but on sidewalks program wards atwarwick leptin fatima the makers of johnson's wax for home andin this period in cooperation with the council on books in wartime proudlypresents words of war one of the most widely discussed programs in america dramatizations of the mostrepresentative books to come out of this great world promptly and with us again to introduce ourprogram is the well-known radio personality author and critic leptinfatima mr padam
words that war presents and dramaticterms the gravest social problem facing america today the return to civilian society aboutone-tenth of the population with three other nine-tenths of used tofight a war without the jumper stella brings you abrief method from our sponsor i'll tell you more about tonight's program books when you apply wax to variousservices around your home i wonder if you realize how manydifferent purposes you're serving i'd like to mention for important ones andi'll be brief
you're practicing conservation johnson's wax regularly applied givesprotection against where make sure things last longer second you're addingrich beauty to every room of your home to be enjoyed by your entire family you're saving yourself hours of work allyear because there does not mentally cling to a johnson wax service and four which you may not fully realized you're helping to protect the health ofyour family a wax told as a clean home and the cleanhome is a helpful on
so it's definitely profitable to invest a very small amount of money and a modest amount of your time doenjoy all these advantages made possible by a regular use of johnson's whack liquid or creed all right mister fatima tonight's wordbefore program is based on willard weiler book the veteran comes back the story of the returning soldier
the veteran who comes home as a socialproblem the major social problem of the post warworld no man could have a moral claim to theconsideration of his fellows and no man could have a better right the bitterness how we're going to give g_i_ joe hisrightful place in society the discussion has already begun thedebate is raging in congress the newspapers over theradio in union halls chamber of commerce meeting
on street corners a debate to find a solution to thepopular g_i_ joe clinical comes home ranging except train all right do sheet the k
dead great the assets pups a chaotic joe cal over period all cashed cat k uh... entry battle brought well but
at it yet apartment a it rightful place into the five hundreddollars it packet uh... have the the killed i was in line up
i think it yet but i thought that mighthelp the camp i think i get talking about podiatrist bracelet spread out all knowwat one posted i was growing up quite a bit by exactlythe kind of nobody is part of aspirin opinion i'm g_i_ joe startup fucked up your nice charliemeeting friends but i've been listening to yourdiscussion for a long time
and the least i can say about it is i don't like it or don't like it we're doing it for you open your ownwell-planned it alike me because you know what will not want important pointbrands one very important point pat they more than at any time in history the better and it's a practices ilearned capped at one let's hear what is got to say
hired to say before that nothing was toobut pretty ideal that sounds familiar fellow citizens derrida spoil my kipling call tommyatkins pick it up in the library in london i went into a theater a sulfurous couldbe they gave a drug civilian rule but ihadn't room for me he sent me to the gallery around themusicals when it comes to fight uh... it shocked me in the spot
brett stymie this time funny that on the wait outside special trying but on the one that tookchips on the time cabral it probes friends that during any war inhistory not being used too good for the better after the war byron scott braton but this time the boys are coming backto selling apples them and not coming back to charity
this time of we don't get what we wantto we don't get what we've been promised we don't get what we decide gcr democracy goodbye a people like but take it from this written and what what records of the patterns like that but i i come to testify before thenation the call witnesses color dollars tiredpacked up around parodies got to say it witnesses
but first witnesses private jeremiah smith my name is jeremiah smith i was attention of perform weapon philadelphia or i had my own shop what moral issue no war was on october nineteenth seventeeneighty one we heard the news wall was over we wouldn't be the mobile and
the news was met with someone resisted normalized amanda bobby to mobilize not receivingmy pay because our painewebber all warm but not before spiller stopped paying we're not quitecatholic we talked a lot of justice but justice from congress paraguay but ican't bite marks when we reached philadelphia reconstituted a body of three hundredfully armed troops together with the philadelphia garrison we marked on thecontinental congress it was made the
finally and this was what the remotecontrol another many of me died little italy with this kind shortchanged in swimming the speculators rate the harvard wasonly because america was young no annual front is to be exploited the probably from them have you anything to add to yourtestimony private smith and we hope that the veterans of heretowards
for a few but a treatment from thepeople of the united states the event private smith hopes the veterans of future wars will receivebetter treatment from the people of the united states i called my next witness corporal rufusbowers i've caught in the wall between thestate on the confederate side you yankees abnormal call me a rebel
but to the people of this hour my people i was a a soldier after we surrendered you people in thenorthern pool your way or from this now where or in eighteen sixty seven we have ameeting all of it deal man how long are we going not spend money ongoing dot com
bankrupted what they can have like that if that's what makes a lot one-on-oneit'll you eaten that anybody can what happened but i think the antibiotichappened yet we want to keep from godding it dot blot that wrote acne log indicating that they found arecently all their lives for evening and theupgrade i think a little later then often aconfederate soldier
i propose we do i get all that i'd likehim and fight with him iraq dot right now dot net here reorganization we join with the cubansgraham of also became the invisible and why uh... leaders were our own uh...methodware board violence andrew white terrible it overnight cutting length movie warwidening and result what you've got a
terrorist and set them up but it is redthe throughout the countryside weight you know and in the end we thank you the old auto was restored and a different form maybe what restored now i know it was a mistake we didn't help us out then we didn't help us there
but i also know that in those days wewere better or not dot follow anybody who promised her salvation i can only hope that the veterans of youto war if there be into a war we received better treatment and a greater understanding from thepeople of the united states and building alexi i'd
were partner or about that anybody wanna bet grade but that will help the better thank you your relating can't stop uh... yet you're lucky you have leg lady ophugging hubby clo
but then playing let me about that but not that are my by mental conditioning hello joe uh... terribly hasn't done it selling any today copenhagen open up thought i'd bring some notes on the kidpridgen
if today is not the day holed up in a close to zero the fact that might be are gone had was with me leeway hero dread jolly there yahoo guides the way we took care of a veteranmood
and this is the way some of the veteranstogether selves into the bitterness had a chance to makea rodent spread like in the region what can i do agree lou use the ruby one and closing up now into the holder and over the dole renewal please don'tyou and an old man is respected handed over even here activity of the bronco thatcountry handed over and don't make a mover ofplay here
profiteer getting rich one other guy triggering offighting korea arrow crack we took care of them all right we got the money kill and then we turn the most us stop a the within pattern bringing you in other words of warprogram in behalf of the makers of
johnson's works will as well as book veteran comes back we've heard g_i_ joe make the bluntstatement but today more than at any time in history the veterans of practice aside and it democratic institutions unless they can be successfully rematchour allies into his native land we've heard from two witnesses
the veteran of the revolutionary war andone from the civil war corroborating the evidence we've seen what happened to the veteranafter world war one now the remaining witnesses the redtestified uh... program continues a g_i_ joes says i next witnesses private my candidate i mite activity i played with the a_t_f_ in nineteeneighty nine march with the baby have been nineteen thirty two
ladies in the united with the bigedwards let me refresh your memory in nineteen thirty two the bombers werestill unpaid and uh... that and we're very sorryabout it we had a right to be we were broke we have no jobs many of us were on really karbona certificates were pledged to thelimit
let me tell your brother we were prettydesk perry said wait ask let's not go watch again inmate at nineteen thirty two for its better and content and letportland oregon and that was the beginning of the bahia obama's expeditionary force we traveled in hotel lobbies it's rides and ruled the rails
from every state that intended dot by the time we we've watched and we werein ten thousand strong and and and liberated and pencil in hand and andhalf are all and so that we're told that the othermembers hampton anacostia laxmikant wives and children family but certainlyinterest kadambari really undermined his forty-five and we made up my mind real estate and till nineteen forty fiveminutes is having because we never figured they've usedthe army to drive us out
the big push began on bloody thirty julytwenty eighth troops from fort myer infantry familyand height pat most of the facts and that's not all quite a bit ofjericho we've had it not it o weight played a more witnesses i'm sure you'll find that testimonyinteresting
what has happened in the united statesyou see in the works you upgrade your amendment on the whole things have been quiet no real threat to democracy to develop so far but in other countries that wasdifferent i call my next witness sergeant abbe rivera and negotiate a
at the end up close after the first word lines and equipment visited considine an organization of professions bangalore jobless never lost faith inthe people of housing the part of the punish there's a way out the nineteen thirty we begin to intervene in politics
the and i just added to the pressuresdavila station thirty billion germany and then started crash precious which showed up close pretty enemy i'm prob lansdowne event about john and and amanda thank god then i did it in the last that long
kept the caller that people gave us an update that was a man would be they follow that man of how does thathave i don't have dot about etc dot spite but maybe if we do a lot we have it means i believe
parts but it was looking at all at the start this device g_i_ joe what they are trying to provethat our veterans will behave like germans are crazy obama's box was amistake don't believe it here dot all what he's talking about what you cares about one hundred or all butwith that but it back for a dulled count on it we're a democracy and will remain ademocracy
you all all better ins won't behave like germanbullies in a tiny and but yet they did not let me tell you something armies is strangely alike when it comes to war there's littledifference between army made men little difference between veterans oftimes and places and there is no difference and a bit i told you you overlooked one importantpoint might find civilian brands
you know but look what it means to be asoldier you know one of the first things thearmy does to you it destroyed your individual will total by arafat please have you have a might right i you're right knowledge on the about the cause thebrain four or five years of that see whathappens
make for five years ago being away from home come on come on brace at the end under the brands all and story about me match i guess i just feel blue natural fiercer and uh... we all live so i can well it's not all right
it's not all right just assume be devastating us all aboutit that it loneliness kind you've never felt normal life and beer harm michelle kept it up today we bury them showscan again we had very very
providing snow in the scandal was allcrazy which everybody in the bodies and german guns kept it in a month plane crash i pulled up at about he didn't have no hair my body was killed on the road mum passing traffic masterson funniestplotters wallpaper well there are several pieces of humanflesh were better than the steel walls
of our ship which i believe that this is animportant not at not so criminalist intuitive ideas squirming now yeah maybe lsp weren't even more whenyou hear other guys at the front feel about their bodies back home fluid out here right and uh... it those guys that culminate in the bill
there is no different than us with anice affect jobs but i'd like to lay my hands on that next a mailing list of the property is boys who would jacking up the prices sowe'll come home to a nice happy inflation we'll fix them alright to andtrailing behind on the same list about palm fronds soldiers tell us if you guys c_i_a_ like this there are men in the navy who gotcommissions
all all the only ship they have everseen inside joan your partnership and isn'tfunny and not friday at all that funny because that eight and bitterness will become greater thewar goes on because that bitterness will be takenout on somebody and it would be just to bandit weretaken out on the people of america it would be just too bad it g_i_ joecame home and followed an american hip level promised and i think he will notfine
well what do you call it and tell you what i want when i come home i want to see a betteramerica or i mean by then i'm in a society in which there are jobsfor everybody planned jobs with a decent living wage i want better housing for me in myfamily i want security social and otherwise i want you to think of human rights whenyou begin to recon bird
not just profits i want a better educational system i want to help program medical care forme and my kids my family one rehabilitation program i felt one only susan but i do want the same kind ofprosperity and peace that you will have in war let's remember this
when we come home we'll join on veteranswho studied some of the f_w_ hands on the american legion they don't work out mail form one of our own and we'll be that way in every town in every copy in every state will be there
and will be waiting twelve millionothers three times as many of the last time and up to make a better america are enough to destroy the combat them the johnson black program word that war that brought you a dramatization basedon willette wallows new book make no mistake about it
what you've heard tonight is no miaempty threat the veteran of highly organized a vote if he doesn't get justice from thepeople who abused him to fight the war he'll become the cool not only of ademagogue but the undercover organizations as well the ku klux klan is already thought of acampaign to win the support of a formidable army a veteran operating from secret headquarters indetroit the problem is great
and the solution lies with us the people of america and now before i tell you about nextweek's program hit acapella i've been thinking that in telling youabout johnson's con u perhaps i haven't made it clear enoughhow'd he do the job id in the old days to clean and polish orcar was a pretty hard pass took three or four hours but with car new you do twojobs at once plenum polish with the same application
that's one reason it's so much quickerand easier the other reason is that connie wasdifferent it's a lake with the drive anapplication to a powder when you are both at poder your car's been it looksvery much like today you saw it in the showroom of course the best way to fully realizewhat i'm saying is to try kar new on your own car this would be a very good week to do itwhy not ask you to be there for a package of johnson's karne you spelledc_ a_ r_
it's about a man next week on the don'twork program word that warm we bring you one-man air force the dramatic story of american popairman dungeon theory now that the person padam inviting youto be with us next week at the time until then it tonight dramatization was written by benkay demand featured lamont johnson music was composed and conducted bymorrisville morrisville they production was under the directionof acronym leader
next week listen to one man a report onworld at war jack costello speaking this is thenational broadcasting company but johnson wax program wards at warwith kept in touch makers of johnson's wives for home andindustry in cooperation with the console on books in wartime proudly present words at war bringing you another dramatization of animportant warm here to introduce our program is one ofthe penis judges of the books in america clifton padam
spiderman just a few years ago adjournment with a trick moustachelooked across the sea ever since new years what i'd like to here from america curable america is soft there you this off how can they stand up against my youngman and training them hardened for war anybody agree with everything
yes at the time many americans did we couldn't see how a boys couldpossibly be a match for germany's professional soldiers for japan'sfanatical fighters but what happened well we'll see tonight first jack costello with a message fromour sponsor it's so easy to put things off isn't it take your automobile for example how many times have you set yourselflately
but it ought to be cleaned and polished well why not get out of pencil and paperright now and make a note to buy a package of johnson's call you this week it just takes an hour to at the end ofthe day you get your car of thoroughgoing beauty treatment withkarne u this easy to use polished does to jobsat once it both planes and polishes with oneapplication when your car's wash to apply karne youwith the claw rubbing only as much as necessary to loosen the dip
karne you'd rise to a flight powder whenyou wipe off his father you'll really be surprised to find atthe finish line is like a mere it'll be sometime you have before you'llbe buying a new car and even and keeping up the finished with car new will helpyour traded ask your dealer for johnson's callingyou spelled c_ a_ r_ and you stir fatima tonight on the johnson wax program wordsthat war we bring you the story of one theamerican fighting man
perhaps in a way in it's the story of the pool a book is called one-man air force isthe personal story of captain don this gentleman who came off the high school footballfields of big wale hai o to become one of america's top pieces of the take a look at it there is the typical young american whogroup hitler in toto role all run
category peptide yes dont until it was a little morecomment that well and its neighbors dot in and campaigning and trade show it twenty-three years old and herea civil war forwarded he was a wiretap plan on the ground avocent planet they've come to an elaborate papers
disease cash lionel every time i thinkhot spots last year yes it was blushing the conquering hero come home it was the same kid this dungeon dailydidn't want to talk much but they may be what's it like a fair don i mean when you return with the otherfellow or you mean a dog right here why don't know i a greatest itself for really way
you see the animated refered to go tohold onto them richard and evidence back pocket and president reagan but whatyou're reaching for his coattails he's reaching preorders you make your grabbing the throat out away and in the position to make his grabbed them yet well with a twist that what you knowthat there were a grant and then so-and-so unwrapped world where isgrabbed world-class for ten minutes maybe fifteen your machine against is your mindagainst hearings
your body against isn't a lot lesssomebody is that more regular many other pillar baxter dot uh... the estimate this morning how come you got to reapply i mean when did you get interested inany way dash i can't remember what i wasn'tinterested in buying gracia manufactory
island and let's talk tonight everything first a guy tell you about my dad mother they really wonderful event came over this country when he'sfourteen m he got a job as water boy clearly gascompany in columbus i'll him on gave me and my sister hetook a swell holman he made some holiday save money too
well the time repealed came he had enough to do what he alwayswanted to do get a restaurant of his own i'm it really is a little like your dad cm i was a bashful kidman not good at meeting people and as wideadmit come down to the restaurant to help out in meet people
everybody like that date they call inpetty he knew would be good for me too talk to people sagun csr what kind of a four forty in iran androbertson for higher this year are pretty good thing now we go out and then back we are the prepare against job on top ofthe team onto done for sure i get something i guess so
but you are not about football alright aliquippa lada and that that's about it but i'm really not surprised well anyway will we'll have a good thing when i a reallynice about on nothing shape right now i think that was cool you know he's a funny kitten
always looks like he's got something onthis monday paediatric aunty mother the hold your dog where your del ask yousomething well go ahead what is it are you want to make it but you're afteri think the little girl down the street uploaded the eternal life that i allocate flying lessons at the airportbut sure warily political flying lessons
airplane yevgenia an airplane here what's it'd be good that work that is just something iwanted to and again that i i would apply more than anythingin the world i get a half hours less every senatorten dollars ten dollars per one up on much longer on the ground or you wouldnever pay again i get the money saving you know themwhen you again for dates well i hadn't
spent all that i i said most of it i've got the money they did it the leslie will be a goodbit of the pictures below what did you newt uh... yeah but see that in mind ted kennedy girl usually
and it dangerous them who worked for democratic online waste not dangers to every business nineor ten days and driving a car about dad we let me going hero aroma look-alike is done and idon't think she would literal loan dont we'll get it for a while you just before seventy years old
who you play football bigger than lifecan will get about well i i can't forget it and he did so i'm interested in i dot e doing uh... mama would neverstand for this one dario help me with mom wanted a than normal tall girl with the devil okay good for moments in my mind on like this anymorethan you do
what bobby kennedy said he did not pickone of the elmont are now don't look at where planes are safe but it's justknowing i find that song done what are you talking about lying do you think you are come once is goingto be against me i'll give you write for speeding we do have a comment about not i wouldn't drive many airplane reviewriders downright on one tell me it's okay
is it ok not foraging on his mind a made-up mantra is ok mom mom is ok all mom don't cry please molly uh... please mom don't cry thought i'd savico gavris detected every nightstand
right back at the l_a_ cop right awaythat no stunning got reelected not get backtogether is uh... tell you i think ellery prayerfrom the forest what america needs you're going to no i haven't been illvirginal what's happened on june twelfth ivan sickness dungeons royal antonyfather's auto mobile for a year and now what's happened is learning to fly an airplane you think you are awfully smart don'tyou don't think you are safely off me where you know once worried sick aboutyou don't you can't get over it
they listen to it if you come in at asingle source any no bridal wide as they have dad heights allied telepak net everything i can find plano followed what is this is he said what do you think yes like that right-wing you openyourself up i flew over myself
just moving a plane and morality banktonight during the night eleven i took off again all by myself yet in this e jeffrey says newberrywrecked by just hit me since i know i had dealing off of listed geoffrey said he did montana mom and said the little boylooked like i was afraid of her found them what would be saying so long enough formeetings that i finished my lesson that
you have to take any more in predictability lovely forget the whole thing it's not all overit's just beginning he didn't remember no i can't live on mycell and i can get a plane in my own upto armand bill huh point might just got it for you've just dot line i'll never be happy to letting you know
that's all i want to do in this worldsonnets manger no more albeit spread all the time of donald worryevery minute living your beer free build on looking alot of the something so high nomer that's just it please try to understand i'm more afraid on the ground and more nervous if things on the ground here mom
the enemy is what the ground instead ofpeople i don't feel sure on the ground emir accused her of everything while most of these like fresh air to me it's like food when when i'm hungry like strength for the whirlwind week ramadan apply i don't have a plane linux
son or mama maybe we've been given theflu rigorous standards friends groups likethe somali kid so they do that before i think that great excuse me believing itwe're going i thought i'd be glad when the neighbors and indeed getting up and it is i'llmake that is dot dot armand bill crime the uh... this is put to better than picking
tonight on the johnson wax program we'rebringing you a dramatization based on the book one-man era formerly story of one of america's up fightingaids workers it's also the story of all american boysto fight this war paprika so far we've heard loud and didn'treally learn to fly back and pick wale hai and finally persuaded parents to let himhave it on friday
now would review of the story baghdad deputy from and harassed by providing heavy died aregood dot byrd at playback sent back a little bit to make it vit aberrant artery i'm sick if u wanna know
want right look here dungeon fairly there was an airplane plan around thetown today at almost got the mayor of predicted office people of the firstpresbyterian it will in the curtains on that a leverage is not in october theflowers and margie they'll go out on all year when i hope it again did you get the number two four how can i get the number of a plane isgoing maybe nine hundred miles an hour on that's too bad and you don't knowwhat what
would get trial that i've done beforeyour rectal whole trumbull ron they set out like a ride with her write a review and that kind of yours never he's talking about the review party why do you have to do that i don't takeany chances even let the last magazine was in a way that believe it or not i wasn't trying toshow off
driving fast in my father's trying flying although putting my brain in my power over amachine against telling death catch me if you can she at least a kind of competition ineeded to make myself feel alive as never never sir trader fell in danger
he weighs it their way into the verynosy dead i guess i i was crazy back couldn't help it and then on september first nineteenthirty nine the big news came rice and mom dad you got election on thecolin the colin on your mom is right my dad listen are you don't know but look it's war is not going to becaught i don't have a choice is service not to go
then you would be on the ground wesurely has just had trouble and i have been really run the listener trend the in the air you've got to have acollege degree to get in the airport that's just what i mean debt i can't getin the american airport because i have met the guy i can get into the canadianairport was not on that covered my don't you see on the mirtestify out of their chances they lied about friday do you find carpet predecessors to carry on and
its airplanes and therefore en route from i'll be around pagansquare hole put me in an airplane i can makesomething out that's why i gotta go to canada gato acting on nobody's apropos idealreally ideal please put ack and what buchanan get at the apartment when weget no what i can transfer ireport i'm not interest we will be mom we can'thelp but be ok anyway i can't wait mom don't just that we get keller
northbound known this time she's right used their all see what happens stable bore road were all adhere wire millions of young guys were fighting thebattle of britain highways fighting a battle of pick away all hotmail we finally
paul montes said you were in the crowd the on it the wins more more back to cc her has taken by now devices write to me and i hope that we don'tknow if we live in just a minute but a alright for mom it's a good one their mom legislative now
joe rh like might feel a lot but one of theshot and a half told the stranger go ahead cartoon for without alright therein side by general lebed transmitted buti'll give you one moment mime-version i want to hurt you this is something i gotta go and thefire they need klein
indeed every fire they can get promises bigger than a year we gotta stop somebody's gotta stop mother who will beworking elected offer any i've got something i said i'd need tocome aka line helps factor released shortly one going on there were two may because i'm better than me
believed me mama they won't get me believe me over predicting p the personage delegate delegates mettoday the worst might most m member running upagainst what i wanted to take the warming
bride i figured you can't win by matching yourbrain against the other guys then kaya matching your body so i went into a dive of thirty thousandfeet underlie blackout that i was betting what i've learned playingfootball declare while gets what he had learned is that equipment yet makeeleven till then it didn't take it as an even dozen bridge and really brown
cap k_-mart that's what we had when one guy was being clobbered by anazi by there's always another guy ready to cover the nazi right back edward even when the team had been blowndown and you man johnny got green i spend twenty minutesover berlin one night in march came out of there were six planesdestroyed heartbreak johnny was always sitting on my tailready to knock down anybody the dragon bounce me off my gal
bug-eyed head right at all that makes a team player having as for that you first what earlierstrike i've got some news for you i'm being shipped for no surprise
gosh i can't fight or anybody else forthose of the original here's another one if separate you're taken over uh... you know i can be squadron leaderwhy can't you cornea well i mean i'm not that type of i'm a kind of have back i guess i i'd make end runs bank can call theplays listen gentle you're hot pilot red hot
you wanna make all the text and that'sgood that natural for five but here's what you got or you're gonna have boys following a blindas hot as you are if the member that when you take itanymore just remember it's not only our brainsare going to get knocked out but the brains of the kid to reform you can do it you know okay spike fight was right
squadron leader i learned more than everhow important team work place we put bikes lessons in the practice and so when the bell rang for the bigfight against if we look like the last february we had to find a team i think is everynation has ever been able to get together and what i can tell you are and proud to be a member of it our boys it always been eager to fly getinside and that
now our enthusiasm was temporarilyexperience each man was confident he would survivebecause he believed in the pain i remember once over germany and dr oneof my scored thirty points going like a month premature delivery of animage easy shots and i had and i saw heruncovering a mustang corral in my life i dropped the easy gallardo one that ididn't think about it yes they're reflex action dumping a gag on our side without thankyou
it's just that feeling for team action i know if i didn't have it i wouldn't have improved ride in cars decorating the until eitherday congratulations captain you've destroyed more enemy planes thanany other american into our congratulations you're a one-man air force
thank you sir okay the one-man air forces yes he was working dungeon paley liaise with blessing he'd come home the same kid size self-effacing unsure of himself unsure of themselves everyplace but with his own family withhis own family
and in the air here we have an american boy down gentrylee will herald the germans live back intotheir peak he was a match for any superman it was sold on flying and he sold hisfather and almost everybody else on flying the sole hitler on his kind of flying backbeat sold everybody but his mother and oh by the way
would you like to meet don's mother now maybe she's changed her mind about don'skind of line here's the mother of dungeon theory speaking from cincinnati ohio i am one american money used for like a million the added may lie in france the mind fran but they wanted
uni and union and honesty man-boy uphillfight fit them all kind life let me know and includes and and improve the ban and fine and find that nine hundred then now life he had to go to war each and youth and on finding fact uh... calmed online ten thirty eight got and i think them tonight
bank in the student id and next week on where to go on thephone i'll tell you about next week's programin a moment right now i'm a good thoughts from ourgovernment for everyone who has a serviceman or woman oversee you know what christmas means for theseyoung men and women you know that christmas won't be christmas unless theyget gift from home in time the army a navy is accepting
gift packages for mailing betweenseptember fifteenth an october fifteenth without the usual written requests fromthe servicemen but you heard to do these things wrap your gift securely and strong bach address them properly with waterproofingif you can and just to be on the safe side and close the address on the insideof the package as well finally mailer soon after septemberfifteenth thank you karen and everyone within the last moment a lot of defective his will greet thedefinitions in time
stock to work right now make sure this will be the bestchristmas possible for every american boy and girl oversee next week on the johnson black programword that warm we bring good demonization based on rexjuana's latest novel in this moving story entitled the returnof the problem the spirit of the dead soldier returnsto us why it was i feel the answers he receives would give you amemorable half hour
now this is circumvent inviting you tobe with us next week at this time tonight's dramatization of one man airforce was written by john holliman featured lawson survey as don can carry missus john kelly with her tonight inperson speaking from cincinnati ohio the music was composed and conducted bymorris the more scheme and the production was under thedirection of anthony and leaders next week the makers of johnson's waxedbring you a dramatization of the return of the traveler on where it was at war but johnson wax program wards at warwicklipton vitamin
the makers of johnson's wax or home andindustry in cooperation with the console proudly present words of war bringingyou another dramatization of an important warble and here to introduce our program is one of the cane as judges of goodbooks in america clifton fatima tonight's dramatization is the next to the last in the currentsponsored series of words at war in two weeks your old friends for themcgee and molly returned to the spot on
the dial this evening we present a thoughtprovoking program in the series which is dedicated itself to bringing you theopinions of the stories of writers have had a close-up view of a world at war but before our story the word from jack asto you know friendsthere are probably more good reasons today than ever before for taking propercare of the finish of your automobile the older it gets the more it tends tobreak down and even rusted vital spots secondly
one of these days you'll be ready for atrade in though that still some way off but it certainly wise to keep the paintjob in good condition which you can do by occasionally cleaning and polishing yourcar with johnson's calling you one thing you like about con you is thatit's relatively easy to use con you both teams and polishes with oneapplication to jobs at once it's a liquid whichtries on application to a positive and won the partner is removed it takes thedirt in road grime with it
leaving as satin smooth finish it's beautiful and easier to keep clean i'm sure i don't need to add that youand your family will enjoy your car lots more when it's cleaned and polished remember your dealer still has johnson'skarne u spelled c_ a_ are and you all right mister adamant we onwards at war uh... more than a little proud of thebooks which we've been able to dramatize
for you we feel that these books have shown how americanshave reacted to live help put down tyranny all over the world we're proud of the stories with the toldof americans winning a war views in the papers lately mister the papers say we went on the war
well maybe they're talking about anotherwar i don't know i'm talking about the war where fightingthe makers were on the creators say produce your place for us in our guest eleven at the white ilene when i say we're lows in that war surely practicing red-line but there areother battles that are important to know i say we're lows num brother newspaperscarry pictures of soup suitors graduating from reforms go to sing singinstead of from grammar school high
rosa millar because there are fourteenand fifteen year-old girls serving their bases apprenticeship thinking upservicemen in parliament i say we're losing because our sons aregetting better instead of smaller more numerous instead if you are barkerhappen disease-ridden than gang run on the day the war started these are bad of rosie mister and listen separatists fighting with police andmanagement fighting with labor and whites fighting that blacks and yourdollar fighting with my dollar
and you say where winning the war wellwe're not that sproule where lausanne grossing boyle elyse sounds like a fanatic thing well maybe excited but he's not paul wrong those conditions do exist and unless we are terrible those bottles will be lost it doesn't take a fanatic to get excitedabout them either
very cultured gentlewoman got excitedabout them to because she made a trip to america and saw them ourselves so excited but she wrote a book about it or if you saw in these bitter battles a portent of evil for america's future the lady is mrs agnes de meyer the book is journey through chaos
it's a picture of america in a battlefor its future and for its life near the my son and you know i meantalks about lysol race tensions in detroit concernedand everything my son didn't even bother loadedsentence is no well and let you get excited about their sex ed is in the packing boxthat is and the tent cities in the hub of thepress the book well why not prosper ten families andthe basement wrote a bit frightened by the law in washington d_c_ went to thefamilies in our own and man sleeping in
shifts pal about the epidemic slightly a crimethat one but dapat creeped out of those slums i saw those things too and i asked blindness people live like that whyy must imagine hauber these songs clustered around the fact is i pun byaround a tree trunk plays innocents reading or we spend
winds we tolerate these huge duponthooking up race riots in disney's delinquency and crime why aren't these shack cities wheatiessons clear dialed why decent livable homes built for these people so i on i got my arms man that's most of these people likehillbillies that always live that way don't get a little longer there's not time
and all materials to build homes forlease before goddam some people are made for the slob so spoke the cannons the unidentified masses of people whodon't think you don't hear but there were others who did it again to find him others who do think and hot i am a politician
but i've got my duty like anybody else why have we build homes for thoseworkers you know what's gonna happen we're going to be left with a ghost townwhen the war was over final meal or a a state that ismoralistic values mean less well estate taxes for the city treasury after all reuniting green well any politicians who think like a
well maybe this next many join even lookon the regular resident of this town if we build homes for these these outsiders you know what's gonnahappen below land and warm they'll sit right in all sizes and go onreally that means more but actual dot alsolessons i say leave the slums as they are and when the war is over those folks goback where they belong go back where they belong i know you'll reason mister medved intowashington d_c_
well though we know those general malaise slums area disgrace to the capital of the united states with we can do a thing if we start investigations we will haveto condemn most of these houses ability victims' families would just moving withothers to make it more crowded stale or they'd sit in the street say thedistrict government was and i have an answer and i that that's why we'releaving well enough alone well how do you like that
and it's all true i assure you before you get to a man who cynicalpeople let me tell you something else equally true there are enlightenedamerican community today tried to solve this crime problem one of them is mobile in that town even the housing projectsettlement comfortable clean air d homes but in fact the slum dwellers and when some of the sun families wereall of these homes
yeah constantly remind to being canadasong but they don't you understand sent the government is built these homes forpeople just like yourself that clean and nice and you like livingthat a lot of moved back to you may not hold resistant missus slocum maybe youcould make him sick don't you want a clean a place for youand your children a real stove instead of this can ofgasoline not having a lot of milk may seven but i think that now is now a bitwith denial well they want us to move into their newhow they feel they tell us what to do but that's not true
work there you just gotta move we not right if we cut it we don't have will as we walk and weknow what yes that is a free country live dot right behind that mail from afree man someone castle and backing gentleman really happened they can refuse to move in
began speaking live in squalor he said american right and many of them intend to continueexercising an american right these groups banded together in wars andhis lungs because it is only normal because an extensive mental elsewhere and open because conditions in ourcountry of a costume these people do that kind of money and a single room lying to the root of the congestionproblem
who gets what he did tried again it's an important word i was aware of it again and again as itravel to america as i came face to face with the problemsof delinquency and class antagonisms and labor management troubles that wonderful women realizes the router terrible problems with the rub thedanger cargo will be tried in fifty ton
number business loans role so too through the other evils grown disease class clowns and most deadly evolved for americanstomorrow delinquency made it a little if you haven't seen theclauses
with a fourteen-year-old girls aom maybe you haven't seen a police lineupwith sixteen-year-old should should operate robbery and assault and batteryand how about the delinquency rates up fifty six percent overrunning gatorade or corrupt runningdownstairs on the states of america somebody some blame and somebody showedany inside incited some was to blame somebody should pay we looked at me as though the childrenwould be the only ones to pay because when i started asking questions
i'd received a lot of stain on selfcaptain kids that i can tell us try to reformschool estate no not yet most important schools don't make technique used justbetter to ronald split display by the the kit now i stopped talking to bob has in mind i did not know in cleveland importantmoving how did you catch phrases like let steve to you victory do
and i went to the people who inventedthese women between newspapers the agency's fightingdelinquency and they invited me to the places thatspawned a mint and i even went winding on theirinspections man itself kathy candy out wants to take detect anything wants to get a lot to wecan have came
retake what we want now we can eat what we want now given that the good guys session and i wrong maybe in the long write-up whirlwind people are more more out of the onesthat we need to take care of their children and then again
maybe they won't be able to wipe out theballroom the status of their aren't too i was in a moment to retaking and have agreed on a on he said in hollywood this bed just wanted to me and all night retracted of suppose i guess sixteenthat make it too young to be in here in fact that would make it breaking the lawdenied it no i don't care what officer i
wasn't trying to figure out when weoffer them a cut but off the late paying about that but ithink it was selling little minor is just some of the somewhere who i have to ask for that bloodcertificate every time i celebrate don't but it's not coming from but you can't stand up on all i have another afterwards bear with me on to
from the children's home home wasn't worth going home too what's wrong with bar room the nightclub with a good non-profit org why did it wasn't something done to takethe most of the barroom give the children places of their ownlike playgrounds intention and of course there were more of those media replies well of course we like to build wallsreasonably heads but you'll find you a little buildingquincy it is worse than wall centers
and all was said that we need that timeand the space and materials wall wall wart first things first i it's all pretty regarding do you agree crime scene minimum etchings to who encouraged himto stay out of school by offering them job they often ten-year
blaming through trying to keep mybusiness going helpers so hard to get out take anything many in even the seed of america's tomorrow but does she get going rotten and they promise of crop of kleinmanmodel blindness in disney applying from which to hav at themeeting tomorrow renew to guard against any possible dictatedto the future needing
that wonderful whooping cough you'll get quantity guys this is the compatible johnson's wax is bringing you anadaptation of agnes de meyers book journey through players perhaps many of you are shocked by therevelations made here there are those who will stay in rightly
but there are bright spots in thepicture but there is cities which are pushingaside but i do this and self interest to help stamp out the evils of warning inamerica and they would be correct this defendant they are such bright spots i saw them michael e scenes in thedesert but they had to fight the saying that weweren't asked our listeners to search for behind in infancy behind congestion the word that forms the basis foranother american eagle
p creative group for group class hatred now you're talking about a real headache when it ten cities in america right nowjust a temporary riots segregation and discrimination and pussyfooting politics these things that i know my sister and itell you are not to have a trial that exploded a death and destruction on a thousand peaceful streets in thiscountry you know i'm afraid that much of what imeant inferences is true i saw it
again i ask a question and again i got my aunts halfway through can't place the busiest times in americadebate they always liked all you want to live next door today that's a lot of themovie determinate outside right how would they like to be over in germanysaturday allison of predators does it have liza plays in america'sleading to lying palaces that wrote tell 'em about thegym kroeker is not forget the taboos against negroes molding missile and tellthem how germany and japan sell the rest
of the world on the story that our racial practices are exactly liketheirs and tell how colin race is the worldover believe it because it's true and one we're talkingme tell you a story i heard yes yes i did those stories there are hundreds of such storiesaround some true somehow too some t_v_ believe because it could betrue yes i did those stories and i've seenjim crow is in
in segregation and discrimination stories about the moving around foryears but what actual good a big down towardssolving our racial problem well there's no denying it there is discrimination down south their is injustice down south but wait a minute you northerners it back and smack complacency about yoursouthern neighbors
i want to tell you something thesurprise you now defendant prove this statement inany court in the land it is the south it is making the biggest rides to thesolution of the race prejudice problem and did not it's making it in the opposite direction i repeat it is the south it is makingthe biggest rights to a dissolution of the race prejudice problem and then not
is moving in the opposite direction is the kind of stuff to hear northlisten if we let these guys get up but it also became a jobs that's why we keep my certain job we've got a protector of jobs for us we've got a came in that place for mister norman look around you the race prejudice problem is in yourlap
and u_n_ bundling it with us in thesouth ever did and what is underneath it the same room because the south discrimination i grew sure insurer and i near the end of nineteen is the main reason for america's wartime travel it's a word which causes congestion tolink itself with and give birth to juvenile delinquency
which makes juvenile delinquency growout of you the same time for monthly speaking blanketing the whole intertwined withliving side by side with those things is the common find the all-americanfight which goes on in the home just checkedholland sugar hill the mining towns of pennsylvania in thefactories in the midwest management versus labor now you're talking about the mostserious problem we face today but look at the strikes in this country
and look at the employers using thewaterford as an excuse for spending at labor and into the petty squabbles andwhat happens to america's whatever well labor and management white as absenteeism abroad in contract and it doesn't have a great and all thatgather a lot of dating matched now wait a minute you can't condemn item management andlabor with a blanket indictment but it's also true you can travel through the boom towns ofamerica
without finding evidence of too manyfights between management and labor here picket line there close shop headlined accusations against both sidesdemands for a national service act and of course we read about it and failed to realize it as one intelligently dissing the labormanagement problems and points of friction arising now would've taken fifty years to arise inthe normal course of veins the wars telescope time
made minor things pile up on each other so become more irritating and seem moreserious but there are a few recognize them you the people i talk to anyone late but i have to both labor andmanagement realized that one cannot do without the other uh... deliveries inthe hands of the racketeer online says most labor leaders are honest andconscientious i_t_n_ you industry isn't going to give up each semester never investigated
asked more questions i realized he ended in labor managementrelations dishes that are aware it was a clearerthan ever they're willing to move to the nation'strouble with a part of the policy of both side recently squabble between the midwest immunowarning to speak an argument around i have it
i developed a hideout except all theaircraft to the united we're not taking any physical was divided new companypolicy it for your own quote you guys our unionvoted no gym avoided a good one physical examinations for your own got near unionturned them down plot i know it so silly in the papers areprobably did up but we're standing are ground what is your doctors find t_v_ amongsome of the men are cancer is something else held back aface in the parking
in all that they said the other adopters cash or butwhat if they have no money for a doctor's care and after the war labor rates are scarceand industry can pick and choose you think that that the guys with t_v_and cancer and another stop on the card no brother sorry we have to protect ourselves drinking they have to protect themselves from thewind
read underlies every move of managementin labor annual gets the word and i'll tell you theatre management for labor and laborfor management yet motives in theater moves in fear of unemployment and fearof poverty congestion in delinquency cupcake within the conflict betweenlabor and management intertwined inseparable underlining all along themotion you'd think would want to live in theform for some folks who call themselvesdecent would probably my life that we
tried to move into that prettyneighborhood if we want to move in from the slums they'll be left on reliefrolls when the war is over they'll push property values down ballot here mutual here on both sides of therailroad track all i want to take and i came to lightbut i've got a job in a while factory high-fat place can i can live in a bitlate in the city can if tomorrow in a million mother's heartare willing to take a chance for the child's fate just doing a few dollars toput the family annex to jump ahead of the landlord and the butcher
kit week protect that got from caught i getthe electron we got keep the campaigns here and they found the color of thecity and here that the white man look i take backthe freedom one in wartime big the negro will try to keep it he remained for men fashion we workers give up privilegeswhen our boys are fighting a war to preserve those privileges that doesn't make sense
budget will let these union men walk inand tell us how to run our business it our business our money they want to run it our way so there is the picture i saw of america blocked and twisted by fear people move or won't move because offear leave their job they won't do their jobsbecause of fear they won't give in ur won't give up because of that one and now missus meyer
can you tell us the and sort of fear inamerica yes is the pattern we can conquer anything in this countryof ours it by heart and mind of a new look at the army's magnificent victories how do they do it bike teamwork is good teamwork in cleveland andargument springfield nak in which it's not too and other cities as well you know i unjust refitted never had astrike
if the diamonds of hunters and sentimentown shouldn't fear that proposing retards progress the country over and a future in shrouded in uncertainty but teamwork and reason an understanding will bend champion teamwork working together
this biking hereby each individualamerican he comes into contact with the problems which confronting knows everything which you white here from the mexican offreedom well american you've heard another wordthat war program while it's fresh in your mind i'd likethe privilege of having a footnote like all of the words of ordramatizations of handled some pretty touchy stuff the pointed out things that some of usall to often earn kind of pressure
talk about such things we say keep quietabout a man maybe they'll go away when we do that we like the man who continue to sit on akeg of t_n_t_ hoping desperately that it won't blow up or at least that won'tblow up soon well the thing to do when you're forcedto sit on a powder keg used a computer power out of it and you can't do that bywishing you've got a act so don't stop with just applauding outspoken programs likeword that wont
read the books we dramatize and then when you're fully informed add your might his independent citizenfor the effort now being made to make america a nation of which no punpropagandist jan point the finger of scorn mr dot anand will be back in just amoment to tell us about next week show but first with summer officially gone you'll bespending more time indoors annual household problems will change alittle
but there's one room where traffic neverseems to let up match your kitchen it's linoleum floor surfaces command forpretty hardware and they really need to be protected they need the kind of care you can givethem so easily with johnson cell polishing blockquote if you protect them regularly with localthey'll last six to ten times longer in addition they always look bright and cheerful andsparkling and their colors well in new york
bedecked very little effort to achievethese results because bill cody is self polishing it needs no rubbing her buffy he was simply a applied local dan lebihdr if you're a regular blow quote useryou'll know what conservation means if you're not tried johnson cell polishing blow quotethis week especially on your linoleum and asphalttile floor coverings now what about next week show mister next week ladies and gentlemen we bringyou a book with
one of the most beautiful title dot everheard joseph crystals pacific victory nineteenforty-five well the only thing to make the titlemore beautiful it is would be to change the date in nineteenforty four the nineteen forty-five now this is the compound biting thedryness again next week when we bring you pacific victorynineteen forty-five tonight's dramatization of jenny tochaos was written by peter hopkins and peter k scottsdale
production was directed by and in returnmusic was composed and conducted by morris more speed next week the johnson wax company range or another in the series words atwar featuring another great wartime book pacific victory in nineteen forty five
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