did you know butter can make your pants falloff? neither did i until i started eating butterand cream and bacon and eggs and fatty cuts of chicken cooked in good old fashioned lard. i lost 145 pounds in 14 months, eating buttermade my size 54 pants fall off hello, my name is bob, i'm fifty years old,i'm not a diet guru, i'm just an average working class guy and i know my story soundscrazy, but i hope you'll hear me out if you're fat, sick and hurting, i hope you'll giveme a few minutes of your time, because i believe my story could really changeyour life. instead of calling this video "butter makesyour pants fall off", i almost called it:
"sugar made me so fat i couldn't sit in afolding chair" the truth is - this is me on may 8th, 2013, i couldn't sit in these fold down chairs. you know the type with arm rests that arenightmares for fat people. me and my family had gone to my son's collegegraduation. the ceremony was held on the floor of a huge gymnasium, in nashville but we hadto sit way up high in the nose bleed section on one of those long hard uncomfortable woodenbenches, because i was too fat to sit in these chairs close to the ceremony. i want to tell you about how i went from thatguy, to this:
i'm about to tell you something you mightnot believe at first, but fat does not make you fat. the more fat you eat, the less fatyou'll have hanging over your belt. butter is diet food for people who tend toget fat. and if saying "butter is diet food" shocksyou, i'll take it a step further, and shock you more. i know butter and cream and bacon and lardare fantastic health restoring miracle foods. i lost 100 pounds in 7 months and another45 pounds in the 7 months after that for a total of 145 pounds in 14 months. eating fat is the best cholesterol medicine.
the best heart burn and acid reflux medicineis eating fat. eating fat is the best joint pain reliever. the best weight loss medicine and the bestappetite suppressant is eating fat. listen, i'm the drug companies worst freakingnightmare, i'm a middle aged man, and i'm not on any of their pills. i don't smother when i sleep on my back, i don't have acid reflux or heartburn anymore, i don't have cholesterol problems or highblood pressure, i don't get the shakes from my sugar goingtoo low.
i used to have such severe joint pain andstiffness that i could barely get out of bed in the morning. it was painful to walk, myknees and feet hurt so bad i could only use them by grinning and baring it. and my handsand shoulders were no picnic either, let me tell you. i used to live on aleve just to make it throughthe day, but now i don't have joint aches and pains anymore. the drug companies can't sell me their pillsanymore. i've been on a high fat low carb diet everyday for 16 months. and i want to share some my numbers with you:
i went from 58 inches at my belly on april8th, 2013 to 34 and a half inches at my belly button today. i just got a blood test on august 4th, 2014and here's my results: my fasting glucose was 79 which is great,so i'm certainly not diabetic. my hdl cholesterol is 48 which is good.my triglycerides are 53 which is fantastic. listen, a high fat diet has not clogged myarteries. i went on this diet because i found out whyi was fat and sick and hurting from joint pain, it was because i couldn't handle sugar. i'm not saying sugary foods are bad for everyone,obviously there are people who handle them
quite well. i'm saying they're poison to people like me. poison to people who tend to get fat. sugar is a poison to people like me and you,if you're fat around the middle. sugar is the poison and eating fat is thecure. listen and let me tell you something you alreadyknow: fat people handle food differently than thinpeople. we all know people who are fat and we saythey're fat because they eat to much. but on the other hand, we all know peoplewho eat like horses and they're slim and trim
and never gain weight. but you know what, why don't we say the skinnyperson is skinny because they eat too much? you know, when the fat guy eats too much it'sautomatically the reason he's fat. you know, if it's just calories, if gettingfat is just a simple math problem. 1 + 1 = 2 , then if you eat too much you oughtto get fat. and if you don't eat a lot, you ought to getthin, period. you know the question of why some of us getfat is not about calories we all know it can't be just calories because some people justdon't get fat. and the real question is why do some peoplecollect fat and stay hungry, and why do other
people not collect fat and stay full of energy,slim and trim? what causes people like me and you to storemore of the food we eat as fat, instead of burning that food for energy? this is the key to why "butter makes yourpants fall off". see, the person who stores what he eats asfat has got a problem and that problem is what doctors call "insulin resistance". now this is kind of a complicated idea, buti"m going to make it as simple as i know how. those of us with insulin resistance, maketoo much insulin when we eat or drink foods that turn into sugar in our bodies.
you know what, if you're fat around the middle,got a fat belly, you probably have insulin resistance. i say you're probably insulin resistant ifyou have a big belly because doctors believe the one thing insulin resistant people havein common is a big belly. they're fat around the middle. and you don'thave to be hugely fat, it begins when you start getting bigger in the tummy. the fatter and bigger your belly is, the moreinsulin resistant you probably are. and the fatter your belly gets, the more insulinyou make when you eat carbohydrates. the word carbohydrate is what my grandpa usedto call a 2 dollar word.
so i'll explain that 2 dollar word with my50 cent education. carbohydrates are any food or drink that ourbody turns into the sugar as soon as we eat it, like potatoes, corn, sugar, soft drinks,cake, cookies, and bread. here's the problem in a nutshell: whenever you eat anything with sugar or anythingthat your body turns into sugar, in other words a two dollar carbohydrate. your pancreas, everybody's pancreas, skinnythin it doesn't matter who it is, your pancreas, a little organ right belowyour liver, releases insulin to keep your blood sugar at a certain level.
this is everybody. insulin is a hormone that your body uses todrive sugar out of your bloodstream and into your muscles to use as energy. and insulin also drives sugar and fat thatyou eat into your fat cells to store for energy between meals and while you sleep. insulin is normal and healthy and life giving,but for people who tend to get fat, we've got this problem called insulin resistance. if you have insulin resistance, and you probablydo if you have a fat belly, then when you eat carby-sugary foods, your muscles, yourorgans, even your fat cells resist the drive
of insulin to put more sugar in them. they don't want anymore sugar. they refuse accepting anymore sugar, it'slike your muscles say "no more, no thank you." they resist the drive of insulin to forcethis sugar into them. and you know, this is dangerous because yourbody has got to get this sugar out your blood, it can't stay there or you'd die, so yourpancreas makes more insulin to force these resistant cells to accept the sugar. now here's the problem, when insulin levelsare high in your body, you can not burn fat. you can't burn the fat you just ate and youcan't burn the fat around your belly for energy.
the problem goes even further for the bigbelly, insulin resistant person, the more insulin you release and the longer your insulinlevel stay up, the more of the food that you just ate is locked up in your fat and can'tbe burned as energy. you just ate a big bowl of cereal, but yourmuscles are insulin resistant, so you made too much insulin to force the sugar into yourmuscles. this high insulin locks a big part of thiscereal up in your fat cells. in other words, your fat belly stole yourbreakfast and if it steals a part of your breakfast, you know what? it leaves you hungry. if your still hungry after eating, you knowwhat you'll do?
you'll eat more. you'll eat more, to makeup for the cereal your fat cells are holding onto. and if you eat a snack cake and a soft drinkbetween meals, to make up for this cereal that your fat cells stole from you becauseyou're still hungry, you'll just spike your insulin again. keeping your fat locked up even longer, soyou can't burn the fat in your belly between meals. for the thin, skinny person, it's a differentsituation, his insulin goes up, his muscles accept that sugar, they don't resist it andthis energy makes him feel good and he stores
whatever extra calories he ate in his fatcells temporarily, then his insulin level goes down and he'llburn the fat that he stored in his fat cells between meals and while he sleeps, he feelsgood, he doesn't gain weight, for the thin guy everything's normal and cool. but for you, eating a high sugar meal is aproblem, because your insulin levels go higher and last longer than the skinny guys. you've got a big belly, you're insulin resistant,you produce too much insulin. when your insulin is high, the burning offat, in your body, is shut down. this makes sense, because if the body is burningfat, it doesn't need to burn the sugar you
just ate for energy, so insulin shuts downthe burning of fat to help clear the sugar out of the blood faster. high insulin levels store food as fat andshuts off the burning of fat. when the person who tends to get fat eatssugary foods, their insulin is higher and lasts longer than the thin person. you can't burn fat and because you can't burnpart of what you just ate, then you're left still hungry and with less energy, soyou're also tired. now you know what happens when insulin ishigh, now i want to tell you what happens when insulin is low.
without insulin, it's almost impossible tostore calories as fat. and without insulin, your fat cells startreleasing the fat they've stored to be used as energy. we can see this in type 1 insulin dependentdiabetics. you know, in the days before insulin couldbe manufactured and put in shot form, being diagnosed with this type of diabetes was adeath sentence. one of the first signs that a person had thisdisease is they start losing a lot of weight, even while eating normal amounts of food. without enough insulin they can no longeruse the sugary, starchy foods they ate for
energy and they can no long store extra caloriesin fat. insulin puts sugar into muscles and fat andkeeps the body from burning fat. without insulin, they quickly release so muchfat from their fat cells that they overwhelm their system. without insulin, it's nearly impossible tostore fat and without insulin your body releases the fat you have stored to burn for energy. another example of low insulin is people whoare starving or fasting for a long time. listen, when there's no food, insulin is verylow, people quickly lose their fat. you can see an example of this, starving orfasting when you watch these people on these
survivor tv shows, you know these people mightlose 25 to 30 pounds in a few weeks when they don't have anything to eat. the interesting question is this, and whati'm about to say is key to understanding why butter makes your pants fall off. if you don't have any food, what does thebody eat? what does your body eat, when you, as a personcan't eat? in other words, you're not putting any thingin your mouth, no food in your mouth, but the body itself has to have constant energyor it would die immediately. so what does the starving body eat when there'sno food?
it eats fat. it eats it's own fat. it's own fat stored around it's belly andbutt and chinny, chin chins. when you're starving, your own belly fat supplies85% of your energy needs. the interesting thing about starvation andfasting is this: what is the one type of food the starvingand fasting person is really doing without? of coarse they're not eating food, but theirbody is eating still. the starving body isn't doing without fat,they're eating their own fat. and their not doing without protein either,because their body breaks down their own tissues for protein.
the only thing these people are really doingwithout - is carbohydrates. this is what's so funny to me when peoplesay eating a high fat diet is dangerous. you see, your body converts some of the sugarand nearly all the fat you eat, into body fat and stores it in your fat cells afteryou eat. this is natural, this is what happens everydayof your life. the normal-weight person releases fat fromtheir own body between meals and during sleep and this body fat that they release, amountsto an average of 60% of their daily energy. even normal-weight people are on a 60% fatdiet. everyone is living on this high fat diet anddoesn't know it.
listen, even if you go on a low fat, low caloriediet while you're on that diet and you're losing weight. if you count the amount offat that your body is releasing as you lose weight as a part of the food you're eating,which it really is - even people on a low fat, low calorie diet,are really on a high fat, high calorie diet. you know our bodies eat this fat and it addsup to 60% of the energy we use each day. even the vegans and vegetarians, who wouldrather die than eat an animal, even these vegans are eating their own human animal fatbetween meals and while they sleep, human animal fat produced by their own body fromall the bananas they've been eating. this living on fat is normal. and if yourbody does it right, you will not be fat.
but with those of us who are insulin resistant,it is our high insulin levels which block us from burning this fat at a rate that wouldallow us to remain slim. you know i don't want to get too technical,and we can do it in some other video but, people who are obese, they have a problemburning fat, anyway. there's just something about us that causesus to have a problem burning fat. skinny people burn fat, easy. so, that's justa little aside and we'll do a video on that sometime in the future. so when you starve or fast, you're reallyjust doing without carbs and you're eating somewhere around 85% of calories from yourown fat.
now i want you to look at this breakfast. this bacon, egg and butter meal is made outof the same type of food that i'd be eating if i was starving. this meal, along with this coffee and theheavy cream in this coffee amounts to a high fat diet. 80% of the calories you see here - are fatcalories it's low in carbs, so my insulin responsewill be low. when i used to eat cereal, my insulin washigh, the burning of fat would be shut down which would cause my fat belly to steal partof my breakfast.
you know, if i have something and you takeit and hold it and don't let me use it, you've stolen my stuff. if you eat, and some of that food is keptin storage by high insulin levels then you can't use it for energy, then your fat bellyhas stolen your breakfast. and if your breakfast has been stolen, you'llstill be hungry. but with the bacon, eggs and butter, my insulinis kept low. i get to use those calories for energy andi get to use the fat i've already got stored in my belly. i'm eating plenty of protein, so i'm not breakingdown my muscles and destroying my organs.
you know, with low insulin, my body is freeto burn my fat for energy. i won't be left hungry, because keeping insulinlow, keeps the flow of energy from my fat belly wide open. listen, this is not something i read in abook, although i did learn it from a book what i'm about to tell you something thati live, everyday. i live this life. it's not what i read in a book. i live everyday with complete control overmy appetite because my fat is not locked up by high insulin levels. getting to use these calories gives me energyall the time and even better, i have control
without using willpower or struggling at all. will power is great and if you can exercisethat will power, that's fantastic, but will power can not forever overcome human biology. you've got to get the help of your human biologyto assist your will power, if you want long term success. eating stuff like this, will keep you in afat releasing mode, instead of a fat storing mode. listen, your body is designed to release fatwhen insulin is low. when you eat fat your keeping your insulinlow, and you're going to get to use those
fat calories to burn as energy and you'regoing to get to use the calories already stored in your fat to tide you over between mealsand while you sleep. you'll notice your appetite going way downand your energy level going way up, so long as you keep your insulin low by not eatingor even worse drinking carbs. the key to why butter makes your pants falloff is this: when you replace the carbs you took out ofyour diet, and you add back fat, it keeps you satisfied. it reduces your appetite, and it gives youcontrol over your appetite for the first time in your life.
without carbs spiking a high insulin response,fat will give you appetite control like you will not believe until you experience it yourself. you know, it's the one thing people alwaystell me when they go on this diet. and this is how i know they're really doingthe diet right. they always say how they have control overtheir appetite for the first time in years. some times they forget to eat and think back,did i eat? i experience this all the time, not only that, you can go hours and hourswithout eating. you'll start burning the fat in your belly,instead of storing more of it. this will reduce your insulin resistance.
your fat belly won't steal your breakfast you'll be able to eat and use that energyand the energy being released from your fat belly to live your life with very little hunger. you won't have to eat more later to make upfor the food your fat cells stole from you. you'll start feeling better and having moreenergy. you'll break the vicious cycle, by directlyattacking the root of the problem - which is too much insulin. listen you've been struggling with this hungerproblem your whole life, struggling with food and an out of control appetite your wholelife.
the best thing to do, is to attack the problemwhere it lives, you've got an insulin problem, stop the insulin problem. i'm going to say that again.stop the insulin problem. your body produces insulin when you eat carbs. now listen, it produces insulin when you eattoo much protein, and i know there's a lot of other reasons. but you know, for most big heavy people, theproblem is carbs. and for all you food police people out therethat want to argue with me that there's other things that spike insulin that's fine, i knowthat, i know that's true and everybody knows
that's true. but guess what? that doesn't matter to theperson that's heavy. what's causing their problem is eating too many carbs. when you eliminate the problem, high insulincaused by too much sugary foods and drinks, you attack and defeat the root cause of yourfat collecting problem and the root cause of your appetite control problem. listen, when you eat eggs and bacon, insteadof cereal, then you stop your fat cells from stealing your breakfast. you know the first thing i always hear frompeople when i tell them about this diet is:
"you mean i have to give up my potatoesand bread? i got to quit drinking soft drinks?" yea, you got to give them up. the reason yougot to give em up, is you got a carbohydrate problem, you can't handle the sugar. you can't handle the sugar that's in thosethings. you make too much insulin when you eat them. will you be able to handle it when you loseyour weight? you might be able to. maybe? maybe not, dependson how much damage you've done to your system over the years. you'll probably never be able to eat likeyou did when you were young again.
i've been able to add back some potatoes tomy food since i've lost the weight, but i've not added back the flour and sugarand i never will, because, and that's a subject for a future video, because i like being slimand pain free and i don't like my guts to hurt. but i want to turn the question around. are you really giving up potatoes and breadand snack cakes and soft drinks, or are you giving up a big belly, giving up 50 extrapounds, 100 extra pounds, a 150 extra pounds. are you giving up arthritis? i did are you giving up acid reflux and heartburn?i did
are you giving up sleep apnea and a nighttimebreathing mask? i never had that, but i had trouble sleeping on my back. are you giving up a couple hundred dollarsof prescription drugs every month, or a lot of money for over-the-counter pain relieversevery month? are you giving up dying twenty years soonerthan you should? or feeling like death while you're still alive? are you giving up not being able to play withyour kids and grand kids because your too fat? are you giving up not being able to sit ina chair?
you got to see this from the right perspective. when you attack this problem where it lives,i mean really attack the problem where it lives, too much insulin caused by eating toomuch sugar. you can get rid of this problem or you canat least beat it down to where it's manageable. this is not a casual problem you got. it's really not weight. weight is the cosmeticthing that you see, but real problem is what's going on inside your body. weight's important. but insulin resistance is really associatedwith some really nasty, expensive, life shortening
and life destroying diseases. insulin resistance is at the root of heartdisease, stoke, angina, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high triglycerides,joint pain/ osteoarthritis. polycystic ovarian syndrome which is the causeof irregular periods in women and pelvic pain and cysts on their ovaries. you know high insulin levels or insulin resistanceis associated with several types of cancer. and a lot of them are cancers that women get,and men too, but some of them are more female. esophagus cancer, the pancreas cancer, thecolon cancer, breast cancer and cancer of the uterus and kidneys.
you know these cancers are associated, i'mnot saying that they are caused by high insulin resistance, but people with insulin resistanceare prone to these types of cancer. listen, open heart surgery is a major, majorlet down. it's super expensive and life threatening and could be life destroying. high triglycerides, low hdl cholesterol, cloggingof your arteries and causing you to have to have open heart surgery or stents, that'sa major, major problem. and insulin resistance is highly associatedwith this disease. cardiovascular disease, heart disease, isclosely meshed with insulin resistance. and you know diabetes, which is widespreadanymore and arthritis are devastating and
they're expensive too.listen folks, the associations that i've just talked about between these diseases and highinsulin are real. all you have to do is go online go to google,type in one of names of these diseases that i just mentioned and add the phrase "insulinresistance" and you'll see just how real this stuff is. so if you have a big belly and if you haveinsulin resistance this is serious business. so are you giving up potatoes, and bread andsoft drinks and snack cakes, or are you giving up these diseases that aregoing to rob you of the enjoyment of your middle aged years and old age.
you know you've got to decide which one youwant more, cakes and candy, potatoes and bread, or playing with the kids and grand kids, stayingoff expensive medicines and being slim and healthy.
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