldn’t even sit there and tell them how much points you gain when you save a chicken, or how much you gain when you save a dolphin,for example. i should not even have totell anyone like that. when i was saving the chicken, nobody told mehow much points i’d gain;

i just wanted to save the chicken. and when i adopted my dogs, not because i wantedto gain spiritual points… i did not know at that time, or at least not consciously know, not searchingly know about it. as the more questions you have, the more information i become, or only when i needto know something

or when you need to know something, then i will search for it. you know what i mean? so, this is the attitudethat we should have. if we love a dog, we want to save the dog, not because we want points. we don’t want to eat chickenbecause “i want the chicken to be alive and be happywith their children.”

but now it comesto the desperate point, tipping point, of the planet, so i just have to tell them like that, tell everybody like that, like the last card. no, i still have more, but it’s not alwaysconcerning everybody. i keep many things for myself,of course. first, maybe heaven doesn’t allowto tell.

second, maybeit doesn’t concern people, or even if they know it, it doesn’t make any differenceto their life, yes, okay? thank you, master. i understand much better now,thank you. okay. yes. my god, but they were happy that i told them. yes, they were. right?

yes. why is that? why should we earn pointswhen we save a chicken? okay, go ahead.ask me anything you want. if i know, i answer. if not, i go back, research. okay? yes, spiritual knowledgealso needs research, time. see what i mean? yes. (thank you.)

hi, master. good evening. master, the points that you told us, that’s for what we did in previous lives to earnthe merit for this life, but could master tell us what we can do nowto have more points, to become more wise, more loving, to become a person withmore good qualities? now, okay, what i told youfor the past is applying

for the present as well, okay? suppose you already have good looks, then you don’t have tothink about that direction, but if you want to be famous,for example, then you know how muchyou have to earn. and if you’re rich already, then we leave that part; we already earned that. but if you want to be rich now,

then i have told you how much… i forgot already. the information comes so fast,i just note it, you see, like on a small,small “post-it” stuff, and then because i’m coming here, so i tape them all in one page,and then i leave it at home. so all this i left at home. i mean, i have more, of course. this part for here,

i take it with me, but at home i left some more. the thing is,i did not dare to take anything with me, and after i left, i asked the assistant at hometo email, see? like this, it’s safe, it’s still there at home, because if i take it,i might have lost my luggage; some of you lost the luggage, you see?

you want to earn more money this time? yes, it's the same, honey, same: meditation, meditation. and if you're lucky, you meditate underthe spiritual blessing line, or at the spiritual blessing line. then you have more. you get the most is you sit in the sun betweenthe “10 and 3 o'clock,”

and at the spiritual blessing lines, and next to the sea, and put your feet inside the water and your bottom on the sand, and around you should have forestand mountains, and at night, you continue sitting, because daytime the sun blesses you, at night… like that. so you have everything.

and the best is your masteralso sits next to you, for example. yes. yes. no, together, for example like that. then you earn fast. but i tell you what,we have to compromise. i don't think we have everythingin this life the way we want. we wish. even i don't have. for example, if i go here,

all day i'm busy, from morning till night, i don't have timeto even meditate a lot. at night, i come home,i'm very exhausted, even i meditate,and i don't meditate very well. when you're too tired, tea and coffee don't work. okay? by the time it works, you’re already asleep already.

you're not aware ofthe coffee’s influence. that's all i can tell you. you're lucky, becausethe quan yin practitioners draw the most blessingamong all the practitioners of all faiths, of all kindsof meditations. yes, i'm not saying thatbecause i teach this to you. if i knew something better, i would teach it to you; i’d teach myself as well, you see?yes.

so this is the best for now, because it's direct contact. the light and sound is the essenceof god, of our real self. so if we contact with that,that's that. you see what i mean? yes. don't worry if you don't meditateand go into samadhi, because you still have the points,but less only. you see, the reason why less, because for exampleif you take a shower

but you just run here and thereall the time, then you’re wet a little bit,but not so quick, and rinse it all. yes. and if you run too fast, too far away from the shower, then you don't get wet at all. so, similarly, the spiritual blessingassimilates better when you quiet down, and then you store it.

yes, for example,if this glass is here and i want to put somethingin it but it keeps moving, so then, maybe a little bit,or maybe none. but if it keeps still,then you fill it, and then you can use itas much as you want, or as little as you want. but if you keep moving all the time, even though the water is stillrunning, it doesn’t come in,or it comes in very little,

and then you can't use much.yes, all right. similarly, that's why we have to sit still and meditateso that we can accumulate, we can concentrate, all the blessing to store it. and then when we go outinto the world, we lose some, we give some, we protect some, we help some; it’s in a concentrated quantity.

yes, all right. so that's why we meditate. but don't worry,if you sit in the sun, for example, or in the open air. in the open air, when you meditate, you get 59% more thanwhen you sit in a closed building. yes, the thicker the building,the less – a little less –the concentration of the blessing. i don't know why.

i guess the air will get stalled. for example, okay, if we have karma (retribution), when we sit in the air, open air, then it will be recycledand runs around and all dissipates a little bit hereand there. but if we sit in one room and all that concentrationis still there. just like when you sit in the carand you don’t open the car window,

then the smell is different than when you open the car window, and all the fresh air keepscoming and going. same in the room like that, okay? so, 59% more if you sit outside. you can more or lesscount your spiritual points according to the listthat i gave you, okay? like one hour in the sun, how much.yes? and the air also blesses you.

let me check… did i say that at the gala, how much percent, i did? i didn’t, but it has percentage. even if you sit in a tent, those small tents,the plastic tent you have, you get more spiritual blessing pointsthan sitting in a room. but please don’t do thaton the street when you don’t have any yardor anything;

those condos,they build right on the street? you see, the river water blesses you, the earth blesses you, so that’s why i saysit with your bottom on the sand and your feet in the water,so you have both; and hold on to a tree, and under the sun. and so, you say, “i have wind, sun, trees,mountain, earth... bottom…

and water at the feet,” for example. you get as much as you can. that’s what you want, no? what else can i tell you? also, being selfless. being selfless is a sourceof blessing. i told you that thousands of times. so, have to be selfless, okay? yes. i have told you that

if you see the master, your master, i mean your master,any of your masters, any, if you have a master, if you see, then it’s very good for you,of course. but if you’re even willingto sacrifice that, then you have even more. don’t ever worry about thatyou lose out something. never. i don’t like to travel, but i did it just for the sakeof the world, for everybody.

truly, honestly, i had togo to cancãºn last time, two weeks before the event, to check around,clean it all up a little bit, and then i had to go back home. and then now i have tocome back again, because they invited me.you understand me? it was very difficult,heartbreaking, for me to leave the dogs, because they cry;they know when i’m leaving.

normally, if i leave my room,bedroom or office, they normally hang around all day. they have their room, but they never want to go there. they have bed, sofa – dog bed, human bed,dog sofa, human sofa – all for them, so for the choices, on the floor, on the bed,everything. but if they can,they just run to my room,

and my room is small. so they have to sleep next to me, like in the office next door, in the other room,video room, next door, and in even my bathroomand in the corridor. seven dogs, you know? so, they can’t evenall sleep together, because some are not very welltogether, so i have to have one roomfor some dogs

and another room for dogs. but as long as they knowi’m next door, no problem. even if i walk downstairs, they don’t say anything. but when they know thati’m leaving for a long time – they don’t even knowwhen i’ll come back – they cry. they cry already the night before. they don’t bark,

they don’t trouble, they just cry like, yes, really! they cry all together, the same time. i just walk out of the doorand they begin. i talk to them, i say,“okay good-bye. i’m going away. i have to work. you know that.

i have to work for the world, for you also, and for me,for everybody, but i’ll come back. and you’ll take care ofthe living room, you’ll take care of the bedroom, you’ll take care of the kitchen, and you take care of everybody else. you take care of the birds, you take care of that and attendant,

and take care of the houseuntil i come back.” everybody, they all sit and quietly, like they know and they “okay.” as soon as i walk out of that door. all together, big and small, like somebody said to them“1, 2, 3 – now!” i was really heart-broken, so i had to open the door againand say, “hey, you guys! what’s that?

what’s that noise? i’m still here. see?” i come and go and then i close the door and then i come back again saying,“hey, i’m still here, okay? you guys behave, all right?”and then i run. when they’re all quiet already, i run, because i confuse them a little bit.

they probably think, “hey, we are wrong, she’s not going.” and then they’re all quiet and then i runbefore i hear it again. oh, i don’t hear anything. it’s so difficult to leave my dogs, more than any humani’ve ever known, except my husband that time.

yes, it’s difficult to leave anyonewhen you love them. it’s difficult. but the dogs, they have the wayto steal your heart. i warn you, if you don’t have dogs, then you better know what you get,okay? they are more sticky thanyour wife, your children, your husband, lover, whatever. it’s very difficult to leave them. hallo, master.

hallo. tell me. yes, hallo, master. (hallo.) good evening. i have a question that has two parts,related to the spiritual points. the first part is, “do the spiritual pointsthat we have before we were born determine who we will bein this lifetime?” yes, yes, yes.

yes. yes. (okay.) because some peopleare good looking, some people are not, some people are rich, some people are poor, some people are famous, some people are not. you see, different departmentof our lives demands how much points, you see?

yes, and also the affinity,not just the points. for example, if in the last life, not only did you earn spiritual points but you also respect maybe a master or you praise that master very much, then you’re born witha beautiful face, and your voice will be very charmingto people, and your mouth would look likea flower. things like that.

you see what i mean? (yes.) yes, so in this lifetime, you’re already born like that, and if you earn more spiritual points, it happens to be to the point, if you wish to be more beautiful, it will happen also, yes? or it will enhancemore of your beauty, okay? right. and the second part is:

how does our willpower relate tothe amount of spiritual points that we have, the willpower? willpower? willpower has nothing to do with it unless you will yourself to sit and meditate in the sun,the sea, and the sand and hold onto the trees in the forest and surround yourself withtigers, lions, buffalos, elephants – the ones thatbless you the most –

crocodiles, bees, beaver, foxes,anyone, any animals. see what i mean? (understand.) then you have all the best… and the fish in the seaalso touch your feet. yes, difficult to find such a place, where we have tiger up thereand fish up here, and sun and sea and bottom on the sand and feet in the water,

and trees on both sides. and the master sits nearby somewhere. you’re dreaming. willpower, nothing to dowith our spiritual points. willpower is from the mind. when we want to do somethingdesperately, “we must do it, must do it,” then we pray, we try;that’s willpower. hallo, master!

so nice to see you here. nice to see you. okay, my question is: how is spiritual cultivationrelated to our spiritual points? well, that gives you more points. the more you cultivate, the more you meditate, the more you have points. yes? okay.

you are welcome. hi, master. hi! where? over here. dear master, master mentionedthat to be a president we would need to haveat least 530,000 zillion points or like 700,000 zillion pointsto be king or queen. is that what i said? yes?

okay, whatever, yes, and then? so you want to be president? no! it’s a hard job, baby, hard job.yes, tell me. and this seems to be a lot morelike just being an ordinary person, but how come some presidentsseem like they make unwiseor unloving decisions, such as going to war, if they must be such a good personto have that many points?

the points to be a presidentis just to be a president. it has nothing, actually,to do with virtue yet. you might happen to sit in the sunall day and earn so many points, or maybe in the last lifeyou earned a lot of points, but still you make enemywith someone else, or someone else makes enemy with you. for example, jesus christ, he didn’t make enemieswith anybody,

but some people made themselvesenemies of jesus christ. (yes.) all he taught were good things. and he imparted spiritual knowledgeand power to his disciples only, but people misunderstood still.yes? yes. remember whenyou first came to cancãºn, how hard it was? yes, until people take timeto know you. okay? yes. jesus never had a chanceto let everybody know.

all right. so, a president, maybe he has earnedthat much to be a president only, but he hasn’t got any leftoverfor other things. okay? and then by being a president, he is forced to do thingssometimes against his will because of the people surrounding him or because of the prestigeof the presidency, or because being a male, you know, ego,or because if he doesn’t do it,

then people don’t support him, or because he has to do it to look like he takes careof his country or the people, etc., etc. you know, when we are bornin this world, we don’t always have the meritto be this, to be that, to be beautiful, to be famous,to be president, etc., but the mind, the willpower,

is sometimes being swayed by the situation around us,or background, parents, yes, or peers or countrymen or our own position sometimesis even our enemy. okay? it’s very difficult to say… or past life they wereeach other’s enemy. so, to earn points to become president has not been enough to erasethis bad karma (retribution).

or he earned it enoughto erase his bad karma (retribution), but the enemy has not erasedtheir bad karma (retribution) and they still want to jump into make trouble, and he has to react, and then create newbad karma (retribution). this is very tricky. very tricky for anyone who lives in this worldat all, at all, at all. very pitiful, very sorrowful.

i think of the human lot and i cry, a lot of times. i feel they are helpless against all kinds of poweraround them. you know, the factthat you’ve grown up until this age and still live and still healthy and good-looking, that’s a lot of merit already. because, you know what,

when you’re first born, when you are a baby, all kinds of elements,radicals, free radicals, already attacking your skin. if you don’t have, like,mother’s breast milk, for example, to protect it, or some other thing to protect you, then you might have beenalready gone when you were just born.

yes, you were vulnerable to attack from all kinds of thingsin the air: the bacteria, the virus, the things that are surrounding us, and we adults, we’re sometimes strong,more immune, but the babies, their delicate skin is immediatelyattacked by radicals or elements– they’re called “free radicals” –in the air.

but they say the mother’s milkwill protect against that, even. so everybody encourages peopleto feed the baby with the mother’s milk. see what i mean? yes. it’s a miracle thatyou and i still sit here. yes! every day you have to think“it’s a miracle,” yes? and you know why some peoplesmoke and eat meat and they’re still alive? (why?) with all the poisonsthey should have been dead long ago.

why they’re alive? they earn the meritto live long from last life. they just shorten itby eating meat now, and they damage their body, make themselves sick, otherwise they would neverhave had any problem. but this is the problemwith the illusion of this world. when i say “maya,” please don’t be offended,the mexicans.

i don’t mean the maya here, i don’t mean the maya civilization, i mean the “maya” in sanskrit.that means “the king of illusion.” everybody’s so deluded in this world, so difficult to stay, so whenever i see you, i feel you are miracles. you’re still alive and you look good

and you’re working and healthyand running around – invincible! i feel you are a miracle, okay? so, to havesome kind of thing and another kind is different,you see? he has earned to be a president,but he hasn’t earned other things, not enough, okay? right. and besides, i told you,also affinity, yes? you see? for example, good looking isnot always because of points, but you must also have points,you see?

and then together withmaybe praising a buddha, then it’s together, makes you beautiful. okay? or you offer some flowerto the buddha, praise the buddha. you see what i mean? yes, and then, of course, you havemore spiritual points as well, then that together, it makes your appearance

more strikingly charmingthan otherwise. you look beautiful. i do? thank you. so, you previously have mentioned that some presidents havevery low nq (noble quality), but how can they accumulateso many zillions of points to become leaders of nations? okay. okay. they have accumulated that beforetheir nq (noble quality) becomes low.

now, what i mean is in the former life maybethey have meditated, maybe they have donesomething good, yes? or even maybe offering something to a great master, and they earn that much meritto be a president, but no further. you see? yes. and then, when they comeinto this life… so, i tell you,

to accumulate meritis not always a blessing. i told you that. to earn any worldly meritis not always good for us, because once you earn merit enoughto become a president, then what? you have power. you see? power, and then you don’t knowwhat to do with it, then everybody can use youto use your power to manipulate other thingsthat may be out of your control.

and you’ll be swayedby this persuasion, (yes.) by all this talking, and then you use your powerfor bad purposes, or that you let people do it. or sometimes you’re too tiredof arguing, you just let it go, and then they use your powerto make war. but you are also responsible because even thoughyou don’t like it,

you are the commander-in-chief. and then, from then you createa new bad karma (retribution) and then the cycle beginsagain and again. then next life you won’t bepresident again, or you’ll be something else, or you’ll still be president, but go to war all the time. it’s very, very risky to bein a high position. (right.) yes.

that’s why confucius said that you must first cultivateyour own spiritual power; then you can take care ofyour household, and then you can take care ofyour nation, and then you can pacify the world. otherwise, like you’re standingin the air, you don’t have anything underneathto support you, okay? it’s a very riskyand shaky situation. i feel sorry sometimesfor the leaders. yes.

they work so hard,but they don’t have enough, sometimes, not enough rest, not enough wisdomto take care of the right thing. everybody expects somethingfrom them, but they cannot always fulfill it. first, maybe they don’thave enough power, second they don’t have enough wisdom. third, they are swayed bythe surrounding situation. and people, other people,

who have interestinside these kinds of wars, the people who make weapons, the people who want to feel poweror look powerful, the people who are racist, the people who wantto make money out of it, everything, can put the presidentin trouble. it’s very difficult, very difficult. i wouldn’t envy, i wouldn’t want to be a president.

anybody want? no. no, master. no. i can give you some points so you can… (no.)… support you. no, master. no, thank you. i will vote for you with points.okay. we're having some signs of peacealready. yes, if you watch tv,you know. (yes, master.) we’re having a little glimpseof peace,

maybe over there, maybe over there. it's getting in there. i have a second question: during the gala dinner, you mentioned just very fastabout the points of working in loving hutand supreme master television, and you didn't finishtalking about it. yes, because it wasn't for them.(i know.)

it wasn't for the public. they don't need to know these things. i was telling them for their benefitthat day only, so they're not workingin loving hut, are they? (no.) the cop16, any of themwork in loving hut? no. they go and eat in loving hut maybe. i check it out where i put it, okay? because you always ask me,“how much, how much, how much?” so i have to look into it.

i don't know where i put it, but it's somewhere. i'll find it. be patient. be patient, patient. work in loving hut, there! six to seven percent plus. work for supreme master television, did i say? yes? work for supreme master,

like in a household, get 40 to 90 percent-plusspiritual points, for like personal, like office, for birds,for dogs, driving, etc., etc., plus 300 percent, more or less, because near a master; up to 300 percent plus, apart from 40 percentto 90 percent plus. got it, yes?

clean the dogs, feed the birds,clean the house. okay, got it now? (yes.) why pay less? the initiate has blessings. pay less. master power gives90 percent more, something like that. but the non-vegetarian peoplebenefit very little even for all the nature blessing us.

the quan yin practitioners benefit because we are vegan, yes. of all the blessing, you get 60%. then they get almost nothing,maybe one, two, three percent, yes. the more you earn, the more extra spiritual pointsyou have. it's like a bank interest. master, do we have to have enoughpoints to have supreme master tv? supreme master tv?

no. that's from my account. you don't have to have anything. from my account. same with money,from my account too; you don't have to pay anything. my question has two parts. how many points did we need to become a discipleof a ninth level master like you?

like me? i say if a ninth level masterstays here, it's like jesus’, buddha’s status, then they bless peoplethat much, that much, okay? sometimes you don't have tohave a lot of spiritual points in order to be a disciple of a master. maybe you were the enemyof the master, even. that's why he came to rescue you, because nobody else can.

the master has a variety of workand blessing and ways of contact with people. you don't always have to earn a lotto be a disciple. last life, just even a glanceis enough to free you, for example; or to come back as a disciple, or a highly developed person; or, you have been robbing her houses, beating her up. no, i’m not kidding,not kidding. i’m not joking.

they became disciplesand sometimes very near. well, the second part of my questionwas: what did we do in our previous livesto get this merit? i told you already. you check. you check yourself outwhat you did. (yes.) yes, because if i sit here and tell, it's a long story, everybody. i don't want… (yes.)

and some are good,some are bad – and do we want tospill all the beans here? and then later you look at himand say, “oh, last time you beat master up? bad boy! bad boy!” okay. you’re welcome, love. don't worry, you are all my kids. you're fine. we did what we did, okay?

and now we do what we do. important is what we do now, okay? – not what we did. all right? yes. remember one of the disciplesof the buddha? his so-called master,the other teacher, cheated him. because the wife of that masterwanted this person very much, so she flirted with him, but this boy refused herand she got mad,

so she tore her clothes and made it look likehe was molesting her and then told the master that he did. so, the master got mad,angry and jealous, so he told him to go outside,cut 100 fingers, and then he could become a master like him,become an “enlightened buddha.” so he listened to him because he wasa very devoted disciple –

just not a devoted master, poor guy. then he went, cut 99 already. when he saw the buddha, he wanted to cut the last one tobecome a buddha, no? and then the buddhafelt sorry for him and also rescued him, you see? – and explained it to him and then made him become a disciple. he was going to cutthe fingers of the buddha,

you see, to complete 100before noon, and the buddha forgave him still.okay? for example. it's lovely to see you. lovely. master mentionedthat we get merit points from doing good deedsand caring for animals. master, do animals alsoget merit points from helping each otherand helping humans? yes, they do.

they do. and one more question,part of my question: do animals go to the same heavenwith us, or can they? all the animals go straight to heaven, no matter what,and no matter where, okay? but, depends on their merit also. when they go to heaven, they don’t look like animals anymore.okay?

as soon as they die,leave the physical body, they go back to their original form, which is beautiful and glorious, yes? so if you go back to heaven,don’t expect to see your dogs there, wagging tail or something like that.okay? so all this saving the planet is because i feel sorryfor the animals, of course, the way they’re unjustly treated. but i’m not worried aboutwhere they go.

i’m worried more about humans,the ones who treated them badly, where they will go. all right.(thank you so much, master.) you’re welcome. hallo, master. (hallo.) now that we know that we are short of zillions of pointsto “buy” world peace, what can we do to helpto obtain those points so that we can have world peace?

okay, don’t worry. i’m taking care of that. i don’t think you can. thank you, master! i have given as much as i haveand as much as i’m allowed to give. and i ask to give more; i’m not allowed to give more, so we just have to do a little bitat a time, you see? it’s not always possible to…

it’s okay, these days, i’ve already done it, okay? a couple of million short, i already fixed it, yes. and we will see some glimpseof peace. but the whole human consciousnessmust also rise up to support this peaceful atmosphere. (yes.) so it’s not like i don’t wantto give everything and i don’t want to fix it right away,

but it’s not the point. you see? it’s not the point to give your child whatever he wants so that he doesn’t keep stampinghis feet or breaking your furniture, or smashing dishes around. do you understand me?(yes, master.) he has to also earn your loveand earn the thing that he wants. because the more you give him,

the more you spoil him, and the more he wants moreand then he becomes a spoiled kid. it’s no good for him either, and no good for you, and no good for anyone elsewho is in contact with that kid. he makes a bad example, he might bully others, you see? he grows up being unloved, unwelcomed by everyone

who encounters such a spoiled kid.got it? suppose i fix this world, and i give peace everywhere, okay? they continue to have warwith animals. they harass the animals and then they create a new badworld karma (retribution) again! because they’d say, “nothing happened. i eat animals every day,

nothing happens to me.” and then after long periods of times and then they have warand then they don’t relate anything with the eating of the animals or killing animals with that war. they think this eating animals isdifferent, because it doesn’t happen right away. not like they eat the chicken and then the war immediatelystarts next door.

it has to have some time to accumulate enough bad energyto break out as a war again, and then they don’t relate to it. they don’t relatethe two events together. and if anyone, even i or anyone, keeps fixing peace in the world, has to also do it slow, as they earn it, as they grow up. just like you have children,

you love children very much, but you can’t buy your babya mercedes for him to drive. no, you buy firstthe plastic bicycle, no? with four wheels so he doesn’t fall and hurt himself, and then later, you buy hima 2-wheel bicycle, and then you buy himmaybe a motorcycle, and then a small car, cheaper car first,for example like that.

understand? i love you. i wish i could fix it immediately.i want to; but it’s not the way. it’s not the mandate of heaven.okay? (yes.) i have to workwith the whole universe, not just with this world. dear master, is there such thing as the collectivespiritual points?

like many people sit togetherand get it? i mean the planet as a whole, we have our planetary collectivespiritual points? do have. do have, also. yes. i’m sorry, it sounds so trivial, but how many pointsdoes the planet have now, and how many more do we needto retain this beautiful planet? it’s very difficult to count now,so…

we just leave itlike almost infinite, okay? a lot, a lot of zillions. a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot, lot of zillions. and how many more? lots, lots, lots, lots also... more. okay, whatever, yes. for you,if you don’t have this planet,

you go to other planets, okay? we’re saving it for other people. if we can, it’s fine. if we cannot, also let it go. let it be. okay? thank you, thank you. the reason i wantedto save the planet, not just because to savethe physical planet, but to savethe people’s consciousness,

that they should rise up, that they should considerthe environment, for the future lives’ generations, for the animals. they should have compassion, okay? saving the planet is just a catalystto wake them up. right. because, let’s face it, even the physical lifeis short here anyway. so if they lose it, they lose it.

but the point is to save souls. right now i have enough merit to save half of the planet’s soulsalready. i mean,if i don’t have to give anything, then i would have savedthe whole planet as well. but because of war,because of karma, because of animals karma(retribution), a lot of things have to fix. like the house,not just that door broken,

the bathroom is also leaking, the roof is leaking – see what i mean? – and the yard is overgrown, so it takes time and energy to fix different thingsat different times. okay? you guys, it’s good enough that you take care of yourselfalready, that you meditate.

okay? understand? yes, and that is helping also.okay? because you bring alsothe peaceful atmosphere wherever you go. yes? and you make good examples. it’s also helping me in a way. you are helpful,very, very helpful. i am very proud of you. even when you dance and all that,i’m very proud,

like a grandma looking at grandkid, “look at all that!” i was very proud, okay? knowing that you could even cookand you could hand flyers, and then you could feed the people, feed the policeand you could dance as well, and sing. okay? all right. you don’t have to, but whoever can do that,it’s also extra...

maybe a lot of pointsin the past life, to dance. dear master. (yes.) can bad karma (retribution) be erasedby your spiritual points, if yes, to which extent? or, our bad karma (retribution)can be erased or cleansed only by the inner sound? no, no, no, no, no. at the time of initiation, whatever karma (retribution) you hadin the store – done. okay?

you’re a free soul. but you had a little bit ofkarma (retribution) left so that you can exist on this planet, or until you’re gone. that bad karma (retribution)we cannot erase, because if we erase, you die; you die before you reachthe third level or second level, or the fourth level. so, the purpose of leavinga little karma (retribution) here:

to endure a little so that you have time to go upto the fifth, the fourth, yes? understand me? (yes.) now, but we cannot erase, but like minimizethe bad karma (retribution). i told you alreadyat the time of initiation. like, for example, you’re supposed to havea very bad, bad accident – you have it in a dream,

yes, or you have a smaller accident.yes? you have accident, for example,but you’re not injured too much. or you recover very fastand the doctor’s surprised. for example like that. but if completely erasedthis fixed karma (retribution) for your lifetime, then you have to go immediately – means good-bye! so you stay for a whileto raise your level.

because to practice in this worldis very good, very fast, very meritorious. okay? (thank you very much.thank you.) better. better than other planets, or other levels of consciousness. okay? (thank you.) you know why? because, for example, if you go even to astral level only,yes?

remember many people who died, like clinically dead, and they came back and they told how nice and beautifulheaven was – similar to here but more beautiful – and people became young even though when they diedthey were old? for example. this is just astral level. and they love it so much

that they don’t wantto come back here. and when they come here, they cry and cry and cry. so, for example, if you arein that astral level, you’re so happy already, you don’t want to meditate,nothing. there’s no motivation, no pushing forcebehind your meditation. here, sometimes you feelfed up with family,

you’re heartbrokenbecause of a love affair, or you see people suffer, animal suffer, and your heart is touched and you wish to do somethingto erase your sorrow, not just from yourself but from the thingsthat you see around you, you see? –or to give them some comfort by your spiritual wish, blessing wish.

so that is the motivation to do it. in heaven, everybody is so happy, you can’t even rememberwhat day it is, and you’re just too busy enjoying. there’s nothing to remind you of why you have to goanywhere else. but the astral level is notlong-lasting. see? they don’t know that. well, even if they know,they don’t care.

see how we suffer in this world, but nobody cares aboutthinking of the future. even then, if you are happyin the astral level for example,you don’t want to practice, nothing; very difficult to practice there. you think in this worldit’s difficult to practice because you’re busy, because of so much sorrow, you should go to heaven.

astral level, you’ll seehow more difficult it is. because there’s no point, like, no motive to do that. thank you very much. it seems with every conference, in the recent conferences, that humans are gettingmore and more opportunity to get more blessing, and also the blessing seems tobe stronger and more powerful.

is this correct, master? yes, it is correct also. correct also. but it cannot go on forever like this, because if humans are so stubborn and don’t wake up, then you know… yes, right. that is to help humansto get more strength to wake up and to do thingsto save themselves,

save the planet. but if they don’t,then they lose everything. it seems that the universeis blessing a lot more and has opened up to more blessings? no, it has always been the same, but it’s just perhaps stronger now, because we need it, that’s all.okay. and so that’s an opportunityfor ourselves and for the planet to save ourselves(yes!) at this time.

yes, because it’s urgent, so heaven also helps. i pray for them to help also, yes. i say, “humans are pitiful.” not to condemn but to help, right. because they’re truly pitiful. first, they’re not well informed; second, the ones who knowdon’t want to inform, because of financial gain,prestige gain,

and political gain… anything at all. anybody who thinks for themselves and don’t realize thatif we lose the planet, also them, gone. but, very difficult totalk to the human mind. hallo, master. (hi.) you were saying that quan yin practitionersreceive more blessings from, for example, angels,(anywhere, yes.)

plants, wind and air. (yes.) do we need to be aware ofthese blessings to receive them? no, no, no. just remember to thank them. yes. you are not aware,but you feel it sometimes. that’s why you don’t know it, but when you sayyou go in the forest and sit, you feel very good. you blame it on oxygen.

it’s not always oxygen. yes? and if you go, immerse yourself in the seaand you feel so good, so relaxed, and you blame it on the water. it is the water,but it’s more than just physical. people love to go to the mountain,walk around. why? what’s the difference between a mountainand the flat land? it’s just more difficult to walk.

but they feel better there. see what i mean?(yes, master.) okay. blessing power. so, don’t say you are not aware, you just don’t thinkit’s a blessing. you see? and when you go intoa fresh air area, less crowded with peopleand less polluted area, and you breathe in, breathe out, you feel so good,

because of the pure airthat blesses you. okay? and when you sit in the sun,you feel suddenly more ideas come, or even more relaxed, and more easy to meditate also, when the sun is warm –not too hot, of course. you see? that is a blessing. but because we are bornin this physical body, which is so coarse,so coarse, so rough, that even so powerful a blessingwe feel just like,

“i’m just relaxed,” or “i’m just sleepy.” so people who were born or live in a very bright,sunny country, they’re a little bit relaxed,more relaxed, and we say they’re lazy. it’s not like that. they’re just relaxed, too relaxed, don’t care too much aboutmaterial gain, that’s why.

they could not think too muchin that direction. but they’re blessed that way. rather poor and happy,than rich and worried. a lot of rich people, they worry so muchand they’re cranky all day. number one: because they worryabout their money, whether the stock is going downor up. number two: they worrypeople come and steal it, or eyeing on their property

or maybe something bother…maybe something wrong. or in business somebody might tryto get them down, finding some fault with their business or something like that. they worry all the time. and, another thing is, other people are bugging thembecause they have money. so they always comeand bothering, so they have to always hideor avoid people.

so their life is not all naturalall the time. they always have to avoidcertain people. not like the poor people who have nothing to lose, they’re always happy-go-lucky. and, another one: because they’re rich, they have to keep the appearance,

so they need a driver, they need a butler, they need a housekeeper, they need a cleaner, they need a babysitter, they need all kinds of things, and they have to rely onall these people in order to look richand high societies, to look prestigious.

and to be dependent on anyone, even your servant,is a pain in the you-know-where. it’s not good. we are not born to be dependent. that’s why most of usare born alone and die alone, because god wants usto be independent. but if you’re rich, you mostly have to be dependent. you understand me?

you are not used towashing your own clothes, you don’t iron,and then afterward, you forget. but the way the rich people areis like that, you don’t iron your own clothes, you don’t clean your own house, you have to rely on people.that’s normal. the more servants you have, the more headache, because two people don’t eversync together, no.

no telepathy; don’t go very well together. have to always tell people what to do, and they don’t always do itthe way you want, and then you always don’t feel well: feel angry, feel frustrated. and if you scold the servants, they might sue you. yes. you see what i mean? (yes.)

it’s not a very good position to be rich and famous. do not earn any points for that. i am just tellingthat so that people know, okay, if they are famous, because they have earned it, should try to keep it; or if they are pretty, because they have earned it.

if they don’t continue, they might depletetheir bank account, spiritual bank account. just to encourage themto think more inside, to meditate more, you see? to think or to thank forall the blessings they have, and calm down, not get too much excited and not too grabbyabout material things.

that’s the reason i tell people.okay? not to encourage youto earn a hundred zillion so that you can be a presidentof the united states. for example. you are aware,especially the practitioners, quan yin practitioners. even if you think you’re not aware, but you are aware. it’s just that you don’t thinkabout it, that’s all.

it’s better to be aware also, be conscious. every time you breathe in, you are consciousthat you are blessed. thank the air. whenever you can, you thank.okay? or you thank in the morning, and again in the evening, before you meditate,

before you sleep, or after you meditate, after you sleep –whatever, okay? just remember to thank. okay? the more you thank,the more you have. the more you are grateful,the more you get. the more you are conscious,the better you feel. it's just like if you have money

but you don’t feel likeyou have money, then you cannot feel too richand too proud. but if you are awarethat you have money, you feel more confident, no? yes. we are very happyto see you again. there are two parts to my questions. the first question, the first part is: you mentioned that the ninth levelblessed disciples 30,000%. could you explain more?

why? is there anything to explain? you could explain. just enjoy an extra 30,000 points. just enjoy, okay. i got it. thank you. is that good enough? oh my god! of coursethe ninth level master, they bless you more, no? so you expect him to bless youlike 3 points or something?

what do you mean by explaining more? what else do you want to know? why he blesses you so much or what? just curiosity, that’s why. okay. no, no, no. it’s just like the sun: gives you warmth, yes, and the water gives you coolness. it’s just the nature of the masterof the ninth level.

okay? (okay.) just like the nature of the dog,he is very loyal. the second part is: do all disciples receivethis blessing equally? yes. equally. equally, but it depends on how highshe or he is also. the master gives equally, just like the sun gives equally, but some people go into the houseto hide.

some people get the umbrella to cover, so he doesn’t feel that hot. the sun gives equal warmth as provided in the same equal area.okay? so i suppose thatthis happens every day? every day. okay, all right. you see, that’s why i told you eventhe master blesses 30,000%, but the people outside,

the people who are notquan yin practitioners, and the people who eat meatand drink alcohol, and all that, they get only 3%,more or less – even less even. given the same but they don’t get it. number one,because they eat meat and all that, it's discounted. number two, this meat, alcoholis like building a wall to obstruct them toget the blessing.

just like if it’s raining, but you have an umbrella, then you get a little less wet. or you are in the house, you get less wet thanwhen you are outside, and when you wear a raincoat, less than whenyou don’t wear a raincoat. the people who eat meat,drink alcohol and all that, they are wearing “raincoats”

and stick themselves in a roomall the time. so, the damp air can get ina little bit. the damp air, the air from the rain,comes in, but not the rain. so, they don’t get wet,maybe a little coolness. the skin feels cool and damp, the clothes a little bit damp, but they don’t get wet like when you are in the rainand run around in it. okay? (yes.) so the disciples get more,

because we are connected. connection. and you are on a higher level also. the higher level you are, the more blessing you’ll get. anything high, anything light,goes upwards, you see? same. same with spiritual quality.(thank you, master.) hi, master. (hi.) i am over here.

over there. yes. i had a question about the animals. at the gala, you mentioned the birds, and the bigger the bird, the more blessing power that it had, and that seemed to relate tothe research by richard greene who was talking about albert einsteinand (the matter.) the matter and… (power of the matter, yes.)right. and so,

do the bigger animalsbring more blessing power? they do, as a matter fact. i told you the elephant blesses youhow much, you see? (forty, i think.) and the dog blesses you less. you see that? and the whales bless youequally as much, more or less, as an elephant. i don’t know if size does matteror not, but it’s like that.

it’s like that. so, maybe i have less blessingthan you because you are bigger than me! if you become a master,you bless hugely, hugely. double. hurry up! you, all the fat guys there,hurry up, hurry up! yes, hi. i like your hair. the blessing power of the moon,the stars,

the water, the air, does it havethe same specifics as the sun? and what would be the best hourto meditate? please meditate at nightwhen the stars and the moon come out. don’t you think so? you see the sun in the daytime, then you meditate in the daytime. if you want to have blessingfrom the moon and the stars, then you wait until the timethey come out, no? or should you meditate in the daythen wait for the moon to bless you?

okay. another question, master. (yes.) these elements give usas much blessings as the sun? the moon, the stars… yes, yes. i told how much already. that day, right? yes. okay. the full moon blesses more. master, i have a questionabout living with nature,

and you have already answeredpart of this, and there is an extra element too. but now that we know the benefitof the natural world, will humanity evolve toliving in villages again, back with nature? and also the other part of that: will we all move tosunny countries now? if you can, why not? humans evolve or not,

that’s out of my control. humans are god, you see? and they don’t use the god nature, they use their willpower, that’s the problem. but, okay, we shall be patient. i do my best, whatever happens, happens. truly, what can i do?

i’ve cried enough already, now i don’t cry anymore. if they live in a village or not live in the village, it doesn’t really matter because they always have the sunor the air. the air blesses you, the water blesses you, the gardens even bless you;

the earth you walk on blesses you. everything blesses you. and the animals around youbless you, the wild animals nearby bless you. that’s why people loveto go out in nature, watching birds and feeling good, that they don’t even know why. yes? and going to the sea,bathe, feeling good – don’t even know why.

feel better thanin the swimming pool, and go in the river,bathe in the river, feeling good –don’t know why. go into the forest,walk around all day, tired but feel good –don’t know why. oxygen. everything in this world, they’re related to material existence,yes. even a little bit nonmateriallike oxygen, but it’s still in the material realm.

they don’t think anythingmore than that, okay? nobody ever told them actually,have they? anyone? (no.) other masters don’t? ( no.) no? that’s the problem. they just tell you, “protect the animals, don’t eat them. protect the trees,protect the forest,” but don’t tell them why.

that’s why.normally, i also did not tell why, but i thought it’s betterto tell them, no? people always like to know“why, why, why,” and if that helps, then it’s good,okay? all right, maybe other mastersalso did not know. they don’t research into this area,okay? thanks, master. walking barefoot,what’s that worth to us? because the earth –

more direct contact, okay? if you want to, but do walk barefoot in the house, is good enough, see? no need to walk outside, because i don’t know what element will come into your foot, apart from the blessing. nowadays, they drink,

they broke glasses everywhere, i’m not responsible. do what you want, okay? but, whenever you walk barefootin the house, don’t you feel nice?(yes, yes, yes.) you see? you don’t even know why. now you know. or you walk barefoot in your yard. you feel good? (yes.) yes.

all the masters in the past,they don’t wear shoes, and people think they’re renunciated. it’s not only that:they felt good. okay? they’re more in contactwith the earth. the earth blesses you a lot. we are born to be blessed. we are blessed children. every day, we should feel happy even if we don’t have money, yes?

to be human, to be healthy, to have something, that is such a blessing already. yes? and if you have a good master, good method to practice, that’s extra blessing. and now you know the sun blessing, the moon blessing… oh god, you're spoiled, so spoiled.

it’s logical. you don’t have to believe me because i am a master. not because i’m the master that you should believe me. you see, when the sun comes outor the sun’s sunny, you feel good, no? (yes.) yes, okay. all right, that’s a blessing.

even if you don’t know spiritually,you know it’s good for you, okay? the moon, people just gaze at the moonall the time, and when the moon comes out, they love it. they like to sit on the balcony, look at the moon. just one little round thing,why keep looking? why like to look at it? wait for the moon to come upand looking and drinking tea,

and looking at the moonall day, all night. why? they don’t even know why, but i told you why. see? so it’s logical, okay? not because i’m a master that you should believe me. just check it out. actually, i also did not think oftelling you all this. i thought you’d all know.

but then, i asked the moon if you know. they said, “they don’t know.” i asked the sun if my disciples know anything about… “okay, then i tell them.” hi. master mentioned that wild animals,such as beavers and squirrels, bless us, but do we needto be close to them

or near them in person in order to receive this blessingor can we receive it psychologically or on the same… remote control. if they have a remote control, they can bless you. (okay.) like tv, you know? of course, the nearer is better,of course. but the thing is everywhereyou have wild animals, except

if you live in a big city –too bad – but then you have the air, the sun,you see? you see, that’s whygod makes animals everywhere so that in every village, every city is supposedto have different animals to bless you in that area, so you don’t have to travelfrom here to new york to get blessing from the beaver,for example. but we destroy everythingto build big houses,

and we kill all the wild animals. we’re killing ourselves. just look at our world now:the more we kill, the more we deplete it, and the more we are in danger now, and still don’t listen. you know we do our best, but if they listen, they do, if they don’t, they don’t.

i don’t have any more expectation. i truly could not expect any more.whatever. okay? after this period,we’ve done our best, then we just concentrate moreon meditation, okay? i don’t really want youto sacrifice too much; you have to meditate for yourself. and give some to the world if you want to. i also need to meditate.

if i’m not here,i meditate a lot, a lot, a lot. points, zillions, so that i can give. israel is having hope now. see? afghanistan, at least, everything hopeful, you see? you look, watch tv, you know it? at leastthe supreme master television, we report here and there all the time.(yes.) even israel and palestine’sprime ministers

talk together now, saying,“we will help each other.” because last time palestinehelped them with the fire, and now israel and palestine say, “we will make a pact. we will help each other now.”see what i mean? isn’t that nice? (yes.) it has to start somewhere. okay? and now the aid can comeinto palestine already, for example. the blessing that the animals give us,

do they bless us automatically, or is there something thatwe humans can do to help them? or do they withhold their blessings, like how master said, that your dogs do not give blessingsto everyone? do, but less, less than to me. it’s just automatic. there’s a portion of automatic,that they do give anyway, generally, but there’s a portionthey give more, extra,

to someone they loveor someone who loves them, or takes care of them. see what i mean? (yes, master.) just like you help maybesome orphans in the world, or children, poor country, but you take care extrawith your children, you see? it’s natural. natural. my dogs bless me morealso because they’re vegan, they have more power,

and also becausethey love me so much. birds also bless more than usual,more than other birds, and more than other birdsto other people, and more than my birdsto other people. but they do bless, the ones who help take care of them, they do bless. do each of us have blessings to give? or is there a minimum amountof spiritual points

that we have to have in order to give blessings to others? you mean the disciplesor you mean outside? to everyone, to anyone. okay, normal people have no blessingto give anybody. if they don’t take it, you’re lucky already. it is a pity. they have power inside to bless,but they don’t awaken it, you see?

they cover it by doing the opposite directionof their nature: killing, warring, partaking indirectly in killing,like eating meat or supporting war,for example like that. they cover themselves. (right.) see what i mean? so a human rarely can blessany human, except physical help.

but you,the quan yin spiritual practitioner, more or less, you help; depends on your level, of course. if you are second level, you bless less than whenyou are third level. (right.) you have to have a certain points to go to third level already anyway. so we don’t need to count that, okay?(okay.) and if you’re fourth level,

you bless more. i see. okay. that’s why i say, “please hurry up,go fat people!” – more blessing… bigger,you know? european parliamentsupports reducing meat to lower greenhouse gases. ... reduce your meat consumption or stop eating meat totally.

during discussionson greenhouse gas reduction goals, the climate committee ofthe european parliament officially recognized livestock’s contribution to global warming and recommended a reductionof subsidies to the livestock industry to curb methane. the european parliament has adopted its own positionon climate change

as an institution. and as a vice-president, one of the proposals i’ve made is in line with your own; which is that we should eatfar less meat because that’s one ofthe major sources of greenhouse gasses. we know that agricultureand meat production is one of the main causesof gas emissions.

and so it’s very clear that the ratio per capita of meathas to decrease. my name is jens holm. i’m a member ofthe european parliament. please, be veg, go green, to save the planet! when we give blessings to others,do we lose spiritual points? yes. unfortunately, yes. it’s like money,

you can’t give and keepat the same time. right. okay. but you have to conscientiously do it. otherwise, normally, it’s also automaticallysome points’ deduction because we share this planet. we walk the same road. like a pot,everybody puts a little bit in. for example… like i sit here,

i don’t give you anythingparticularly, physically or obviously or materially, but you like it so much. you love me. it’s just automatic, okay? the same, when you practice. like, quan yin practitioners,or the higher you are, everywhere you goyou just bless people. people just feel comfortablewith you. (great.)

and they cannot help but have some points from you,even though you don’t give. but there are portions you givealso conscientiously, (yes.) by consent. that is different. if i want to give some region,some leaders, so that they start to altertheir pattern of karma (retribution), the structure of karma (retribution)inside them, so that they can think peace, yes,

they can get out of the cycleof violence. i had to consent, say, “i do give.” the whole universe must know that. and the god, the deity who overseesmy spiritual bank account – just like a bank manager, no? –must know it. i must tell him,“yes, i do give. i want to.” it’s not like anybodyjust can take it from you. no. a little bit, okay, yes.

for example,you put money in the bank, yes? the bank invests it for you, but from your money they also do something with it – you see what i mean? – without you even having to sayanything. but at the same time, they make interest for you too. but they also have toinvest your money

in other projects, see? the part automaticand the part not, see? and from your money, if you want to give to charity you have to write a check, or you take out money and give, by your consent. okay? (okay) spiritual points is like that also.

nothing complicated in the universe. it’s always the same. (okay. thank you.) yes. i’ve been curious about storiesin the bible and other religions (yes.)related to hair. hair? (hair.) yes, tell me. there are stories of samson whose… (cut hair.) yes, had

(and then became…) a lot of strengthto protect his country as long as he didn’t cut his hair. and even the sikhs don’t cuttheir hair. so i’m curious as to… is there any significance? yes, hair blesses you also 5% –long hair. long hair, about my length, you get 5% more spiritual points,extra.

yes, i forgot to tell the delegates, but i don’t think they’re goingto grow their hair long to go to the cop17, no? the bald guy, feel sorry. don’t worry, you wear a wig! yes, okay?

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