Selasa, 20 Desember 2016

como se desarrolla el cancer de colon


this documentary is not trying to convinceanyone about anything. its only objective is to show a personal experience that youmay find useful. this documentary started right here whilei was playing the fool for others on tv. after 6 years in this context, something kept tellingme that there should be better ways to make a career in life. finally, my rebelliousnessended with me getting the sack. such a pity, uh? i donâ´t think so... actually, it may be the best thing that ever happened to me. tired of saying whatever others wanted tohear, i decided to start a journey somewhere, and on the way, tell a story. i chose asiaas my destiny, but i didnâ´t have any theme yet. out of the blue, i came across claireand stefan, french, who based their diet in

raw or living food. it was the first timei heard the word "raw eater" and suddenly an image came through my mind.... the word "raw", like many others, has often been misunderstood and mistreated by those who invented the dictionary, becoming a synonym for cruel, merciless, atrocious, and even bloodthirsty and inhuman. this can obviously lead to confusion. moreover, it's curious that "raw eater" or "raw eating" doesnâ´t even come out in dictionaries. this french couple introduced me to balta,a raw eater for 18 years that, by sheer chance, was on his way to asia the same date as myself.he was on his way to visit other raweaters and to eat durian, the socalled fruit of gods.we decided to spend a month travelling together.

i then started to know a little bit more ofthis manâ´s fascinating life. i remember my childhood with lots of tendermemories, surrounded by nature, in a little village of 300 inhabitants, with lots of animals,with a very primitive kind of nature. i was always doing stuff different from the otherkids, right? i never liked church. i never liked school.all of this non-conformism kept growing and growing inside of me. one day it exploded. at the age of 17 i didnâ´t want to know aword about what my father ordered me. i completely disagreed with the system that ruled the village,based on hard work and marriage as the only way to receive any family benefits.

and from there, everything was a i didnâ´t really care for anything. for example i recall me and my friends robbingcars, or going to portugal to get drugs and then sell them...that is, everything thatwas lawless. it was a form of disagreement, of rebelliousness. it was a way of releasing energy, but today i realise it was in a destructive way. the most authentic and true rebelliousnessis the one towards yourself. i mean, overcoming yourself. if you want a better world withbetter people you must be that example yourself, right? back from asia, balta organised in his villa the 1st festival of living food in spain. whilst getting everything ready for it, i lived with balta during one of the most intense moments of his life: the unexpected visit of the media.

hey you! i am on every t.v. channel, everyonein la cascada. you know it, donâ´t you? oh, really! what channel? oh, i have no tv!in all of them, girl, i donâ´t know how many of them! are you filming pablo? donâ´t film me!no!, donâ´t worry. i donâ´t see you like a cameraman balta. anyone would say that we had found robinsoncrusoe in a pacific island, but nothing to do... they chose raw food in search of the healthiest diet... we are here with a naturist collective whosebase of feeding is raw food. people are going to pay more attention. if you bite an apple,i can do so... whereas eating raw lettuce, with no dressing...

this diet consists of eating vegetable originfood: fruit, vegetables, seeds, avocado... that is, a whole variety of food that correspond us by nature, due to our human and animal being frugivorous nature. here in spain, we have a vast array of season fruit like orange,avocado, watermelon, fuits that you surely know. also seeds such as sesame, flax seed, nuts or fatty grains such as hazelnuts, macadamy nuts, almonds, cashew nuts, dates... and also salads and other dishes we prepare mixingfood. we put some of this food in the sun shade... and that is the raw-vegan origin food. a vegetarian diet consists also on cooked food, the raw food diet is a completely exempt from fire as a cooking method. itâ´s a raw diet, we donâ´t use any kind of cooking. fruit is the most suitable food we can consume because of our digestive system, our enzyme system and the way our body responds aftereating raw food. it has been scientifically proven.

talking about the origin of raw eating istalking about the origin of mankind. what did men do first? hunting or foraging? whatis utterly evident is that men have always pursued good health. the book "the children of sun" names some of the precursors of the current raw eating movement in the western world. the wandervogel (free spirits) searched forcommunion with nature. the naturmenschen (nature men) preferredgoing to prison rather than following the traditional rules. louis kuhne founded in 1883 the internationalestablishment for the science of healing without medicines or surgery. he defended raw feeding. he claimed thatfood must be consumed just as nature offers it to us. he wrote "the new science of healing". ghandi shared his philosophy. karl diefenbach, a german painter, discovered,through disease, the natural cure

he practiced nudism and sunbathing. he consumed natural food. dr. benedict lust was considered the fatherof naturopathy in the usa. he claimed that the ideal diet was basedon seeds and fruits. eden ahbez, from n.y., crossed the usa 4times. he did it by foot. he composed "nature boy", number one in theusa. frank sinatra, amongst others, made covers of this song. arnold ehret undertook a bicycle trip of800 miles eating only raw food and fasting. hermann sexauser thought that the ban ofanimal protein consume would bring the end of all wars. adolf just thought that real happiness couldonly be found in a natural environment. he promoted the advantages of ditching cooking:more time to share, less diseases and more vitality.

he stated that peopleâ´s current major needis leaving big cities. ghandi found inspiration to rebel against medical treatments after reading his works of the benefits of a raw diet for our body. during the year and a half i've known people in this circle everyone is convinced of the benefits of the raw diet in our body. my arrival at the raw food was through the kitchen. i eat raw food three years ago. i always did in the city. itâ´s a difficult experience, the key is commiting to yourself. i did everything, from cleaning meat to getstressed up with 50 other cooks at the same time. however, my soul was yearning for somethingdifferent. i was serving a lot of food and i thought that i wanted to give somethinggood to the people. thatâ´s how i found raw eating. i called for it and it came to life changed completely, the way of seeing life, the way of seeing everything.

it changed my way of thinking, it clicked with some parts of myself that were completely deactivated before. my skin changed, my organs deflated, my life changed completely... heâ´s lost in every step he takes, heâ´sbadly wounded and he falls down as he walks. heâ´s consumed and his hands are helpless.with everything hidden you want to be, with no senses, with no humanity. watch out everystep you take, step on where you walk...if you have a goal, you can reach it, but neverstop dreaming.... i was a pioneer in reflexology in mallorca,iâ´m a reiki master and i practice rebirthing. iâ´ve been eating raw for six years. the firsttwo years were really tough, i was alone and i wasnâ´t doing it correctly. i got reallybad anemia.however, i discovered the hipocrates institute

and i got cured eating wheat germinates,green juices and all the raw gourmet food you can eat there. it has given so much tome. i have lost 14 kilograms doing this diet. as a vegetarian i ate a lot of bread, yummybread and pasta, really nice pasta, but i feel much better now and i enjoy much moremy salads, my avocados...i just grab anything that is green and i do my germinates. i feelfull of energy and i feel better now than when i was 18. we were escaping from the police, me andmy friends. eventually they got caught and then they caught me and my other friend aswell. i started eating raw food in prison. i meta guy in prison, a catalonian anarchist. he was a vegetarian, he ran every day in thecourt. we became friends. i then started recalling

those years when i was vegetarian for shortperiods of time. i told him that it would be good to change all that, change the diet.from the year 90 until i got released on 1995, those five years i ate raw food. a very hard time in my life, especially inprision because they didnâ´t want to give me raw food. they just gave me normal dishesin order to avoid any nuisance, to make a "normal" and well behaved person of me. theyonly gave me salads that consisted on a few cabbage leaves with a bit of onion and thatwas it, that was my food, right? but on the other hand it was, as i was tellingyou before, a school. it was a school for me. i took it as if it was a monastery wherei learnt from people. i learnt from solitude,

i learnt from the toughness of being in sucha tiny space and i learnt from spending so much time with myself. it was a path thati created myself inside of that place. i think it has done a lot of good to me. i mean, theresult of all of it, not the fact of being there, cause itâ´s something that i wouldnâ´twant for anyone. at one point my cell became something like a consultancy. they came asking me for books, they came lookingfor the end i even became friends with one of the prison directors, he sometimescame to me for some health and diet advice. what raw eating means to me is the law thatnature has towards all animals. itâ´s the lost link in the chain, one of the crucialpieces that we all need to live healthily.

from all the raw eating people i met duringmy journey, the one that shocked me the most was scott. this american that made his homein thailand, practices "instinctivism", which only difference with raw eating is that theyalso include raw fish and meat in the diet. you can doubt or not about this type of diet.however, i guess we all agree in one thing, how appalling our current eating habits are. the way we are eating nowadays is wrong,we are making a big mistake...itâ´s killing us, itâ´s making us ill. there is no needto eat processed, frozen or microwaved food. there is no need to make animals suffer theway we are doing it, just to feed ourselves. there is no need for all these at all.

everything we cook above 42 degrees is looses all its enzymes, vitamins and minerals. if we put something dead inside our bodies,how will we feel then? dead, totally dead. sugar used to be food for slaves and todayitâ´s given to children everywhere, anywhere. itâ´s became something cultural nowadays.itâ´s something shocking, the way it has been modified and the way all our diet has been modified. thereâ´s a part of nutrition that feeds usemotionally. we eat when we feel anxious, we eat to conceal a problem that we donâ´twant to face. iâ´ve been analysing myself for some time whenever i crave for somethingsweet. itâ´s a childhood memory, whenever my parents said, for example, `oh, what alovely little girl, iâ´m gonna buy you some chocolateâ´.

they have to realise that they are takingus for fools, we just canâ´t live this way, we need to go back to what we were before,hundreds and thousands years ago. nature is wise. and itâ´s so clear, itâ´s clear that the worldis upside down and you can see it. fruit flavoured, smelling of flower, passion is an adventureruled by the heart. with the heart...with the path and each minute, enjoy it, but...oh,the chains of babylon....fruit flavoured. smelling of flower, passion is an adventureruled by the heart. this is reality. this is where all the meat and milk consumed by the majority of the planet come from. some of the images that follow are from thedocumentary `earthlingsâ´. cattle production is the major cause of global heating

half of the water at menâ´s disposal is destinedto produce meat. each year, millions of people are diagnosedwith cancer due to eating meat. between 20.000 and 40.000 litres of waterare needed to produce one kilogram of meat. we would save more water not eating one poundof meat than not taking 6 monthâ´s showers. almost a million of patients are diagnosedwith colon cancer each year. human beings donâ´t have uricase enzyme,the one that carnivores use to digest meat. this current policy of eating animal proteinanytime itâ´s ruining everything. itâ´s the deepest ecological mark thatâ´s hurting ourplanet. itâ´s the main cause of climate change cause it comes alongside with deforestation.

all grain used to feed cattle could feed2.000 million people. the milk that we drink nowadays is pasteurized,itâ´s full of antibiotics, full of hormones and full of pus from the cowâ´s udder becausethey over-exploit the cow. diseases that milk generates: anemia, arthritis,various types of cancer, colon diseases, diabetes, constipation, chronic fatigue, migraine, ulcer,allergies... problems related to meat feeding: diabetes,obesity, bone harm, increases cancer and heart attack risks, boosts depression... i wish all the doctors in this planet would be like you. the i festival of living food brought mean overall understanding of this information.

i realised that other healthy alternativesof life were possible. throw some firewood, i want to burn out,i want...wherever you canâ´t see, throw some wood, come closer,let me tell you what madeyou open your eyes. let goodness guide every step you take, keep shining, ...breathe wordsthat go away...he doesnâ´t want others, hold lost one day, making them realize that everythingwill be better. you know love is the key, that emanates just like feeling is talkingto god. guide your steps with goodness, never stop shining...breathing words that go away...hedoesnâ´t want others, hold on to the beating of feeling, being happy is incomprabale, thanksfor seeing...the ones that let themselves be seen. we discussed a lot of health issues, but icould only start figuring out this kind of

life style after hearing a new term for me permaculture we need to consider the ones that followus. every time he does something different to others we wonâ´t be happy and at the sametime, the more we give, the happier we will permaculture is an approach to designinghuman settlements. it could also be defined as creating your own private paradise. whodoesnâ´t want to live in their own paradise? a place like that, with plenty of food around,with a healthy relation between nature and people... thatâ´s an ideal and an utopia thatwe all dream about. permaculture solves the pragmatic side of it to make this ideal cometrue. then, through that scheme, through that

information, we can reach a lot of goals and,moreover, have a great time whilst achieving it. thatâ´s the purpose of it. itâ´s directly related to our raw eatingand frugivore routines, based on fruits and seed cause itâ´s also the agronomic systemthat less impact causes. the aim of permaculture permaculture is mainly based on three points:one would be nature knowledge, which has evolved of years have been finding solutions of feedingand nourishment... the third one would be the use of appropriate technologiesthat aim a harmonious development towards the environment. looking after nature, looking after the earthwould be the base. itâ´s as simple as this, we all depend on nature, nature is our subsistence,we are alive because of nature. all these systems are constantly working to enable usto eat ,breathe, drink and having the necessary

resources to cover our daily needs. the secondpoint of this ethic would be looking after people. the first step would then be bringingjoy and happiness to ourselves. we would start from there, from bringing peace to ourselves,well being and love. all of these take some time. however, you are sepnding this timeloving, not contaminating. the basis of happiness is giving to othersand to oneself. however, if we donâ´t give0:41:07.000,1193:02:47.295to others we wonâ´t be happy and at the sametime, the more we give, the happier we will be. following a raw diet doesnâ´t mean eatinglettuce and tomato exclusively nut milk what weâ´re making here is hemp milk. youcan make this milk from any seed or nut: sesame,almond, cashew nut, pine nut...

hummus with germinate chickpeas for example, it now needs some more liquidso iâ´m going to add something juicy like tomato. and then garlic, parsley, oil. youcan also add lemon. i sometimes also add some cumin. almond, fig and date cake you can also prepare this with raisins, walnut or any nut pizza with a base of flax seed and edible flowers0:43:16.000,1193:02:47.295cumin. durian, fruit of gods this is a kind of durian that is totallywild, itâ´s not an hybrid, it hasnâ´t been grafted. itâ´s the richest in nutrients andhas the best flavour.

you canâ´t carry durian on board flights,neither can you take it inside hotels. you canâ´t either carry it on buses due to itsstrong smell. it smells of rotten food. itâ´s something like cabrales spanish cheese, ithas a strong smell but it tastes delicious. the ideal moment to eat fruit is when theyfall off the tree. they are not that good when picked. you must let them fall down andthen eat them within the 7 following days. when they have twisted stalks it means theyhave been picked thus the quality is not the same. you can also see if itâ´s fresh by the smell and by the stalk. looking at the stalk you can corroborate itâ´s just fallen from the tree or maybe the night before.... this fruit is the best aphrodisiac, actually i donâ´tknow anything more powerful than this one

if thereâ´s something i learnt during thefestival it's that nutrition is fundamental. however, itâ´s not everything. the key iscombining a healthy nutrition with meditation. this changed my view of the world. what followshere is a list of three methods you can use to connect with your inner self. "alternatives therapies" "rebirthing" rebirthing is a conscious breathing and being with the earth. it helps changing those patterns of thinking that we all bring from birth. itâ´s related to nutrition, self esteem, the way our parents have treated us, conditioning factors of all nature. just practicing 20 breaths each day we can increase our body energy, improve the way we feel, improve longevity and rejuvenate. imagine this then, conscious breathing combined with this kind of diet which we are trying to introduce into spain.

the adding of these two would result on a very powerful tool.20 breaths would be 4 short ones and a longer one, 4 short ones and 1 long, 4 short onesand 1 long until you reach 20. our emotions get stuck right here, then the air needs togo up to open the chest. all the people that have asthma or heart problems are closing this spot. the aim is to open up. reiki is an ancient information that it wasgiven long time ago to a buddhist monk called nikao usui. previous to that he stayed for21 days in the kurama mountain. he was fasting there for 21 days because a monk told himto do so. the last day he fainted, thinking it was due to the fasting. he started to seea range of colours. he thought he was about to die and then a voice asked him if he reallywanted to learn that.

itâ´s information that it had to be transmittedunder certain guidelines in order to avoid any degeneration, any loss or any mistreatmentas it happened before. reiki need to be disciplined in the beginning, you need to keep 21 days of self treatment in order to heal yourself first. whenever someone has a slight chanceto help others, the common mistake is to start diagnosing too early, without going throughthat process of self healing first. whenever someone wants to learn reiki andasks what exactly it consists of, itâ´s just knowing that the energy is right there, youonly need to follow some guidelines to make it come easily. i can initiate you on reiki,i can tell you where to put your hands, i can do this and and i can tell you what itâ´sall about, but you donâ´t have to be firm about it, every day...

the most important thing to understand tantrais to know that everything is tantra. tantra was there before any other philosophy, itâ´ssaid that is the mother of everything. tantraâ´s aim is to expand and free yourpersonality which is normally very repressed. you get released on and on from masks andlayers youâ´ve been carrying. tantra tells you: be natural. maybe you think that you need to be with yourself cause youâ´ve been hanging around for too long and itâ´s time to find your own center. itâ´s the time to be by yourself, to reorganize your energy and then embrace life. the magic about tantra is that women are utterly satisfied and men donâ´t get obsessed about reaching orgasm. men are too concerned about reaching orgasm and cuming. we are too stuck on the habit of having an orgasm no matter what. repetition makes the habit and habit creates the tendency. those tendencies move the character which then decides the conduct.

this is the way ego solidifies. changing habits is then crucial. donâ´t stop having sex whenever you need it. you fancy it, yes,but when you start practicing tantra, the more you practice, the less ordinary sex you will fancy. you will realize that you will still practice sex, but tantric sex. the causes that brought me to prison stillexist within society, this means that i need to be aware to avoid making the same mistake. what i do, i do it for my own goes well and that is the best example to show others. iâ´m not trying to convince anyone, iâ´m not selling any medicine, iâ´m not trying to sell anything at all. iâ´m only talking about my own experience. iâ´ve been starving in prison while beingconfined in an insulation cell. it was absolutely horrible.

the walls were all stained withblood, spittle everywhere. they bound me hand and foot for 10 days and 10 nights. it wasso tough, incredibly hard... in my mind i had all these thoughts, allthat iâ´m living now. all these trees, nature, fruit, freedom. no bars, no walls, no-onetelling you when to wake up, when to get dressed, when to bath, what to do, all that.... there couldn't be a better way to finishthis documentary than with one of many metaphors that life brings us: the union between manand animals through food, completely in the wild... we are just the same. we are just the sameanywhere, we are just animals searching for freedom, we are just the same anywhere, justhappens that we come from different places... he is so peaceful. he takes it nothing butgently. not at all, he acts so cool.

...that they donâ´t want to give back to them,they prefer to hide them giving them nothing. this society is so unfair that with no reason,with no mercy, the rich gets more. itâ´s clear that they donâ´t want to give them anythingat all, they donâ´t want to give them their power back. this society is so unfair thatwith no reason, with no mercy, the rich gets more. we are just the same anywhere, we are just animals searching for freedom, we are the same anywhere, just happens that we come from different places.. ciao, ciao! see you, pablo! take care! itâ´s very nice for me to be here with you people and that all of you came with the intention of coming back to nature. all of this fills me up cause we really need to change everything thatâ´s happening in this planet...

i encourage you to be happier, to be more ambitious with happiness, which is the best investment you can make. happiness is built by helping the planet. when you help the planet you are helping others and vice versa. i wish all beings to be peaceful, everyoneto be blessed and happy. no more religion, just nature and life, peace and love! itâ´s just making a revolution, a peacefulrevolution in this case which for me is true revolution. we donâ´t need to givethem back what we are receiving. we need to come back to nature, come om!everyone come back to nature! spring water awaits, so the lakes. air, sun, fruit, dance and music are our food. thatâ´s all what it takes, just that, simple life. aho!!!!

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