cancerthe forbidden cures part oneofficial medicine 20,000 people die of cancer every day this translates toeight million deaths every year half a million of which are americans at the beginning of the last century,1 person out of 20 would get cancer in the 1940's, it was 1 out of every 16 people in the 1970's1 person out of 10 today 1 person out of 3gets cancer in the course of their life
over one million americans are diagnosedwith a new cancer every year all these people suddenlyplunged into a dark tunnel that will dramatically change their lifefor many years to come faced with an apparentlyendless chain of medical tests... ... examinations, second opinions,medications, new tests... ... surgical operations, support therapiesand follow-up checks they find themselves at thecomplete mercy of the disease while in that tunnel each patient feeds animmense medical apparatus
that employs hundreds of thousands of people and generates millions and millions of dollarsfor the medical and pharmaceutical industries from research medical schools from prevention worldwide drug sales today the cancer medical apparatus isso large and expensive that it needs its patients in order to survive,just as much as the patients need the apparatus cancer is a big business,one of the biggest businesses the typical cancer patient spends at least fifty thousand dollars to treat his or her disease
with one million new american cancer patients every year that translates to fifty billion dollars annually,spent on cancer treatment in the united states but to modern oncology,cancer still remains a mystery what a century ago... were just wooden contraptions,able to lift only a few feet off the ground today have become sophisticated jets capable of reaching incredible heights,travelling at three times the speed of sound was the creaking sound of the telegraphover some rustling wires today has become a global network of fiber optics
where millions of people exchangeinformation in all possible directions what a century ago was still a relatively unknown planet,today has been lit by day and night and it has been explored to the extentthat we can visit it in every longitude and latitude from the comfort of our own home. the only thing that has not changedin the last 100 years is the apparent incapacityof medical science to understand and conquer,a disease like cancer
why? the official theory maintains that cancer,is a problem that originates in the human cell cancer is a group of over 100 diseases characterized byabnormal uncontrolled cell growth cancer is a sometimes fatal disease caused by theabnormal growth and division of cells while normal cells have well definedwalls and nucleii the uncontrolled growth in cancer cells causes the creation ofabnormal unstructured masses of tissue
known as neoplasms or tumors most cancer related deathsare due to metastasis malignant cells that penetratein to the circulatory system and establish coloniesin other parts of the body how and where the migrating cells stop is different for different cancer types once the tumor cells are no longer moving they can begin the processof forming a new tumor by leaving the blood vessel andbeginning to reproduce in the new location if the new environment is suitable,the newly-arrived cell will begin to grow
and a new tumor will develop this official theory,also called molecular theory is basically the same that was formulatedmore than fifty years ago cancer begins as a departurefrom normal cell growth that is harmful and unceasing if the abnormal cells grow slowly,in a limited area they are called benign tumors if the cells spread to other parts of the body,they constitute a malignant tumor one that is cancerous
cells of malignant growths break offand travel through the bloodstream to other parts of the body there they may startnew cancerous growths in the last 50 years the search for thecause of cancer within the human cell has been pushed beyond the limitsof anyone's imagination today the most advanced laboratories areworking directly on the human genome in order to identify the genes that seemto be responsible, according to some scientists for the different kinds of cancer this opens the door to a dream-likescenario for the pharmaceutical industry
a world where each patient would needits own personal cure tailored to its own personal needs one million new patients every year one million new curesfor each and every one of them "what we want to do is... we what we want to matchthe disease with the cure or palliative treatment,whatever it is by using the genomic tools that's really what the whole cancer worldis now going to be about
for a very long time" "the question of whether we're going tobreak the cure barrier is not a question about "if"it's a question about "when"" in the meantime,however ... no one has been able to provethat the official theory is the correct one and that the origin of canceris in fact of genetic nature major advances are being made in thedetection, prevention and treatment of cancer but the mechanisms that triggermalignant cell growth are still not completely understood
in the meantimestatistics seem only to get worse we have lost the war on cancer since the 1950's the outlook formost cancer patients has remained the same a 1 in 3 chance of livingfor 5 years after diagnosis using conventional, radiation and chemotherapy drugs the fact is that today two out of threeamerican cancer patients will be dead before five years despite such dismal resultsofficial oncology continues to impose on patients the only three therapies that have everbeen authorized in the last 100 years
surgery... chemotherapy... and radiotherapy and two of the three,are actually carcinogenic surgery is the oldest technique and the most successful of the three but surgery is usefulonly when the cancer is localized a minority of cases patients also fearradiation's dangerous side effects one of these is thatradiation can actually cause cancer
the use of radiation remains controversialeven in medical circles as much as we could work with her,say on a math problem she was not comprehending it it would take a long timeto get a worksheet done parts of elizabeth's brain..weren't there anymore because of the radiation,that had killed that part of the brain so the part of the brain that wasresponsible for memory was gone chemotherapy is designedto kill cancer cells throughout the body it is highly toxic howeverand it also kills healthy cells
today chemotherapy is often given incombination with surgery and radiation your typical chemotherapy agentwill certainly cause tiredness there is a risk of sickness but there is very good anti-sickness drugsthese days, that can control that chemotherapy frequently causes taste change it can cause a sore mouth but the first side-affect that most peopleask about, however is hair loss in fact many chemotherapydrugs are carcinogenic their toxicity is so highthat all personnel handling them
must observe very strict safety rules their disposal calls fortotal destruction and incineration of anything that comes in contact with them some of these drugs remain partially toxiceven after incineration beyond 1800 degrees fahrenheit but there is something newabout chemotherapy that's been emerging of late many woman who under-gochemotherapy for breast cancer describe unsettling changes to theirmemory and concentration
researchers at the university of michigancomprehensive cancer center say this phenomenon is very real women have complained of cognitive changes that have occurred during the time,that they've been treated for breast cancer for a long time now and the term "chemo-brain" has been coined and this is used to describe... loss of concentration, difficulty remembering things,having difficulty thinking clearly and not being able to function effectively,in normal activities
that the person was able to do perfectly well,before they had treatment simple little things i would have to have to wait,to think of something and it would be frustrating researchers say that chemotherapy createsmemory problems that can last for years children are also beginning to reportlong-term effects of chemotherapy drugs it's like... my homework like let's say math homework,when it's really noisy i can't focus
it just makes me feel likemy mind is being erased but is there any benefit in chemotherapy? john cairns of harvard university,published a study in scientific american he found that chemotherapy drugs benefit at most 5 percent,1 out of 20 ... .. of the cancer patientsthey are given to if conventional therapyhas such limited results why isn't the medical professionwilling to investigate alternative approaches? the answer to this question may be foundin some historic events
that took place almost a century ago when official medicine finally managedto gain the upper hand on the so-called empirical doctors who cured patientswith herbs and natural remedies in the 1800's society sanctionedboth approaches to healing patients had a choice of using eitherdoctors called allopaths or natural healers calledempirics or homeopaths the two groups waged a bitterphilosophical debate the allopathic doctors called theirapproach heroic medicine
they believed the physician mustaggressively drive disease from the body they based their practice on what theyconsidered scientific theory the alopaths used three main techniques they bled the bodyto drain out the bad humors they gave huge doses of toxic mineralslike mercury and lead to displace the original disease they also used surgery but it was a brutal procedurebefore anaesthesia and infection control few patients were willing to have surgery
most patients fearedallopathic methods altogether satirists of the day remarkedthat with allopathic treatment the patient died of the cure competing with the doctorswere the empiric healers contrary to the doctors they believed in stimulating the body'sown defenses to heal itself instead of poisonous mineralsthey used vegetable products and non-toxic substances in small quantities they especially favored herbs,
learned from native americanand old european traditions the empirics saidthey base their remedies not on theory,but on observation and experience satirists of the day addedthat with empiric treatment the patient died of the diseasenot the cure and the balance of medical powerremained equal until the turn of the century then new medical treatments emergedthat were potentially very profitable the ama joined with strong financial forces,to transform medicine into an industry the fortunes have carnegie,morgan and rockefeller
financed surgery, radiationand synthetic drugs they were to become the economic foundationsof the new medical economy the takeover of the medical industry was accomplished bya takeover of the medical schools well, the people that we are talking about, rockefeller and carnegie in particular came to the picture and said,"we will put up money" they offered tremendous amounts of money to the schools that would agreeto cooperate with them
the donors said to the school's "we're giving you all this money,now would be too much to ask..." "if we could put some of our people onyour board of directors" "to see that our money is being spent wisely" almost overnight all the major universities received large grants from these sources and also accepted one two or threeof these people that i mentioned on their board of directors and the school's literally were taken over bythe financial interests that put up the money
now what happened as a result is that the schools did receive an infusion of money they were able to build new buildings they were able to add expensiveequipment to their laboratories they were able to hire top-notch teachers but at the same time as doing that they skewed the whole thing in thedirection of pharmaceutical drugs that was the efficiency in philanthropy that doctors from that point forward in historywould be taught pharmaceutical drugs
all of the great teaching institutions in america were captured by the pharmaceutical interests in this fashion and it's amazing how little moneyit really took to do it surgery became viable with anesthesiaand infection control and doctors advocated expensiveradical operations these in turn produced the need for alarge lucrative hospital system radium fever swept medicine the price of radium rose1000 percent almost overnight
another costly technological industry,entered the hospital system a drug industry grew out ofthe booming patent medicine business the doctors changed educational standardsand licensing regulations to exclude the empirics soon only a.m.a. approved doctorscould legally practice medicine in a brief twenty years the ama came todominate medical practice organized medicinelaunched a media campaign to associate the empirics with quacks
the code word for competitionwas quackery so now the average doctorgoes through school he gets a great education he has to be really smartto get through it he learns all about drugs he doesn't know too muchabout basic nutrition i found that the average wifeof these physicians knows more about nutrition that he does but they sure know their drugs
and if you go to your typical doctor today i don't care what it is the chances are you going towalk out of there with a prescription because that's whathe has been trained to do the companies that make upthe pharmaceutical industry are among the largest corporationsin the world together these businesseshave come to be known as big pharma in 2004 their combined global saleswere over half a trillion dollars
with pfizer and johnson & johnsonleading the pack in the us the core of big pharma'simmense profits is from sales of prescription medication and since these drugs can only beprescribed by medical professionals most of the industry's promotionaland marketing activities are directed at doctors, pharmacistsand other healthcare providers this starts out onthe first day of medical school and in many medical schoolseven the incoming students who are two years awayfrom from seeing a patient
will start to get gifts,from the pharmaceutical industry and as the students get farther alongin their medical education the interactions and gifts free lunches, to dinners champagne, brunches, happy hours,new york jets tickets no matter where you spend the moneyyou make money and my boss always told me,don't worry about it there will always be more funding,spend what you can in fact if i give youa hundred thousand dollars to spend gene i want you to spend 200,000
before 1980 most clinical researchwas funded by the national institutes of health during the 90's most of that researchgot pulled out of universities and was brought to,for profit research organizations the problem is that gave virtual complete controlover the research to the drug companies they could design the studies,they had control of the data so that meant many of the authors,of the most important articles, published in our best journals aren't even allowed to seetheir own data
they don't get free accessto their own data and they have control of publication to sum it all up the pharmaceutical industry firstgained control of the teaching system then it gave the ama the power to excludeall other doctors from practicing then it took over the entire drugtesting process while heavily influencing the medicalpublications that review those drugs and finally big pharma extended itscontrol over the federal entity that is supposed to verifythose drugs safety and efficacy
at the opposite endare the sick citizens and in the middle other doctorswho must cure them based on information they can only getfrom the pharmaceutical industry which can no longer be verified chemotherapy drugs are in factamong the most expensive of all a one-month supply of erlotinib,a chemotherapy drug produced by roche cost $2,300 the same supply of sorafenib,bayer's chemotherapy drug costs $5,500
the monthly supply of sunitinib,a chemotherapy drug produced by pfizer cost almost $7,000 the drug industry is the most successfulglobal industry in the world what they don't want you to dois to get better because if you get better;their market is gone part two: natural medicine fear it's darkness causes humanityto make awful choices with dreadful power,fear can rule our lives
and paralyze lofty hopes and dreams,in an instant a global afflictionand deployed all too often by those intent on inflicting controlover the masses fear preys on the mostvulnerable among us fear sells and nowhere is fearpeddled more shamelessly than in the fields ofmedicine and human nutrition fear anaesthetizes us,it coerces us making us believe that we can do littleon our own to prevent or treat disease
and forces whole nationsto kneel at the altars of the drug industry and of course the fear mongersare also preying on the fear of disease and the solution that thefear mongers give us are drugs as if by design,health choices are limited information is scarce lives are ruinedand the truth be damned the fear machine is well oiledby petrochemical dollars and a near worldwide monopolyin health care
it works overtime to preventthe truth about dietary supplements from getting out to the public anything that comes from naturecannot be patented they're not interested in that so we translate that into the realworld of fda approval surely these drug companies aren't going tospend twenty million dollars or more testing any substance from naturebecause it can't be patented and of course the fda saysit's illegal to use unless it's been testedfor efficacy and safety
now you see the catch-22you're in there nothing from natureregardless of how effective it might be will ever be proven safe or effectiveaccording to the fda it'll never be because nobody's going tospend the money to go through the test so therefore everything from nature willalways be condemned by the fda as unproven an unproven cancer cure in a small town in northern ontario...the year 1922 rene caisse first learned of a cancer remedy,which she termed essiac
unbeknownst to historythis fragile canadian nurse has heroically managed to curethousands of people from cancer with a simple concoction of herbs while nursing an old patient... rene noticed that she hada scar on her breast the patient said it was left over from a cancershe had cured, more than 30 years before using a mixture of herbs suggested bythe medicine man from the local ojibwe tribe rene tried this same formula on her aunt, who had recently being diagnosed with cancer
i went down andi asked doctor fisher, who was later the deanat the university of toronto if he would watch over her,if i would try some of these herbs and he said he would and it took quite a while but she got better and she lived for 21 years after that successful experiencerene quit the hospital and began curinng people withthe mixture of herbs
that would become known as a essiac which is her last namespelled backwards soon the voice spread... and the number of patientshealed from cancer started to multiply in about 1943 i was diagnosed in toronto general hospital of having a growth in the bowel,which was inoperable that was in january and my husband was told that,
when the snow was gone,i would probably be gone with it so through friends,i was directed to miss caisse and i came to her and had treatment from her,for practically three years and felt i was cured and i have had no return of it since doctor earl ... of bracebridge sent me a patientwith cancer of the bowel bert .....
and i cured him so dr went beforethe town council ... and persuaded them to give me a building that theyhad taken in lieu of taxes as a clinic that i had made a great discovery and that i should be supportedin my own hometown so they set up the clinic, where i treated for eight-and-a-half years
in a few months,the clinic was fervent with activity with patients flocking in from all different places her clinic would be full,every time we were there and there were peoplewho came in ambulances who were not ableto come in for treatment and she would have to go out and administer the medicinein the ambulances then and as time went on we watched these people,be able to walk in
and finally they were driving their own car to get essiac i treated from three to six hundredpatients a week the only way they would allowme to do this was free of charge and i had to have a doctor's diagnosis,for every case i treated so we got the diagnosisfor nurse caisse and i took treatment from her,every week for about one year and i have no cancer today
it was one dr leonardo,from buffalo who had immediately recognizedthe potential of rene's cancer cure to warn her of what was waiting ahead dr leonardo,he was a cancer surgeon and he said..."do you think you have a cure for cancer?" and i said,"i am way beyond thinking... i know" i had five other doctors in examining patients and he asked if he could go in with themand examine patients and i told him he could
so...then he told me... he said..."you have it"... "but the medical professionwill never let you do this to us" after a while a mysterious group ofentrepreneurs showed up offering rene one million dollarsfor the secret formula but she flatly refused, as they would not guarantee that her cure,would be made available for free to anyone who ever needed it
rene caisse was called before thelegislature in 1938 to determine essiac's legal status i was trying to legalize my treatment and the patients went outand got this petition signed 55,000 names on it and i went before the legislature and i lost out by three votes public outcry forced the establishment of a cancer commission,to investigate herbal remedies
the greatest majority ofrene's evidence was rejected they said the doctors,had only made a mistaken diagnosis that's why the patients thoughtthey were cured i kept my clinic open as long as i could until they stopped the doctorsfrom giving a diagnosis and then i had to stop and it's a sad thing when somebody comes and they have somebodywho is ill with cancer and the medical professioncan do nothing for them
and they beg of me to treat them it's a very very sad thingto turn them away i had a nervous breakdown over that so i really had to stop and i don't see how they can... how they can refrain from recognizing it because if you have the proof you have the diagnosis,from the doctor you have the pathological findings
and you find, you have the living patient to show that they are still alive after themedical profession has given up and yet... they refuse to admitthat it is a cure. after she recovered from the breakdown rene started again from scratch brewing the herbal mixtureand curing patients in her own basement i have to grind them.i used to get them already ground
soon the authoritiesbegan harassing her again having her arrested more than oncefor the most preposterous reasons but the fame of essiachad already crossed the border as one day rene received an invitationto scientifically test her herbal remedy from a clinic in massachusetts about 20 years ago... 1958,here in this laboratory its director was dr charles brush who was also president kennedy'spersonal physician and a close friend we undertook to study the effects,
of a drug... or an herb,called essiac and we found thatit was non-toxic and it did have effects in the helpof the treatment of cancer. and as a result of this... at that point dr brush recommendedessiac to be tested for toxicity in order to be approved by the fdaas a possible cancer cure but once the herbs arrivedat sloan-kettering one of the most important cancerresearch centers in the country the process somehow got bogged downby inexplicable delays
and eventually never came to a conclusion the results that i havereported to rene caisse were studies in sarcoma 180 in the mice, in which we were looking not only fora possible primary inhibition of the tumor which did not occur but also for regressions and there was a very small percentagein a small group of regressions... but we never had the opportunityto confirm this
and to see whetherwe could obtain better results nevertheless essiac was notapproved by the fda exactly as predicted by dr leonardothirty years before further attempts to legalize the cure,were made by different groups of patients who went as far assuing the medical authorities for denying them a possible cure for cancer ...permit them to have essiac they are askingto be given the right to use essiac since orthodox medicine no longerhas any answers for them
you can't burn a cancer out of a bodywith radiation you can't poson it out of the bodywithout poisoning the body as well and i feel that nature holds the answerthe only answer for cancer patients and as such we should have it our constitutional rightsat the moment are being denied to us and it shouldn't even come downto a court hearing it should be a matter of factthat we have, what we want for our bodies i have cancer from head to toe of the bone are you going to try and tell me,
that if i think there's somethingthat is going to give me a little bit of life... that i'm not gonna try it? but the response from the medical authoritieshas always been the same even at the cost of looking foolishfor the ridiculous excuses they often had to concoctto resist its approval if we release laetrile and essiacand probiocin and so on, i can give you a very long list,you will have a very wide choice then when there is something effective,how would know which to choose from in fact someone thought of something better
to prevent essiac being usedin the future by doctors who may eventually respond to ahigher calling of their conscience it's well known in the state of california that the state legislatureactually made it a felony for a doctor to use anything other than,the accepted methods of treatment for cancer and they named them in the legislation surgery, chemotherapy, radiation and ... and when doctors are hemmed in like this and their very livelihood is threatened
they are not going to be anxiousto step out-of-line exhausted and frustrated by the endless fight rene simply returned home and went ontreating patients on a personal basis until the day she diedin 1978 one year before that many of her cured patientsconvened on her 90th birthday to thank her for whatshe had done for them ex-patients and supportersarrived in bracebridge ontario they came to help renecelebrate her 90th birthday
they have experiencedthe benefits of essiac many of the people here feelthey owe their life to rene i have given my life for it,i couldn't give any more than that god's been good to let me live this long, to see it... ...used and used by people very similar to rene's story,is the one of harry hoxsey a texas businessman whose father had passed on to himan herbal formula
that would revealhighly effective against cancer unlike rene however,hoxsey was very wealthy and was a natural born fighterwho feared no-one this set the premise for oneof the most prolonged and virulent fights between an american citizenand the medical authorities in the history of the united states the trouble began with whatseemed like good news and we now have in our files and our records,many many thousands of case histories records, pathological proof,x-ray photographic studies
that we do positively cure cancerboth internal and external i give you names, times, datesnames of doctors, names of institutions... the doctors labelled hoxseythe worst cancer quack of the century but hoxsey's supporters called himan effective healer persecuted by a medical trust ..but.up to now they have never proven,that this treatment won't cure cancer the ex coal miner with an eighth-grade education,became a legend in his own time according to the hoxsey legend the remedies were discovered by hisgreat-grandfather experimenting on a sick horse
as the story goesjohn hoxsey was a veterinarian whose price stallion got cancer he put it out pasture to die but three weeks later the tumor had stabilized he observed the horse eating unusual plantsnot part of its normal diet within a year the horse was well so john hoxsey began to experimenton animals with the herbs and he added other popular home remedies he claimed success
and passed the formulas down through the family,who eventually used them on people hoxsey said that his father was the first totry the medicines on people he gave young harry the formulaeswith a death-bed wish to make the treatment available to peoplewhether or not they could pay prophetically he warned the boyagainst the high priests of medicine who would fight him jealously it didn't take long hoxsey started his first clinicin illinois in 1924 and he immediately incurredthe wrath of organized medicine
he was arrested more times than anyother man in medical history yet by the 1950'sthe hoxsey clinic of dallas texas was the largest privately-ownedcancer center in the world hoxsey clinics reachedthrough seventeen states endorsing the treatment were senators,judges and even some doctors two federal courts upheld its therapeutic value if the treatment was worthlesshow did he gain so much support? to claim a cure for cancer is to invite evaluation while the medical professionturned its back on hoxsey
numerous individuals did makepersonal investigations these experiences repeatedly turnedskeptics in to believers among them was esquire magazine writerjames wakefield burke who in 1939 began covering the hoxsey story well my boss arnold gingrich,one day said "why don't you go down to texasand lets expose this fellow, he's getting too big" "and the american medical associationwould like to put him out of business" "you go down and get acquainted with it" "we will do a couple of pieces on him,and put an end to this"
so it was an assignment i came to texas, i expected to stay about a day,get my information and leave i became fascinated i stayed for six weeks. every day harry would pick me upand bring me to the clinic we would come in in the morning and he would put his arm aroundthese old men and women and say
"dad...have them doctors been cutting you up?" "i'm not gonna let them sons-of-bitches kill you" "you gonna live" and he would treat them i would watch hhim treat themand they would get better, they would begin to get well so i wrote an outline for a piece,which i called "the quack who cured cancer" and i sent it to back to the editors,
but it never came out assistant district attorneyal templeton was more than a skeptic he arrested hoxseymore than 100 times in two years then his own brother mike got terminal cancerand secretly went to hoxsey when mike templeton got wellal templeton gave hoxsey the credit hoxsey's prosecutor became his lawyer more and more people kept supportinghoxsey's claims of a cure his boldest promoter was christian evangelistgerald winrod his radio broadcast reached millions of listeners
with sensational reports ofhoxsey's mounting successes "i wish to begin this broadcast by reading for you" "what i regard as a very important statement...and i quote" judge w l feinton... this is the second jury of 12 menthat has found in my court that the hoxsey treatment cures cancer 10 doctors found that the number of curesreaches into the thousands former united states senator thomasstudied the large number of cures i have made my own investigation thatsatisfied myself
that cancer was really being curedby the hoxsey method this humble reporter can only say"god bless these quacks" "the only quacks who are curing cancer today" but a new cancer treatment needs morethan personal investigations to gain acceptance it needs a formal scientific review "and when i say to you,all i want is to have them come here" "the american medical association,the pure food and drug" "the federal government... anybody" "come here to make an investigation"
"and if i don't prove to thembeyond any question of a doubt" "that our treatment is superior toradium, x-ray and surgery" "then i will lock the doorsof this institution forever" but the medical profession did notrespond to his call the doctors claimed that they already knewfrom their medical education.. that his remedies had no efficaciousness at all,there was no cure they were just stuck in their ways .. adamant in their beliefs
according to hoxsey there was a more sinister reason whythe medical profession wouldn't investigate hoxsey said the ama doctorsinvited him to demonstrate the treatment among them was doctor morris fishbein editor of the influential ama journal according to hoxsey, the dayafter his successful demonstration a high ama official askedto buy the rights to the formulas the alleged offer would havegiven all rights to a group of doctors including doctor fishbein
just like rene, hoxsey turned down the offerbecause he could not get the guarantee that the formula would have beenmade available for free but one thing was certain,hoxsey had made a very powerful enemy by crossing swords with doctor fishbein, he alienated the mostinfluential figure in medicine doctor fishbein held a unique position as journal editor he controlled the mainincome producing organ of the ama and thus the organization
he also published the acceptedstandards of medical practice after the chicago incident dr fishbein blackballed hoxseyby branding him a quack in the journal it commented that hoxsey's mostenthusiastic supporter was the local undertaker the ama attack was relentless dr fishbein and hoxsey would battleeach other for 25 years to come in a drama of national dimensions but rather than settling the disputethrough scientific means they played out in the media
at the association's headquarters in chicago,vigilant against quackery is dr morris fishbein "there is no serum, drug or combination of drugs,that we know will definitely curre cancer" when hoxsey approachedthe national cancer institute for an investigation the agency refused the nci said his medical recordswere incomplete hoxsey said doctors refusedto supply necessary records because of dr fishbein's influence the government concluded it would bea waste of public funds to investigate having struck oil in texas,hoxsey offered to pay for a test himself
his challenges were putting dr fishbeinunder public pressure and the doctor fought back hardin the public arena but when he wrote "blood money"for the hearst sunday papers he went too far hoxsey sued dr fishbein and thehearst newspaper empire for libel and slander he didn't seem to stand a chance, the nation's most notorious quack,faced a who's-who of american medicine surprisingly harry hoxseybecame the first man ever, to win a judgment againstdr fishbein and the ama
dr fishbein had to resignfrom his post at the ama but the hoxsey/fishbein trialsheld an even more shocking revelation dr fishbein admitted in court that hoxsey's supposedly brutal pastes,actually did cure external cancers the most dangerousexternal cancer is melanoma it can spread rapidly through the body doctors advise extremely radical surgery, even so melanoma is often fatal "we have more positiveproven cases of melanoma"
in our records, and our filesand our patients..." " talk to" "that have been cured in this institutionthan any institution in the world" "and that's a broad statement,but we have the facts to back it up" hoxsey went as far asproducing his own movie to make his voice heard to the medical profession it would be an innovationto men of the medical profession if instead of devoting so much time and money to court trials, sniping tacticsand smear campaigns
they would come to the some investigating, check into our methods,speak to some of our patients then they would understand why our treatmenthas been as effective and in most cases far more successful than anything they've had to offeras a solution to the cancer problem but instead of accepting the invitation,the medical establishment escalated the war mildred nelson has directedhoxsey's clinics from the beginning but he was never investigatedexcept in a criminal type of way to see what he might be doing wrong
the food and drug have always beenfamous for harassing the hoxsey patients they would go to people's housestake their medicine when it was delivered to them talk to them, tell them they doing wrong but when the government couldn'tstop hoxsey in court the fda decided to takeunprecedented action "sufferers from cancer, their familiesphysicians and all concerned" "with the care of cancer patients,are hereby advised and warned" "that the so-called hoxsey treatmentfor internal cancer has been found" "on the basis of evidence presented by the fda ,to be worthless treatment"
and it was so successful that the fda then went aheadand issued in a poster form which was put up in post officesaround the country i am swimming in blood now, they have done everything they possibly canto try and bumiliate me, they have had me in court many many times,but do i care about the that? i'm not thinking about what they're doing to me. i'm thinking about the 12,000 patients who are under treatmentand observation at this clinic
i'm only thinking about one thing...suffering humanity but the government did morethan just warn the public although federal prosecutors couldn'tprove the treatment was worthless they did outlaw it on technicalitieslike false labeling and interstate commerce at one time we had 17 clinicsopen across the country food and drug walked in the same dayto every one of them and padlocked them and no way did hary havethe money, to fight that in court state by state after losing all his clinics
harry hoxsey eventually gave up his 25 year long fight against the medical establishment he built a new clinic in mexico,put mildred nelson in charge and went back to texas,where he died in 1974 the mexican clinic has been treatingthousands of patients over the years and is still active today under different doctorsafter mildred nelson passed away but the hoxsey treatment has neverbeen made available to american patients and it cannot even be shippedlegally in to the country those who wish to use the treatmentmust travel each time to mexico and are allowed to bring back onlythe amount needed for their personal use
max gerson max gerson is one of themost eminent geniuses, in the history of medicine... albert schweitzer all the diets the health food principles and the nutritional conceptsthat we share today have a single father maximilian gerson
dr gerson was the first personto ever suggest that good health depends primarilyon a healthy nutrition born in germany in 1881,max gerson was inspired by the figure of ignaz semmelweis the hungarian doctor who discovered that in order to avoid infectionsin pregnant women physicians simply needed to wash theirhands in a chlorine solution prior to receiving his doctorate,as a medical student max gerson suffered from severeand repeated migraine headaches
leaving him essentiallyunable to function for days after two years of experimenting dr gerson was able to eliminatehis migraines completely by eating only certainraw fruits and vegetables by 1918 word was spreadingabout the gerson migraine diet but on one occasion a patient returnedwith an observation not only had the migraine been relieved but a skin tuberculosis also disappeared the astounding news spread like wildfire
in april 1924 famous lung specialistdr ferdinand sauerbruch offered to do a clinical trial with 450 incurable skin tuberculosis patients at the commencement of the study sauerbruch said to gerson privately that if even one patientshowed improvement, he would believe every wordof gerson's treatment 446 out of 450 patients recoveredover 99 percent dr gerson and his wife gretchenhad three daughters
joanna, gertrude and the youngest charlotte of all the children charlottetook a special interest in her father's work by the late 1920s dr gerson's famehad spread throughout europe especially after he cureddr albert schweitzer's wife helena of pulmonary tuberculosis and schweitzer'sdaughter's skin disease when dr schweitzer was 75 years old he came to dr gerson with diabetesand was also cured the gerson therapy aims to achieve acomplete detoxification of the body through a series of intestinal washesbased on organic coffee
and a strict diet of raw vegetables and fruits,grown in an optimal terrain meat is absolutely to be avoided, as explained by charlotte,dr gerson's 82-year-old daughter because meat in the body,in the digestic process causes acidity,phosphoric acid and in this kind of aciditythe body isn't able to function the body has to maintain homeostasis it has to maintin a very exact levelof alkalinity versus acidity once detoxified the human body confirmsbeing a wonderful machine
capable of healing itselffrom any given disease between 1933 and world war 2 gerson and his family fled nazi persecutioneventually settling in new york dr gerson's seven siblingsdied in the holocaust throughout the 40's, dr gerson's successat his new york clinic stunned the medical community but also evoked the dark forces within it dr gerson was curing patients with cancerand as a consequence he testified before the united states senate,on july the first, second and third, 1946
along with five of his recovered cancer patients,and the medical records of 5 more so stunning was his testimony thaton the evening of july the 3rd 1946 renowned abc news correspondent raymond graham swing declared on his radio broadcastto the entire united states that for the first time in historythere had been discovered a cure for cancer the public response wasoverwhelming... staggering lighting up the switchboards at abc non-stop,out of control... unbelievable
but what happened next was even more so two weeks later raymond graham swingwas fired from his position at abc that he had held for over thirty years and the pepper-neely anti-cancer bill of 1946,document number: 8947 now gathers dust in the archives ofthe united states printing office behind it all it it wasn't hard to see the hand ofmorris fishbein and the ama fishbein had already been ina long struggle with gerson since the german doctor was the firstto ever denounce the dangers of smoking
at a time when the largestadvertising contributor for the ama was in fact philip morris "in a repeated national survey,doctors in all branches of medicine" "doctors in all parts of the countrywere asked" "what cigarette do you smoke doctor?" "once again the brandnamed most was camel" "yes... according to thisrepeated nationwide survey" "more doctors smoke camelsthan any other cigarette" max gerson was ostracized from the entiremedical community, who labelled him a quack
and continuously attacked himand harassed him "i was investigated five times" "what do you mean by being investigated?" "they investigated you?" "yes, five times" " every time they come, i show them" "here the patients you sent home to die... cured" "another patient, you sent home to die... cured" "next patient, you sent home to die... cured"
"what are you going to do?" "you don't look like the type of manwho is going to give up at this point" "no... how could i give up this wheni see these wonderful results" "that's impossible" "first i write the cancer book,and in this cancer book" " i will bring in as many cases as possiblesent home to die" so that every physician herein the country can read it then i will have it translated translated in many languages
it took gerson 10 years to write the book which presented fiftyfully documented terminal cases he had cured with his therapy yet gerson found no major publisher,willing to release the book in the united states at that point he was totally and for ever banned,from publication in the united states why was the american medical associationso opposed to the gerson therapy? i think all the medical associationswere opposed to the gerson therapy here comes a new approach a nutritional approach, an effective approach
the medical pharmaceutical industry,if it even wants a cure for cancer since there is so much profit in this disease certainly does not want the cureto be a nutritional one dr gerson spent the rest of his lifesecluded in his new york apartment where he kept curing patientswith the same therapy that in the meantime was beingforbidden all over the united states this is where dr gerson wasup until the day of his death where he had a clinic,where he saw patients where patients recovered from cancer
where he documented so many recoveries yet those recoveries are not availableto the public those published articles have beenpublished in europe but have not been allowed to bepublished in american journals the reason for that is the factthat it's not a patented medicine and it's not an expensive medicinethis is the crux of the matter this is a natural therapy that allows people to takecontrol of their own health and not require drug intervention
if the gerson therapy were permittedinside the united states and i believe that it should be we would see a dramatic decreasein deaths from cancer i would estimate the fatality ratewould go down by at least 50 percent very possibly more so exactly like mildred nelson, charlotte gerson had to goall the way to mexico to open a clinic cure peopleafter her father's death over the years the gerson clinic has seen acontinuous flow of patients from all over the world
the medical records from over 1500 patients are available to anybodywho wishes to examine them further, any physician is heartily invitedto come to the mexican hospital and visit and see a patient there orvisit with the patients and with their permission then theywould have access to their medical records but the medical establishmentkept ignoring the call while officially continuing to denythe validity of the gerson therapy dr dean edell who's popularradio and television programs a fixture in american television
dr edell has been representingthe voice of official medicine on national television for many years i don't think the gerson therapyhas ever cured a terminally ill patient people get very confused by this if you think of basically what's in gerson therapy,you really wouldn't expect it to cure cancer but people sometimes cancer cures itself there is a rate of cancer goes away by itself some people didn't really have cancerit was a misdiagnosis in 1986 i was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer
which has spread to my liver, gall bladderand spleen doctors told me he had three months to live to go home, get my finances in orderand prepare to die my husband just wouldn't accept it,i was only 46 at the time far too young so we came home...did therapy for two years after three months my doctors herewondered why i was still living they asked me if i would have a cat scan,which i did the masses of cancer had gone
they said "we don't know what you are doing,we don't want to know what you are doing" "just keep doing it" the doctors at that time said i would never liveto see my second grandchild she is now 19 years old so... we proved them wrong after the therapy we went back to utah,to a specialist on blood and she said my bloodwas so clean and clear that she couldn't tell i had ever had cancer and she said i was the first patientthat ever happened to...
... after i had to gone back to the oncologist after i had done the gerson therapyfor a couple of months at that time when they had found that iwas cured of cancer from the ct scan thatthey had done on my abdomen he couldn't believe ithe thought it was a miracle for 10 years following, being on the gerson therapywhich took a year-and-a-half i started going back to the mayo clinic and seeing dr skut, who wasan oncologist there
just for checkups,to be sure i was clear and he said everything waslike an 18-year-old again my blood profile was perfect he couldn't believe how i lookedand how much energy i had and he asked me what i had done and i went over thegerson therapy with him dr skut said "that's great"," but"... he said " we can't sell that" dr wallace sampson is the editor of the scientific review of alternative medicineand aberrant medical practices
which claims to present an objective viewpoint has gerson therapy evercured a cancer patient? of course notthey won't even release their records what would it take for you to be convincedthat this therapy has credibility? well first of all it they have to showsome reason why it should work we know how cancers behave and we know the kinds of thingsthat cause cancer so they have to come up withsome kind of believable theory of why their diet should work
but second of allthey have to convince us... that everything we know about itin the past fifty years is wrong and they're right now how they're going tocome up with material like that? that's impossible... they don't have it dr gerson documented so many recoveries yet those recoveriesare not available to the public those published articles havebeen published in europe dr steven barrett can be consideredtoday's equivalent to morris fishbein
steady at the helm of his publicationquack watch dr barrett denounces every form of therapythat the official medicine considersto be a fraud or a fake "take the gerson therapy for example" "dr gerson was a physician who claimedthat he can cure cancer with diet" "and a number other methods" "there's absolutely no scientific evidencethat he's cured anyone" "every time they come i show them" "here is the patient you sent home to die... cured" "other patient you sent home to die... cured"
"next patient you sent home to die... cured" the gerson therapy was knownsome 75 years ago if doctors know there is a cure and sendpatients home to die that is an atrocity worse than the holocaust dr gerd hamer is the founderof the so-called new german medicine dr hamer believes that each cancer is the consequence of adeep psychological trauma that was notresolved by the individual
manifesting in a specific kind of tumorfor each kind of trauma despite the largepopular movement in his favor despite the support of many other doctorsfrom all over the world and despite the scientific evidencepresented by dr hamer the medical institutions have neverundertaken a serious evaluation of his work and have proceeded torevoke his license instead since then european authorities havebeen continuously harassing dr hamer until one day he was arrested in spain simply for having advised other citizenson the curative method they should follow
dr hamer ended up spendingnineteen months in a french prison today dr hamer is a free citizen again but he cannot practice medicinenor can he promote in any way his theory which appears to have the potential of helpingthousands of people all over the world in the 1970'sdr ernst t krebs perfected the so-calledtrophoblastic theory of cancer that had been originally proposed by dr john beard,one century ago the same theory had been developedand publicized by the former
dr ernst krebs according to krebs,vitamin b17 which is found in the seeds of apricotsand other similar fruits is an effective cure againstmany kinds of cancers... and especially...breast, lung, colon and prostate cancers vitamin b17 also known as laetrile has been one of the most popular remediesagainst cancer since the 1950's and in the last decadehas collected the support of many scientists and oncologistsfrom all over the world
in italy dr guidetti from the turin university undertook a scientific study on laetrilethat showed very promising results dr dean burke,head of the cyto-chemistry sectionof the national cancer institute has reported that in aseries of tests on animal tissue the b17 had no effect on normal cells but released so muchcyanide and benzaldehydewhen it came in contact with cancer cells that not one of them could survive he said "when we add laetrile to acancer culture under the microscope" we can see the cancer cellsdying off like flies
also sloan-kettering the new york basedcancer research institute seems to have known about thetherapeutic qualities of laetrile for a long time this was confirmed by one of theforemost cancer researchers of the time dr kanematsu sugiura in a magazineinterview published in 1977 as the news began to spread sloan-kettering pressured sagiurato refute his statements but he refused to do so forcing sloan-kettering to officially denythe anti-cancer qualities of laetrile sloan-kettering was later accused offalsifying the research
on which they based theirnegative statement on laetrile this was not the only case in the majorwar waged by the medical industry in the 1970's against laetrile dr john richardson md,who is now deceased had a cancer clinic, a very thriving cancer clinic,up in the san francisco area, in the 1970's when he metdr ernst krebs junior he had many conferences with him he became familiar with the theory,the science behind it
and began to cautiously use it in his practice he was losing most of his patientsthat he was treating for cancer he went from that.. to a high success rate almost overnightby using this substance and so he became very enthusiastic about it the word got around his patients were very happy of courseand they told their friends and it wasn't very long before people werecoming from all over the united states and in some cases even from europeto be treated at the richardson clinic
then he got into trouble with themedical authorities the hospital administrationcontacted him and said "you have to stop using this material,because it is not approved by the fda" and he said"yeah i know it's not approved... but it works" they said"we don't care whether it works or not..." " it is not an approved substanceand you're in violation of the law " medical authorities have never recognizedthe therapeutic use of laetrile while the fda has listed itamong the toxic substances making it in fact illegal to be soldin the united states
in 1992 dr william lanepublished a book called sharks don't get cancer in which he maintained that shark cartilagehas the capacity of inhibiting the growth of tumors in order to grow beyond a certain size every tumor needs to build itsown capillary system the creation of new blood vesselsis called angiogenesis shark cartilage has a specificanti-angiogenic characteristic in that it envelops the growing tumorand literally suffocates it by not allowing the newcapillary system to grow
the anti-angiogenic characteristicof shark cartilage is well known to official medicine and it's confirmed by a numberof different scientific studies but shark cartilage for some reasonis not suggested as a cure for cancer while the pharmaceutical companies arecompeting in secret to produce a similar compoundin the lab or to extract from the cartilage a specific compound that can be patentedand exploited commercially but they are interested in,is finding something...
perhaps within something in nature if they can find some sub-componentthat they can extract and then make it a man-made chemicalthat works the same way then they can patent that,then they're interested but not if it comes from nature another well-known remedy against cancer, particularly popular in europeis mistletoe a semi-parasitic plant found on oaksand other similar trees mistletoe is used to produce differentmedicines, like iscador
whose effectiveness against cancerhas been known for many years i think it deserves some meritbecause it's nothing new it's not a fad it's been around a long time,its been used for over 70-80 years austrian scientist and philosopherrudolf steiner the founder of anthropolgical medicine suggested the use of mistletoeagainst cancer almost a hundred years ago this plant has been considered sacredsince the times that the celts who worshipped it and used itas a universal ailment
in a cancer patient mistletoe causes an immediateincrease in the macrophages which is normally followed by aregression of the disease we do know that it hasimmune stimulatory properties if they measure the cytokines,they can see them actually go up with using mistletoe there's components in mistletoethat are actually cytotoxic meaning they can actually kill cancer cells or it can put them to sleep in steiner clinics, iscador is usedas part of a larger program against cancer
that includes all the emotional, psychologicaland spiritual aspects of the individual in the united states mistletoeis almost unknown but the task of denyingits curative qualities has been taken up, in this caseby the british sanitary system who have resorted to the well-knownexcuse of absence of evidence the bct has reviewed the evidencerelating to mistletoe in the management of breast cancer and we have found... and i'm one of thewho has looked at the evidence
...we have found that there'sno convincing or supporting evidence recently, american author and actresssuzanne somers announced that she defeated cancerusing mistletoe you mentioned cancer back in 2001 you... on this program,announced that you had been battling cancer most people would just go tothe doctor and get chemo you went a different are you now? well i just had my killer-cells tested... naturally,that's your immune system you know i have been injecting thatiscador for eight years
so... i haven't had a cold,i haven't had anything you don't have cancer? i don't have cancer anymore the list of historic cases in which a potentialcure for cancer has fallen into oblivion could literally continue for hours from the vitamin c cureby nobel prize winner linus pauling to the infamous krebiozen by dr ivy from the molecular cures through themicroscope of dr rife to dr coley toxins...
the dynamics have always been the same the doctors have been ostracized,derided or persecuted without their therapies ever beingconsidered for serious scientific evaluation in
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