Selasa, 06 Desember 2016

causas del cancer de colon


hello, dominican republic many blessings for everybody alfonso torres ulloa, here in your space "voice for the change" , for telecanal 28 wednesday, day to discuss health wednesday, the navel of the week the best day, here in voice for the change , because we covered the topics that you are most interested and suits them the health issue and above all, preventive health

because that is fundamental look, today comes a dr. tirso roa information, who warns that the country does not take urgent measures in matter of prevention in the future there will be no way to stop the increase of catastrophic diseases preventable which are still growing this is important

that is to say... cancer. different types of cancer the public health minister ... that the health issue is so important to always publish information about it... it shows that the public health ministry opened units for patients with psychiatric crises the problems being experienced by the citizenry are so serious which leads them to psychiatric crises crisis here ( mental) product of... economic crisis, heat stroke

lack of money the high cost of living the deterioration of the streets lack of potable water the issue of garbage all that occurs in people a stress such ... that produces a psychiatric crisis ... are things but look , the health issue is so important and it always has been , that ...

our jose ramon lopez who for many he is considered the father of pessimism in the dominican republic that had nothing pessimistic he was a man with a vision for the future... unique a man ahead of his time in 1870 he was writing about the need for adequate nutrition i always quote that here he is saying that in his formidable trial

"food and race" "people are not fed,,,it is a town that goes to physical, mental and intellectual degeneration" and in 1918 he wrote an formidable article "education palate and the opening of new markets " it stated that people should be educated to know what to eat and even that would depend on the government would have to create appropriate policies what to produce and how to support producers to produce to adequate food and then that would have to be produced abundantly

but , for that, would have to open markets to place these products they are the interesting things about our history you have to know them don jose ramon lopez a man in the 19th century was thinking for these times and for de future but still here because it has not been studied thoroughly and properly

he is called the father of pessimism they are things with us today dr. jhordany rodriguez to address issues of interest in his segment preventive health and today, we could address an issue greetings doctor, how life goes very good that is a subject that interests us that we are already in the half century

of course they say with age , there are two fundamental things ... one thing that grows and other decreases laughs the thing grows, it can bring problems and comes prostate cancer it is a silent disease that shows no sign but , look it's very dangerous

and growing in a dizzying way although following discoveries and scientific advances of like shoveling , basically symptomatology because even, it is not known for certain, the origin what it can cause, specifically we relate to an unlimited number of factors that exist its origin but still for sure

there is already talk of oncogenes involved , which are in the process of malformations of cells , new cells that form carcinogenic but studies continue and progress . the important thing is prevention. but if there is a symptom because it speaks of a silent disease it 's like, you do not realize sure or they are stories of you doctors to always take the medical checkups no!! (laughs) symptomatology will be presented depending also on the degree

and it is part of what we're going to talk about today let go by , marking , identifying some of the features that can really give an indication , to motivate and go to routine checkups , as it should be but the issue of prostate cancer, which is our main theme it really is an issue that many men do not want to know about it but should because really

what it is at stake here ? is the life you say " many men do not want to know in the dominican republic" for the macho culture yes, yes, of course we have said that many ... (doctor ) by the way the test (alfonso) of course, the cultural factor in medicine specialists , health professionals who do not take into account the cultural factor , well, they are far behind. reallly.

cause, definitely the cultural factor is very important to take it into account in order to diagnose diseases everything will depend on the frequency or prevalence that present a particular community for different lifestyles the different habits that these people , these societies present and it is basically due to their cultural level then , of course , the cultural factor is very important. here , i had promised before entering the field, the main theme.

that is the prostate cancer i had promised in the program, months ago that we were going to follow , the subject of zika the issue of zika specifically let this first, mr. director al tema del zika because, is good to know, what is happining but today in the newspaper published

after an interview they did to dr. pedro sing , former president of the dominican medical college , cmd he is specialists in infectious diseases i mean , he handles very well this area it has to do basically with these infections but he raises something que... it is important , but at the same time it is nothing new . he poses that we can not neglect the dengue despite the zika , now it is the one on top this is where most attention has earned the zika

worldwide but basically it is more for the impact spoken or the relationship of microcephaly or guillain - barre syndrome we could share earlier in another program guillain - barre on but the zika overdosed boom , it is for these two great consequences that even still , who has not related although they are linked. then, dr. pedro sing is inviting the authorities are not neglected with dengue because dengue, and it is true , it has a lot of logic he mentions that

dengue has brought more deaths than zika then we're seeing here , the dengue so, has an implication which increases the lethality and not zika then which of the two we are going to give more priority? i say that both, to all because it is the same mosquito that transmits now

i make a reflection on this pointand i bring to you this topic it is basically because statistics show that in other countries where there are more cases of dengue the lethality is lower, there are fewer deaths then, there are more cases diagnosed dengue , but the number of deaths is less here in dr and what is this? basically, do not follow a protocol as has been established, as is established here in the country the protocol

first for the diagnosis of dengue early but also handling then i think that the problem is there, not to carry out, failure to comply with the protocol carefully. because a good protocol well done , you take time to diagnose but also to correct handling so in these countries where the number of diagnosed cases is greater so, what is happening? these if they are fulfilling a protocol that is helping to diagnose early

and as diagnosed early and correctly and they know that is the dengue apply the correct handling then, there is the our little problem then we have fewer cases of dengue diagnosed , than those other countries but we have more deaths we must reflect on this matter. a statistic of how it goes in our country the zika and i 'll read

zika virus is wreaking havoc on the entire population the epidemiological bulletin number 20 of the ministry of health registered 231 suspected cases of zika 63 pregnant women who had symptoms in the first 24 weeks gestation and 8 cases of guillain barre syndrome associated with this diseaseincluding two deaths in the first months of this year3,313 were suspected cases that amount was 73 confirmed and 15 people died santo domingo province , from week 1 to 20 was the most suspicious cases presented .

1,525 cases followed by the national district with 752 san cristobal con 128 y puerto plata con 119 these are the epidemiological statistics we have until this day but, yes i want to call attention in relation to the protocols , the management we can not forget the denguewhich is there and causes more lethality

but , if we work to eradicate the mosquito that causes zika as we are focused on zika at the same time we eradicate the mosquito that causes dengue . basically , i wanted to share this with you on zika but let's get to the main issue is prostate cancer what is the prostate ?for viewers the prostate is a gland that is part of the male reproductive system it is an organ, a small gland located immediately in front of the rectum

the rectum is the last portion of the intestine then follows the anuswhich is where you evacuate and it is also below the bladder i mean , it is related to the bladder stores urine and also with the rectum we see in the image as the prostate is pointed out cough then , functions of the prostate well it helps produce a whitish liquid

which will be part of what we know today as the semen that, sperm coming from the testicles, drag semen sperm and and it is when a man ejaculates or ejectsthe semen then , one of the functions of the prostate is this we know where the prostate is located then, there are situations in which our prostate presents alterations we have prostatic hypertrophy is when grows, increases or inflamed the prostate bringing symptoms that will affect the health of the individual who is affected

and also tumors or cancer there may be benign tumors and malignant tumors how prostate cancer can develop ? for sure, there are not yet as i said at the beginning a cause , to tell us : yesthis person will develop prostate cancer but science is advancing today it has become clear

some genes basically they are related to those who develop more aggressive cancer i mean , if early if we can diagnose and identify this gene is present in this person for then , we need to take measures take preventive measures because that person is likely to develop a highly aggressive cancer , if it develop cancer then, prostate tumors can be benign or malignant characteristics

a benign tumor we can also say it is a benign prostatic hypertrophy its features are that they will not invade other tissues around the prostate as i said rectum , bladder , seminal glands that are under the same prostata but also not going to invade, the cells will not invade other body parts we know as metastasis and i had said earlier in other programs like that word does not please many people. but also benign tumors can be removed completely and generally do not grow

these differences or characteristics are more practical and more important and then, we have malignant tumors they will be the opposite of benign these cancer cells can invade other tissues of organs that are around the prostate but they can also be derived to other organs,to other tissues in any body part are the characteristics and the tumor can be removed , if it is malignan but with the probability that can regenerate again

appear again so prevention is important men from 45 years many say, 45 years ?yes before, we talked about 55 years old years ago starting from there made ​​their digital rectal examination

their analysis psa (prostate specific antigen) in order to prevent but today we are seeing young men , from 40 years of age , presenting prostate problems and cancer . and this should be enough to food , different activities that people do . because we have spoken here that habits are extremely important. and when we have bad habits we can get to have a sedentary lifestyle

we can develop obesity we can develop diabetes there oncogenes that are closely linked to obesity and diabetes that also today , they are linked to prostate cancer so there is a direct relationship between obesity (cough) excuse me this sedentary lifestyle and diabetes i mean , we are seeing that those who are obese , have diabetes and yet they are not presenting symptomatology, any reaction at the level of the prostate

most urgently must go and go to get their medical checkups to prevent ( alfonso ) i have a concern doctoryou are talking about the habits, the bad habits i mean , the knights you know there is a culture here the macho man, male, in the dominican republic the machismo that is accentuated not only in the dominican , caribbean man cuba , puerto rico , dominican republic

then in a dominican republic one finds that there aren't urologist woman you go out to find the urologists woman and do not appear (dr. rodriguez) they are few there are! (alfonso) as the urology , may be that the term urology the urology is as very own men then, women doctors do not specialize in urology because in a society like ours

for the man would be easier, (dr. rodriguez): more comfortable more comfortable and more attractive to go where urologist woman and not to where a urologist man. i understand perfectly lazarus ariel suero an agronomist friend , told me that present a prostate problem and he went to the urologist using his insurance and when he comes , look for a name in the list then , he says: i go to the dr. x and it appeared that tall black man , imagine the fingers could be that doctor.

lazaro ran out and said, i will not check my prostate. i understand by the wayculture , habits , identity , all this yes is important is good to mention this.also, is important to understand this goes for the doctor specific some times there are a little insensitivity

and we must understand that the psychological aspect here is very important even i have had patients they have told me about their frustration , after taking the rectal exam and the first thing to do is environmental find a way to gain confidence and also the way how is examined many have complained many complain about the way that they were examined

they feel frustration you mention the part of the woman doctors who are not in urology there are really in recent years it has taken more boom there are more doctors who have entered the specialty i mean that in the coming years , in the next generations will have more urologists i'll wait they graduate to go to check my prostate no no! you need it now when was your last checkup prostate ?

no, never just psa you have to be the example to viewers and now you have to make your appointment the psa 've done it twice and went very well . the rectum examination as a preventive measure is important periodically and also the psa (prostatic specific antigen) which it is the blood analysis to determine this value

let's get into the issue of foodwhich it is what concerns us time is running out but we will use the time the food you will see foods that we know are anticancer there are foods that we call functional foods i'll give you a short list of which are those functional foods and what are? what foods are considered functional foods that have a bioactive function in the body

there are foods that we consume simply because they have certain nutrients and have his particularly funtion sorry but we have some foods with some anticancer substances as antioxidant has a bioactive function is a vital function, is very important and we will help prevent cancer

today there are evidence, that this is real then , i will mention some of functional foods and antioxidant capacity with to prevent the growth and proliferation of tumors cells as indoles that will be present in cabbage the vitamin a that is present in carrots , peaches

flavonoids , of citrus and pineapple , pear, as well oranges and lemons lycopene it is a famous antioxidant. it is found in all fruits and vegetables red like tomatoes , watermelon , strawberries also anthocyanins y fenoles we're going to find in grapes, in plums, in eggplants. this purple color. the wine as well are antioxidants the luteonina on lettuce , cantaloupe and spinach

other foods : green tea, very important like a anticancer and antioxidant oil extra virgin olive, always talk about it it is wonderful, because it reduces by 30% the aggressiveness of a cancer wheat, for its fibers . like rye . they will help the intestinal transit. what happening? for example , we can have stomach cancer and these cancer cells will be in the intestine and they can then be absorbed again then the fibers will help eliminate these cancer cells the broccoli

i love broccoli it contains suforafina it is a protective chemical agent then they are anti-cancer basically , this series of foods , functional foods, you must take it into account. on the website that we present or in the email as well. the blog: there , you will find a list of other functional foods to have them earrings, you can consume and add in your diet every day .

what we see here is a nut it represents the comparison with the prostate so basically , la granada , curcuma , soy , aloe vera , are also part of foods and substances to help prevent cancer. are antioxidants, are anticancers so men my suggestion , my final message to you is to go see the doctor if you already have 50 years old but if you have also a family member with a history of prostate cancer after 40 years old i recomend to see the urologist men, now going to be your medical checkups

do not be afraid or ashamed remember that prostate cancer is very deadly statistics have increased it continues to rise even though there have been many advances but , prevention that's what we are here for i am pleased the comment you made at the beginning alfonso about prevention and jose ramon lopez the prevention, really is the most important

and for that reason it is that we are here we invite you to continue with us here every wednesday learning we are here, with much interest and encouragement to give you the information to put it into practice so basically , this was the message today thank you very much , we did the time i think jose ramon lopez was the first nutritionist in the country a man who always was concerned at the feeding

adequate food and on time, balanced. doctor, thank you very much . an interesting topic. it gives me a lesson , i must go to get prostate checkup i don't like it i never i have donejust the psa (prostate specific antigen) we'll see hopefully find a woman urologist who can make me prostate checkup regularly to prevent do not move from there , we continue on more ,

here in voice for the change , after the break.

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